Ruler slip "Yuanmeng Tie" 1061 paper 28.6cm X28.6 cm Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Explanation: Xiang worships again. A letter was sent from Yuanmeng to Dubo, and he accepted the religious treaty and thanked him for his arrival. Yanfan may have heard that he has passed through Nandu and will see him soon. Although Qingshe is known as a vassal, it is very important to remember the return of the king and lord when making friends. When I came to pay my respects to Li Zheng, I felt that Feng was the only one in the world to call me with the golden flower in the Forbidden Forest, so I didn’t need the Yutang to do so. The frost and wind are thin and cold, but the love is heavy and undeclared. Xiangshang, Yan You is here to read your Excellency. Be empty.