Feng Zizhen's Notes on Hongyue Tower, paper 33.4×320.8cm, collected by Shanghai Museum

"Xing Cao Hong Yue Lou Ji Volume" is a rare independent calligraphy work by Feng Zizhen. This volume was written in the fourth year of Taiding in the Yuan Dynasty. It was written by Feng Zizhen in his later years and presented to his friend Zhu Junbi. In the early Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu and Xian Yushu strongly advocated the retro style of calligraphy in the Jin and Tang Dynasties. He did not take the left and right, but regarded Huang Tingjian as his home. The font of this volume is long and sideways, and the writing is strong and straight without any vigour. It is close to Huang Tingjian but more clumsy and straight, and has a stubborn style of its own.