"Zhu Derun's Epitaph" (detail) in regular script by Zhou Boqi, on paper, 34.9 cm in length and 270.8 cm in width. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing

"Zhou Boqi's regular script and Zhu Derun's epitaph" on paper with black silk columns. The inscription is "composed and written in seal script by Poyang Zhou Boqi, the Censor of Poyang, the Taoist Censor of Jiangnan Province", and in front of it is the seal script of Zhou family, "There is an epitaph of Zhu Fujun promoted by Yuan Confucianism". The post is divided into seals with Zhou family seals such as "Guixia Shi", "Bo Ju Fu", "Home of the Founding Duke of Poyang", "Three Generations of Hanlin", "Zhou", "Jianbai", "Tai Shi's Zhou Boqi". There is a hidden seal of "Contract" on the saddle. Now in the Palace Museum.

This article is an epitaph written by Zhou Boqi for his friend Zhu Derun. Zhu Derun (1294-1365), courtesy name Zemin. A native of Pingjiang (now part of Jiangsu). He is good at poetry and prose, loves writing and writing, and is good at painting landscapes and figures. He was a famous calligrapher and painter in the Yuan Dynasty. Zhou Boqi and Zhu Derun have known each other for nearly fifty years and have a deep friendship. The article records Zhu's life story in detail and expresses his memory of his friend. This piece of regular script is Zhou Boqi's masterpiece in his later years. It is vigorous, clumsy and has superb skills.