"Autobiography" written in cursive script by Huai Su, a calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty. The first cursive script in China. It is one of China's top ten famous posters handed down from generation to generation. Paper, length 28.3 cm, width 775 cm, 126 lines in total, 698 words. It was written in the twelfth year of Dali of Tang Dynasty (AD 777). Hidden in the National Palace Museum, Taiwan. The first six lines were lost early and were supplemented by Su Shunqin of the Song Dynasty. In front of the post is the seal script of Li Dongyang of the Ming Dynasty, which is preceded by the four words "Zang Zhen Zi Preface", followed by the inscription of Shao Zhou and Wang Pupu's reinstallation in the fourth year of Shengyuan of the Southern Tang Dynasty (AD 940). The seals include "Seal of Jianye Study House", "Descendant of Pei Liuxiang Seal", "Seal of Four Generations", "Descendant of Xu State", "Seal of Wuxiang", "Zhao Collection", "Qiuhe Books". ", "Xiang Yuan Bian Seal", "Anqi Seal", "Qianlong", "Xuantong Appreciation" and other appreciation seals.
  The content is a self-reported experience of writing cursive script, as well as the comments of the scholar-bureaucrats on his calligraphy at that time, that is, the praise of his cursive script by famous figures at the time such as Yan Zhenqing and Dai Xulun. "Autobiography" is Huaisu's longest work that has been handed down, and it is also the representative work of his cursive writing in his later years. The title of the post is clearly written: "The collection of authentic books is like a loose monk entering the holy world, and all the crazy and strange things are out of standard." An Qi of the Ming Dynasty said of this post: "The color of the ink paper is wonderful and moving, and the vertical and horizontal changes occur at the end of the hair, which is incomparable and mysterious. Describe the power.”
  "Autobiography" was once collected by the Imperial Household of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Su Shunqin, Shao Ye, Lu Bian of the Song Dynasty, Xu Qianzhai, Wu Kuan, Wen Zhengming, Xiang Yuanbian of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Yufeng, An Qi and the Imperial Household of the Qing Dynasty. The original remains are now in the National Palace Museum in Taiwan. According to Zeng Xinggong's inscription, there were old inscriptions by famous figures such as Mi Yuanzhang, Xue Daozu and Liu Juji, but they are now lost. Mi Fu of the Song Dynasty, "Bao Zhang Waiting for a Visit", Huang Bosi, "Remaining Comments on Dong Guan", An Qi of the Qing Dynasty, "Mo Yuan Hui Guan", etc. Photocopies are available in Shanghai Yanguang Museum, Beijing Palace Museum, and Cultural Relics Publishing House.
  Explanation of autobiography
  Explanation and translation of Huai Su's "Zi Xu Tie"
  Huaisu grew up in Shasha, and he became a Buddhist since he was young. In his spare time, he practiced Zen and was quite good at penmanship. However, I regret that I was unable to see the miracles of my predecessors, and I only saw so little. So he carried the tin stick and traveled to the west to visit the country, where he met the famous princes of the time and got involved in many things. The posthumous compilation is extremely simple, and when I often encounter it, my mind suddenly opens up, and I feel a little sluggish. The fish paper is plain and has many dust spots, and the scholar-bureaucrats do not think it is unreasonable.
  Huaisu lived in Changsha. He believed in Buddhism since he was young. In his spare time, he was good at calligraphy after reciting sutras and practicing meditation. However, it is a pity that I could not see the wonderful handwriting of the ancients with my own eyes, and my understanding was very limited. So he carried a bookcase and a tin stick, and went west to visit the capital. Visiting contemporary famous officials, comprehensively seeing and hearing various things, scattered classics, and outstanding letters can all be seen from time to time, so that the mind is broadened and there is no stagnation. The caviar paper and white silk were often stained with ink stains, which the scholar-bureaucrats did not think was strange.
  Yan Xingbu was a calligrapher with excellent brushwork and water mirror recognition, which was probably in his late career.
  Yan Xingbu is a calligrapher with concise writing skills and clear discernment. He wrote an inscription of praise after my ink writing.
  In addition, Lu Xiang, Xunlang, the Secretary of the Shangshu, and Zhang Zhengyan, the younger uncle, once wrote poems, so they narrated it as follows:
  Moreover, because Lu Xiang, Xunlang, the Secretary of the Secretariat, and Zhang Zhengyan, the youngest uncle, had written poems, they recorded their words as follows:
  "Kaishi Huaisu is a hero among monks. He has a clear Qi and an open spirit. He has cultivated the sage carefully and has accumulated many years of experience. His name is famous among the rivers and ridges.
  "Bodhisattva Huaisu, a hero among monks, has a lively and free spirit and a broad spirit; he has accumulated years of meticulous pursuit of Cao Sheng; from the Yangtze River to the Five Ridges, his reputation is great.
  Therefore, Wei Gongzhi, the minister of the Ministry of official affairs, admired his writing power and Xu Yi succeeded.
  In the past, Wei Gongzhi, the Minister of Civil Affairs, saw my handwriting and encouraged me to achieve something;
  Today, the Minister of Rites, Zhang Gong, said that he would be rewarded for his uninhibited behavior and would be invited to travel around.
  Now Zhang Gong, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, said that he appreciates my talent for lofty goals and cannot be restricted, but guides me to have fun;
  Those who do good deeds compose songs to praise them and move the scrolls.
  In addition, a friend who loves calligraphy composed a song to praise it, and the scroll was filled with joy.
  Fu Caoji's works began in the Han Dynasty, and Du Du and Cui Yuan began to write wonderful stories. Yu Boying is especially good at beauty. Xi Xian surrendered, Yu and Lu accepted each other, and the formulas were taught by hand.
  Writing in this draft style began in the Han Dynasty. Du Du and Cui Yuan began to be famous for their beauty; when they arrived at Boying, they especially dominated its beauty. From father to son Xi and Xian, they were succeeded by Yu Shinan and Lu Jian, and the formulas were passed down from hand to hand.
  As a result, Zhang Xu of Wu County has a long history. Although his appearance is elegant and transcends ancient and modern times, his (model) regular script is precise and detailed, which is particularly authentic.
  Until the long history of Zhang Xu in Wujun. Although he indulged in indulgences, was wild and unrestrained, and surpassed ancient and modern times, his handwriting was meticulous and pure.
  Zhenqing often traveled around in his early years. He was often inspired and taught him how to write.
  In his early years, Zhenqing often visited and stayed, and he was often inspired and taught how to write.
  If you have weak qualifications and lack of material skills, you will not be able to study hard and will never achieve anything.
  Due to my poor temperament and being tied up in my affairs, I was unable to study seriously, so I ultimately failed.
  In retrospect, how can it be recovered? Suddenly I saw the master's work, which was different from the others, and his speed was astonishing. If you still look at it from the old perspective.
  Looking back on the past words, how can we get them again! Suddenly I saw the calligraphy of my respected master, which was extraordinary in verticality and horizontality, and the strokes of the writing were astonishingly fast. It would be like returning to the original impression.
  If you can personally convey to the envoy a kind invitation and send a letter to the master, the guest who enters the room will leave his son and laugh at him. Lamenting that it is not enough, this book is the first of all. "
  If you can get close to the master, accept good temptations, and quickly seize the example, then who else is suitable for the guest who enters the room except you! Lamenting that it is not enough, I would like to write this at the beginning of the article. "
  There was an endless succession of works, which overflowed the boxes and boxes.
  After that, those who continued to write songs, poems and praises kept filling boxes and boxes.
  The description of the appearance is similar, as Zhang Libu said: "I was seated like a snake and a snake, and the sound of a sudden rain and whirlwind filled the hall." Yuan Lu said: "At first, I suspected that the ancient pines were covered in light smoke, but it was also like a mountain with thousands of peaks." Wang Yongzhou said. : "The cold ape drinks water and shakes the withered vines, and the strong man pulls up the mountain and stretches out his strong iron." Zhu Chushi said: "I only see the electric current in the writing, and the words are afraid of the dragon coiling away."
  Among those who describe similar shapes, Zhang Libu said: "The writing is like a snake running and sitting down, and the sound of whirlwind and rain fills the hall." Lu Yuanwai said: "At first it was suspected that the light smoke was shaking the ancient pine, and then it appeared like a mountain blooming. Wanren Peak." Wang Yongzhouyong said: "The painting is like a withered vine shaking when a cold ape drinks water, or like a strong iron stretched out by a strong man pulling up the mountain." Zhu Chushi said from afar: "In the painting, I can only see the passing of electric shock, and the words It was written so that the dragon would move in fear."
  Speaking of Ji Ge, Li Yushi Zhou said: "In the past, Zhang Xu's work was called Zhang Dian. Now Huai Su's work is called the mad monk by Yu Shi. Who says it is not possible to follow the top with madness?" Gong Youyun said: "Jishan He is a well-known old man, and Zhang Dian of Wujun has never met." Xu Yushi Yao said: "Aiming for novelty and no fixed rules, the ancient skin was thin and half without ink. When I was drunk, I wrote two or three lines in my hand, but when I woke up, I wrote I can't write it." Shu Lun, the imperial censor of Dai, said: "The palmistry master's gestures have become strange, and the strange and strange shapes are appropriate. Everyone wants to know the secret of this, but Huai Su says he didn't know it at first."
  Li Yushizhou, who described the style of Tianji, said: "In the past, when Zhang Xu wrote books, people at that time called him 'Zhang Dian'; today, when Huai Su writes books, I really want to call him 'Crazy' Monk'. Use madness to inherit Dian." , who can say no!" Zhang Gong also said: "Jishan He Lao (namely He Zhizhang) is only slightly famous. Zhang Dian of Wu County once proclaimed himself a minister in the north. " Xu Yu Shiyao said: "There is no certain criterion for novelty and novelty. The old and thin The handwriting is like half of the water flowing out, and there is no ink. I wrote two or three lines by hand when I was drunk , but when I woke up, I couldn't write it again." Dai Yushi Shulun said: "The hand takes the heart as the teacher, the writing style becomes novel, and the cunning and awkward shape is more appropriate. Human beings People want to ask about the mystery, but Huaisu himself says he doesn't know anything."
  Speaking quickly, Dou Yushi Ji said: "There are dozens of pink-walled corridors, and when I wake up, I am filled with breath. Suddenly there are three or five screams, and thousands of words are written all over the wall." Dai Gong also said: "Suddenly, there are thousands of words." The whole audience was speechless and unable to catch up."
  Speaking quickly, Dou Yushiji said: "There are dozens of long corridors with white walls. When you are interested, you can vent your anger a little. Then you shout three or five times, and thousands of words are written all over the wall. " Dai Gong added: "Walk a hair. The ink was drawn like a galloping horse, and everyone in the room cried out that their eyes couldn't keep up with the pen."
  If the eyes are stupid, there is a poem written by Wu Xingqian, a foreign minister from his father's department: "The distant crane (Xi) has no previous partner, and the solitary cloud sends it to the sky. I came to be crazy and underestimated the world, but when I was drunk, I found the truth."
  To call stupidity clumsy, there is a poem written by Wu Xingqianqi, an uncle of Si Xun Yuan, a foreign minister: "The crane that flies far away has no companion. The clouds floating alone are entrusted to Taixu. I went crazy to look at the world, and drunkenly Gain true knowledge.”
  The speeches are all passionate and profound, and the reasoning is profound, which is certainly not something that a vain person dares to take on. It will only increase the shame and fear. It was the 28th day of the 10th month of Dingsi winter in the Dali calendar.
  These are words of encouragement, and mysteries are mysterious and mysterious. Of course, they are not something that people with false ideas would dare to take. They only increased my shame and fear. It was the twenty-eighth day of the tenth month of Dingsi winter in the Dali calendar.