Yelu Chucai (1190-1244) was named Jin Qing, also known as Zhanran Jushi and Yuquan Laoren. Liao clan. He was erudite and capable of writing. He was appointed as the Prime Minister by the Emperor of Yan Dynasty in the Yuan Dynasty. He lived in two dynasties and reformed all the bad Mongolian traditions. The scale of the founding of the Yuan Dynasty was beyond his control. He wrote the collection of Zhanran laymen. He is well-read in many books, familiar with astronomy, geography, laws and calendars, medical divination and Buddhism, and is good at poetry and prose.

  In his youth, he served as a fellow magistrate of Jin Kaizhou. After Emperor Xuanzong of the Jin Dynasty moved the capital, Wanyan Fuxing stayed in the central capital and was appointed as a member of the left and right department, Wai Lang. After the Mongolian army defeated Zhongdu, Genghis Khan summoned him in Mobei. He praised him very much and called him "Wutusa is reasonable" (long-bearded man). The following year, he joined the army in the Western Expedition. Later, during the period of Ogedei Khan, he participated in discussions on military and state affairs, established etiquette for kings and ministers, and established a taxation system for Ogedai, so that Mongolia had a rough etiquette and legal system and sufficient national supplies. Abolish the old system of massacre of cities and preserve the people of the conquered lands. Established a compilation office and a classics office, printed Confucian classics, opened courses to recruit scholars, gradually developed literature and education, and recruited Confucian scholars. Officials arrive at Zhongshu Order. After the death of Wokuotai, Queen Ma Zhen came to power. The government was in chaos, she couldn't fight hard, and she ended up feeling sad and angry. After his death, he was given to King Guangning and given the posthumous title Wenzheng.

  Yelu Chucai was deeply influenced by the culture of the Jin Dynasty when he was young. Before Zhao Mengfu reversed the trend of calligraphy in the Jin Dynasty and the late Southern Song Dynasty, his calligraphy had a certain representativeness. The original biography of "History of the Yuan Dynasty" says: "He is good at calligraphy. His calligraphy and paintings in his later years are particularly vigorous and vigorous, as if made of cast iron. His fortitude will last until old age." His calligraphy inherited the calligraphy style of Yan Zhenqing and Huang Tingjian of the Tang and Song Dynasties, which is vigorous and vigorous. , tough and upright, famous for its strictness and strength, with "Heshuo majesty", which is completely different from the Jin people's charm later advocated by Zhao Mengfu. Song Lian of the Ming Dynasty said: "The calligraphy and painting made by Yelv Wenzheng in his later years are particularly vigorous and vigorous, as if they were made of cast iron. Their fortitude will last until old age."





Yelu Chucai's "A Scroll of Poems for Liu Man" in regular script, 36.5X282.3cm, collected by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.