Ouyang Xiu was a leader in the culture of cultural relic appreciation in the Northern Song Dynasty. He took advantage of his public position to browse public and private collections extensively, and even collected thousands of volumes of epigraphic and stone rubbings from past dynasties. Among the works that can correct historiographic errors, Ouyang Xiu personally wrote the postscript and preface, and Cai Xiang wrote the preface. The final postscript is the ten volumes of "Collection of Ancient Records". The four postscripts in this work may be the few remaining self-titled postscripts by Ouyang Xiu, but the preface written by Cai Xiang has disappeared today.

  Ouyang Xiu likes to write with a dry pen. Although the edge is exposed, it is not floating, and it is calm and powerful. As Su Shi commented: "The sharp pen and dry ink are used to write square and wide characters, and the hair is colorful and moist."
  The brushwork is precise and the lines are sharp, giving people a fresh feeling. Therefore, Su Shi said: "The brushstrokes are dangerous and the fonts are new and beautiful. They are unique in their own way."
  Ouyang Xiu commented on Yan Zhenqing: "The characters are strong and independent, not following the previous traces, and are quite majestic." From the way of writing these characters, it can be seen that in addition to admiration, Ouyang Xiu himself also regarded Yan Shu as a model.
  "Xiaowu" was changed to "Jianwu" in "Jigulu". "Jianwu" was the reign name of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, while "Xiaowu" was not found in the Han Dynasty.
  "Ji Gu Lu" says: "This so-called Ji Ling Palace is not found in other books, but this stele is found. Then the rest of the collection is not useless." It is slightly different from the text in the ink version.
  The paragraph "the sixteenth day of the leap month in the eighth year of Zhiping (1064)" was changed to "the sixteenth day of the leap month in the eighth year of Zhiping" in "Ji Gu Lu". The "Preface to Collection of Ancient Records" was written in the eighth year of Jiayou (1063), one year earlier than this postscript, so we know that the book was not written when the preface was written.
  This ink is written on lined paper and is different from the other three. "Ji Gu Lu" collected this ink text into a separate edition, and the original version included in the book is "Written by Hongjian himself, the prehistory of tea". It can be seen that it was revised when the book was written.

Monument of Huashan Temple in Xiyue, Right Han Dynasty. The text is still fully readable. Its description has been written since the Han Dynasty. Emperor Gaozu first emerged. Change Qin's obscene sacrifice. Taizong inherited it. Each edict has its own department. The mountains and rivers are among the princes. Honor it with time. Emperor Xiaowu practiced the ceremony of Zen. Tour the five mountains of the province. Set up a palace under it. The palace is called Jiling Palace. The palace is called Cunxian Palace. The gate is called Wangxian Gate. Zhongzong's time. The messenger maintains integrity. There are three temples for prayers at the end of the year. The future does not inherit the past. As for the death of the new. Dip Qiuxu. The origin of Xiaowu. Things are happening in it. Etiquette follows its province. But it costs two thousand stones. Go to the temple when you are old. Since then. More than a hundred years. The inscriptions on the monuments erected have been obliterated. Yanxi four years. Yuan Feng, the prefect of Hongnong. Start repairing the waste. The Yi stele is decorated with ques. Will move to Beijing Zhaoyin. Master Sun has arrived. Qin Ruo Jiaye. Follow it and make it happen. Mr. Sun Mansion kept taboo. It's roughly like this. The story of the four mountains in the Han Temple can be seen from the beginning to the end. Its Jiling Palace. All his books are missing. I only saw this monument. Then there is more to the collection. It can be said that it is beneficial to be widely heard. The first year of Zhiping. Written on the 16th day of the leap month. The monument to Yang Jun of the Right Han Dynasty. Their names have all been obliterated. But its inscription is cloud. Obviously Yang Jun. His surname is still visible. His officialdom began to die. Then you can test the clouds roughly. The filial emperor visited the west. Summoned by rafter history. The emperor praised the seedlings of his loyal ministers. The quality of the instrument is exquisite. An imperial edict was issued to pay homage to the doctor. It has a long history of moving to Changshan. Change Qian to be the Prime Minister. It's not good. It was an easy move. There are many chief ministers. Should be Situ. The state inspects Maocai. Moved to Linyang as Marquis Prime Minister. Governor of Jincheng. Southern barbarian idiot. Master Wang went out to fight. I would like to ask the general of chariots and cavalry to do this. The army returns the favor. He said goodbye again. Then he paid homage to Yilang. The general with good facial features. Peixiang. Year fifty-six. Guichou in May of the first year of Jianning. Died due to illness. The end and beginning can be seen in detail. It is a pity that his name alone has been lost. This is why I often say that a gentleman is immortal. Gu Qidao is okay. It is passed down without relying on things. Yanzi lives in a poor alley. How can you apply it to things? And fame will last for generations to come. Nothing is stronger than gold or stone. Covering sometimes has its disadvantages. Written on the 28th day of the intercalary month of the first year of Zhiping. Youlu Wenxue Biography. The title is autobiography. And it's called Yu. The courtesy name is Hongjian. Or Yunming Hongjian. Zi Yu. Unknown which one is. But this is not an autobiography. Tea contains history. It has existed since the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Later generations talked about tea. Must be Hongjian. Gai wrote a book about tea. Since the beginning of time. It is still popular in tea shops. Have an extra puppet. The cloud is Lu Hongjian. There are very few tea drinkers. Then feed this puppet with tea. Wish it good luck. It has been famous for its tea for a long time. In this biography, Zaiyu wrote many books. Three volumes of the Yun Jun Chen Deed. Source and interpretation of thirty volumes. There are ten volumes of genealogy of the four surnames in Jiangbiao. Ten volumes of chronicles of personalities in the North and South. Three volumes of official records of Wuxing. One volume of the Records of the Governor of Huzhou. Three volumes of the Book of Tea. Three volumes of dream interpretation. It’s not just the Tea Classic. However, none of the Tu books were passed down. The Ducha Sutra was written by Shiye. You Pingquan Mountain Residence Caomuji. Written by Li Deyu. Yu Chang reads ghost