The monk Qian Qian said: Yesterday, I received the imperial edict that I must be able to write people's names since ancient times. The minister's knowledge was narrow, and he did not know the broad scope. He always submitted a volume of records compiled by Yang Xin. After searching for it, he failed to find it, so he continued to submit more information. Sincerely.
  Qin Prime Minister Li Si.
  Qin Zhongche Mansion ordered Zhao Gao. (The two people on the right are good at seal script.)
  Cheng Miao, the jailer of the Qin Dynasty, was good at seal script. He offended the First Emperor and was imprisoned in Yunyang Prison. He added or reduced the large seal script and eliminated its complexity. The First Emperor was good at it and became the censor. His famous book is called Official Script.
  Fufeng Cao Xi. People of the later Han Dynasty do not know their official positions. He is good at seal script and Li Si, but his seal script is slightly different from that of Li Si. He met his master for a while.
  Chen Liu Cai Yong. General Zuo Zhonglang of the Later Han Dynasty. He was good at seal script, Li, Cai Si and Xi, and his text on the "Xuanfu Stele" of Zhending is still passed down to the world. The master of seal script is the master.
  Du Ling and Chen Zun were from the Later Han Dynasty, but I don't know his official position. He was good at seal script and official script, and every book he wrote was full of surprises. People at the time called him "Chen Jingzuo".
  Cizhong, the king of Shanggu, was born in the later Han Dynasty and wrote Bafen Kaifa.
  Shi Yiguan was from the Later Han Dynasty. I don’t know who he was or what his official position was. A big character can be said to be one foot wide, and a small character can be said to be worth a thousand words. "Geng Qiu Monument" is a suitable official document and is very self-respecting. Or he would go to a restaurant and write on the wall first. There would be a large number of onlookers, and the wine would be sold in large quantities. When he had finished drinking, he cut off the book and retreated.
  Liang Hu, An Ding, was born in the Later Han Dynasty and served as the Minister of the Ministry of Education. After learning the official method from his master, Wei Wu attached great importance to it and often hung it in the tent with a swan script. Most of the palace inscriptions are inscribed with swan hands.
  Chen Liu, Handan Chun, was a literary scholar of Linzihou in Wei Dynasty. He got the second best method and was named after Hu. Mao Hong, a disciple of Hu. Today there are eight secretaries, all of whom preach the Dharma. There is also Zuoziyi, which is different from Chunxiao.
  Jingzhao Dudu became the prime minister of Wei Qi, and he began to have a grass name.
  Cui Yuan of Anping was the Prime Minister of Jibei in the Later Han Dynasty, and he was also good at cursive calligraphy. When Ping Fujian was able to copy Cui Yuan's calligraphy, Wang Zijing said, "It's very similar to Zhang Boying." Yuan Ziyi, who was an official and a minister, could also write in cursive.
  Hongnong Zhang Zhi is noble but not an official. He is good at cursive calligraphy and has great energy. The clothes and silk fabrics of a family must be written first and then practiced; when studying calligraphy when standing in a pond, the pond water will be exhausted. Every book says, "I'm in a hurry and I have no time to write in cursive." People call it the "Grass Saint". Zhi Di Chang, the minister of Huangmen in the Han Dynasty, was also able to make grass. In this life, he is the one who uses Zhi grass. Most of them are made by Chang.
  Jiang Xu, Liang Xuan, Tian Yanhe and Situ Weidan were all disciples of Ying. They were good at cursive writing and had the best calligraphy. Dan was named Zhongjiang, a native of Jingzhao, and was good at regular script. The treasures in the Han and Wei palaces were all handwritten by Dan himself. When Emperor Ming of the Wei Dynasty set up at Lingyuntai, he mistakenly nailed the list first without inscribing it. He made a grand ceremony in a cage and used a long pulley (gēng thick rope) to guide it, so that he could write it on the list. The ground was twenty-five feet long, and he was in great danger. He threw his pen and burned it. It is a warning to the descendants to abandon this standard and follow the family order. Official to Honglu Shaoqing. Giving birth to a son in the young season can also be called Neng.
  It is unknown who Luo Hui and Zhao Xi were. At the same time as Boying, they saw the name Xizhou and promised to join in. Everyone was confused. Boying and Zhu Kuan wrote in their own words: "It is not enough compared with Cui and Du at the top, but more than Luo and Zhao at the bottom."
  Zhang Chao in Hejian is also good at grass, but not as good as Cui and Zhang.
  Liu Desheng was good at running calligraphy, but it is unknown who he was.
  Zhong Yao from Yingchuan was a Wei Taiwei; Hu Zhao from the same county was recruited by bus. Both sons studied in De Sheng, but Hu Shu was fat and Zhong Shu was thin. There are three types of bells: the first is the book inscribed on stone, which is the most wonderful one; the second is the book of regulations, which is passed down to secretaries and teaches young scholars; the third is the book that is signed and signed, which is the one who hears it. The three methods are all good to the world. Yaozihui, General Zhenxi. There is no one who knows how to imitate his father's writings and change Deng Ai's affairs.
  Hedong Wei Jian, whose courtesy name was Boru, was a minister of the Wei Dynasty, Pushe. He was good at cursive writing and ancient prose, and he was very good at writing. The cursive style is thin and the handwriting is skillful. Jian Ziguan, courtesy name Boyu, was the Taibao of Jin Dynasty. Adopt Zhang Zhi's method and join it with the method of coveting, and it will become more grassy. Cao Gao is the book of Xiangwen. Guan Ziheng was also good at calligraphy and had extensive knowledge of ancient Chinese literature.
  Dunhuang Suo Jing, courtesy name You'an, the grandson of Zhang Zhi's sister, was a Sima of the Southern Jin Dynasty, and was also good at cursive calligraphy. He Yuangong of Chen Guo was also good at cursive calligraphy.
  The Emperor Xiang of Wu people is capable of grass and is known as "calm and happy" in the world.
  Chen Chang of Xingyang, Secretary of the Jin Dynasty, was good at eight points. He was good at writing on all the palaces, temples and city gates of Jin Dynasty. Yang Zhao of Xingyang was the governor of Jingzhou in Jin Dynasty and was good at Cao Li. Pan Yue said: "He is good at both cursive and official scripts. The rulers and tablets must be precious. There are no traces on the feet, and the hand cannot interpret the text. The pen moves like flying, and the paper falls like clouds." Zhao Sun Jing was also good at cursive and official scripts.
  Jingzhao Du Ji, Wei Shangshu Pushe; Zishu, the prefect of Dongjun; Sun Yu, the governor of Jingzhou: the third generation of Shancao Gao.
  King You of Jin and Qi Dynasties was good at cursive calligraphy.
  Tai Yangchen, the governor of Xuzhou in Jin Dynasty; Yang Gu, the prefect of Linhai in Jin Dynasty: and Shanxing Shu.
  Li Shi of Jiangxia, a minister in Jin Dynasty, was good at writing Li and Cao. Di Ding, Zigong Mansion, can have the same name.
  Li Chong's mother, Mrs. Wei, a scholar in Jinzhong, was good at Zhongfa and was Wang Yishao's teacher.
  King Langxie, general Pingnan of Jin Dynasty, governor of Jingzhou, capable of regular script, would like to pass on Zhongfa.
  The Prime Minister of Jin Dynasty, Wang Dao, was good at Gao and Xing. (Brother Ku Cong.)
  Wang Tian, ​​general of Jin Dynasty, internal history of Kuaiji, good at official script. (Guide to the second son.)
  Wang Qia was a general who wrote orders and led the army in Jinzhong. He was good at writing books and was especially good at officialdom and execution. According to Brother Xi's cloud: "My brother's letter will not diminish me." (Tian Di Ye.)
  Wang Min was a scribe in Jinzhong and was good at officialdom and conduct. (Qia Shaozi also.)
  Wang Xizhi, the right general of the Jin Dynasty and the internal historian of Kuaiji, was well versed in the law of the masses and was particularly good at Cao Li. Yang Xin said: "There is no difference between ancient and modern times." (Brother Yao.)
  Wang Xianzhi was a scribe in the middle of Jin Dynasty. He was good at Li and Gao. His physical strength was not as good as his father's, but his charm was better than his. (The seventh son of Xi.) His elder brothers are Xuanzhi and Huizhi, and his elder brother Chunzhi is good at grass and cultivation.
  Wang Yunzhi was a general of the Wei army and an internal historian of Kuaiji. He was also good at grass and grass. (Shu Ziye.)
  Wang Meng of Taiyuan was a long history official in Jin Dynasty, and he was capable of both grass and officialdom. Zixiu, Langya King Literature. He is good at official duties and conduct, which is comparable to Xi's good deeds, so it is almost impossible to achieve the wonders. Die young and fail to live up to your full potential. Zijing wrote a book in every province and said: "Aggressive."
  Wang Sui was a champion general of the Jin Dynasty and an internal historian of Kuaiji. He was good at officialdom and conduct.
  Gaoping Xi Min was the internal historian of Sikong and Kuaiji of Jin Dynasty. He is good at Zhangcao and can also be a scribe. Xi Chao, a scholar in Jinzhong, was also good at grass. (It’s also a shame.)
  Yingchuan Yuliang, a Jin Taiwei, was good at grass and grass. Yu Yi was the governor of Jingzhou in Jin Dynasty. Good at officialdom and conduct, he was as famous as Xi Zhi at that time. (Brother Liang.)
  Xie An of Chen County was a Taifu of Jin Dynasty, and he was good at officialdom and business affairs.
  Xu Jingmin, who lived in Gaoyang, joined the army in the town. He was good at li and grass, and was a master of Xi.
  During the reign of Emperor Mu of the Jin Dynasty, there was a scholar named Zhang Yishan who wrote Xi Zhibiao and expressed it. After a long time without realizing it, he later said: "I almost want to confuse the truth."
  Xie Fu, a hermit from Kuaiji, and Kang Xin, a Hu man, also attacked Li and Cao.
  Feibai's original inscription on the palace is an eighty-point light, all written in regular script. During the Wu Dynasty, Zhang Hong was eager to learn but not official. He often wore a black scarf and was nicknamed "Zhang Wujin" at that time. This person is very good at flying white, and it is rare for those who can calligraphy not to be good at it.

[Comment] Yang Xin (370-442) was a native of Nancheng, Mount Tai (now Fei County, Shandong) in the Southern Song Dynasty. The courtesy name is Jingyuan. When he reached Zhongsan, he became a doctor and became the prefect of Xin'an. Less silence, no competition with others. Good at official script. In the 12th year of his reign, Wang Xianzhi became the prefect of Wuxing, and he loved him very much. I enjoy the new silk skirt and take a nap during the day, and order the book skirt to go away. I appreciate the work of the book, so I am good at it. Zhang Huaiguan of the Tang Dynasty wrote in "Shu Duan·Shu Duan Zhong" that "there are many teachers at that time, and they are not far away from each other. It is like inheriting Miao's head personally and entering the room. Only this Duke is the same as Yan Huizhi." Master, there are steps that are close." Shen Yue said: "Jingyuan is especially good at official script. After Zijing, he can be said to be unparalleled. People at the time said: 'Buy the king and get the sheep, and you will not lose what you hope for.' She's a sheep." Because of her shy behavior, it didn't seem real, so she was nicknamed "a maid as a lady". He has written a volume called "Cai Gu Lai Able to Write Names of People" and "Continued Writing Formation Diagram". The handed down calligraphy includes "Luchun Tie", which can be found in "Chunhua Pavilion Tie", "Daguan Tie" and other series of Tie.