Zhong Yao (151-230) was a calligrapher of the Wei Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms, with the courtesy name Yuanchang. A native of Changshe, Yingchuan (now Changge, Henan). Or he was from Xuchang. He was appointed as the Marquis of Dongwu Ting. At the beginning of the Wei Dynasty, he was in Dali and moved to the state of Xiang. When Emperor Wen ascended the throne, he was changed to Tingwei, promoted to Gao Xianghou, and transferred to Pingyang Township Marquis. During the Ming Dynasty, he was granted the title of Marquis of Dingling and moved to the post of Taifu. He was known as "Taifu Zhong", and his posthumous title was Chenghou. Gong calligraphy, calligraphy studies Cao Xi, Liu Desheng, Cai Yong. His regular script calligraphy was unparalleled at that time, and he said that he had been studying calligraphy for thirty years. The work is beautiful, elegant and profound.
  He lived in an era when official script and regular script were changing. As Yuan Yuan said in his "General Commentary on Calligraphers": "Since the Han and Wei dynasties, although the calligraphy has been different, most of them have the style of official script and official script, so their constitution is ancient." Therefore, in his The real book also contains a strong sense of officialdom. His small regular script is slightly flat, with dense lines, thick stipples, fresh and vigorous brushwork, mellow and simple, and full of natural and simple meaning. Zhang Huaiguan of the Tang Dynasty commented in "Shujuan": "The real calligraphy is quaint and elegant, and the Tao is in line with the gods, and Yuan Chang is the first." He also said: "Yuan Chang's real calligraphy is exquisite, surpassing that of a master, and both strong and soft. Between the stipples, there are many It has a unique interest, it can be said to be deep and profound, and more than quaint. There is only one person since the Qin and Han Dynasties." Zhong Yao has worked hard in calligraphy. He once said: "I have been concentrating on calligraphy for thirty years. When I sit and speak, I point to the edge of the seat. He would write it down a few steps away, and when he was lying down, he would write it down on the bedding and wear it." This shows his dedicated attitude towards learning. Once, at the home of Wei Dan, a famous calligrapher at that time, he saw an article written by Cai Yong on calligraphy. He couldn't get it, so he beat his chest and vomited blood, but Cao Cao saved him with the Five Spirit Pills. After his death, Yao Yin found his tomb and found it, and the book progressed greatly, which shows his persistent pursuit of art.
  Later generations called him "Zhong Wang" together with Wang Xizhi. Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty said in his Commentary on the Pros and Cons of Ancient and Modern Calligraphers: "The writing of a book is like a swan flying in the sky, a flock of swans playing in the sea, the lines are dense, and it is really sad." Yu Shinan said: "Teacher Zhong's moral character has been improved, and he is pursuing the career of Cao, Cao, and Cao. Cai's calligraphy was imitated and integrated into one, and his true regular script is uniquely refined. No authentic copies of his calligraphy handed down from generation to generation have survived. "The True Biography of Calligraphy" says: "Zhong Yao's calligraphy is ancient and simple, superb and fascinating. ". Zhang Huaiguan of the Tang Dynasty wrote in "Shu Duan": "Although the Taifu studied Cao and Cai Li's methods, his skills were better than those of his masters. " He also said: " If the true book is ancient and elegant, and if the Tao is in harmony with the gods, Yuan Chang will be the first. " He also said: "Yuan Chang's true calligraphy is exquisite, surpassing that of a teacher, both strong and soft. There are many interesting things among the dot paintings. It can be said to be profound and quaint. It has only been one person since the Thai and Han Dynasties. Although the good governance of ancient times has left a lasting legacy in people's hearts, it is not enough. The cursive script is under the guard, and the official script is a divine grade, and the eight-point cursive script is a wonderful grade. Zheng Yuanhu said: "Yuan Chang's "Recommended Ji Zhi Biao" is no different from the "Rong Lu Biao". The Han Ji regular script is all official, and its elegance can be seen. The later two kings were masters of calligraphy and calligraphy, so how could they be different? ! "Since the Song Dynasty, the "Declaration Table", "Congratulation Table", "Recommendation Ji Zhi Table", "Li Ming Table", "Tomb Field Tie", etc. engraved in the dharma stickers were all copied by later generations.