Paper. Running script. Length 57cm, width 31.3cm. The author of this painting signed: "On the fifth day of the seventh lunar month in Guichou, the 32nd year of Jiajing, the book of Zhengming was written. He was eighty-four years old." This is a running script written by Wen Zhengming when he was 84 years old. His writing style is calm and subtle, and his personality The books are all old. The content of the book is the famous "Inscription on the Humble Room" by Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. There are slight discrepancies in the text. It is believed that Wen Zhengming wrote it silently and made mistakes.

about the author
  Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), whose original name was Bi and whose courtesy name was Zhengming, was later changed to Zhengzhong from Xing. He was a native of Changzhou (now Suzhou, Jiangsu Province). His family background is Wu Bian, and his grandfather Wen Xian was the first to show his talent. His father Wen Lin once served as the magistrate of Yongjia County in Wenzhou. He studied classics and poems since he was a child, and loved calligraphy and painting. Wu Kuan was a writer, Li Yingzhen was a calligrapher, and Shen Zhou was a painter. He was famous for his talents when he was young, and together with Zhu Yunming, Tang Yin and Xu Zhenqing, he was known as one of the "Four Talents in Wuzhong". However, the road to the imperial examination was very bumpy. From the age of 26 in Yimao of Hongzhi (1495) to the age of 53 in Renwu of Jiajing (1522), he failed in the examination ten times. It was not until the age of 54 that he was recommended to Beijing as a tribute student, waiting for the imperial edict. hospital. In the past four years, he witnessed official corruption and begged to return home again and again. At the age of 57, he returned to his hometown and devoted himself to poetry, calligraphy and painting. He is proficient in various painting techniques and is good at all kinds of fine and thick techniques. His eyesight and pen control ability are excellent. When he was over 80 years old, he could still write young regular script very fluently and never tired of it. In terms of painting, he co-founded the "Wu School" with Shen Zhou, and was also known as the "Four Schools of Wu" together with Shen Zhou, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying. In terms of calligraphy, he is known as one of the "Three Masters of Wuzhong" together with Zhu Yunming and Wang Chong.