book order
  In the past, the Paoxi family drew hexagrams to establish images, and the Xuanyuan family created characters to teach. As for the era of Yao and Shun, there were almost many articles. Later, it flourished in Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and prepared for Qin and Han Dynasties. The place for solidification was far away. For an article to be useful, it must be like a book; for a book to be a sign, it must be in line with the Tao. Therefore, those who can express themselves in writing should not approach books. If you have thought about sages for thousands of years, read their traces on bamboo slips, made plans in the face of each other, acted with brilliance, and spoken with deep insights, so that there will be no hidden things for a hundred generations, this is admirable. My husband and I are in the same place, full of affection, high ambition, and a spirit of algae. We are so happy to meet each other and happy to see each other.
  The reason why it is so small at first is because the eyes are looking at the eyes, and the eyes don't know how they are changing. If there is no body in the scope, there should be no direction. Examine Chongmo to establish the shape, which is all different and consistent. Join the underworld contract and absorb the essence. Capital movement comes from the wind god, and Yi Haoran comes from polishing. The final result is brilliant, the fragrance flows on the tip of the pen, suddenly soaring and glorious. They may be different in body but connected in potential, like the intersecting leaves of two trees; or they may be differentiated and have good luck, like two wells connected by springs. Puyin supports each other, and Jinze latent responds. Separated but not inexhaustible, dragging the thread of a cocoon; outstanding and solitary, a stone in a dangerous mountain. Dragons soar and phoenixes fly, as if they are frightened. Dian Feng , leaving the clothes covered with rotten silk. It's like an electric cloth, and it's like a stream of stars. Zhu flames and green smoke merge and disperse. The wind is blowing, the thunder is raging, and the cry is terrifying. Faith is enough to reign supreme in this world and set the standard for future generations. If the crotch bone is fastened and the sides are short and long, it is like a husband's loyal minister who resists straightness and makes up for the knot of Kuangzhu; the rules are twisted and twisted, but the closeness is sparse, it is like a husband's filial son who obeys and is cautious and longs for the future. "The quality of brilliance contains chapters, either soft or hard, just like a wise man's way of hiding, knowing how to advance and know how to retreat." It makes it prosperous and thixotropic. Either they give way to each other, or they join forces to invade. It is also like the Five Constant Elements and the Five Elements. Although they are in conflict with each other and produce each other, they are also opposite and complementary to each other. It's not like things can resemble virtuous people, but they are actually subtle and difficult to name. The poem goes: "The bells and drums are in harmony, the drums, harps, drums and harps are in harmony, and the sheng and chimes have the same sound." This is what it means. The observer is allowed to play with the traces to explore the situation, follow the steps to observe the changes, and think endlessly without knowing what is going on. The precious treasures are shining in the eyes, sitting in the palace of Dongshan; the pearls are shining in the palm, and the resources of the South China Sea are poured out. Although the traces have been sealed, the feelings left behind are not yet extinguished. I have a vision in my mind and I can’t stop. If it is not so wonderful, how can it be like this?
  Moreover, its scholars observe its scale and adopt its mysteries. Their skills are developed by their hearts and secretly by their eyes. Either the writing starts with thinking, but it is stuck in dullness; or it may be controlled without thinking, and it is defeated by escaping. The heart cannot teach it to the hand, and the hand cannot receive it from the heart. Although you can ask for it on your own, it’s strange that you can’t find anything in the end. It relates to the meaning and spiritual understanding, the writing and the luck of the underworld. God will combine and create nothing. Even though Long Bo was brave enough to defeat Ao Ling, he could not measure up to his power; the emperor who had great ambitions to respond to Lu could not suppress his height. Thoughts enter the room, and the spirit fills the universe. Ghosts are so uncanny that they can track down and capture the subtle ones, so it is impossible to survive or die without words like Quan Hoo. As a young boy, he keeps his skills and becomes fluent in speech. He must not rely on his talent and knowledge, thinking that he can know things by being eloquent. And it is not easy to know, and it is difficult to obtain it. It only takes a few people over a thousand years. Those who criticized it in the past may think that the present is not as good as the past, but that it is ugly and beautiful. Observe flaws and gain wings in vain. Seek all things to be in harmony with oneself. It turns out that the warning is not tactful. Also, the pale person sings the song, and the ignorant person sings the voice. The opinions are mixed, and it is hard to tell which one is right. He also discussed the ancestors of Chinese characters, each holding heresies and supposing that bees are flying, which is completely unfounded and ancient.
  The nature of Huai Guan is blind and ignorant, and the knowledge is not clear and sensitive. Inherit the teachings of our ancestors, or record them in case something happens. They often want to criticize the past and present. Pull out the roots of suspicion and untie the knots of disputes. Examine the poor and erroneous, and dare not hide from the sages of the past; explore the subtleties, and the common people will not deceive the mysterious craftsmen. From Cangjie, Shi of the Yellow Emperor, to Lu Zangyong, the minister of Huangmen in the imperial dynasty, for more than 3,200 years, there were ten sources of books, and three grades of learning, good and bad. Now I will describe the differences between their origins, and write ten praises and one treatise; compare them with others. The difference between good and bad is divided into three categories: Shen, Miao and Neng. It was written as a biography, and there were also people who attached it to the story, and it was collectively called a commentary. After examining whether it was Zang or not, it was divided into three volumes: the upper, middle and lower volumes, which were called "Shu Duan". The catalog is like this. A common scholar or a gentleman knows how to do things in elementary school.
  〖On the volume〗
  Ancient Chinese Large Seal Script Small Seal Script
  Eight points official script, chapter script, running script
  Fei said cursive script, written by nine people
  Four people attached, liked ten poems and commented on one poem.
  General Category of the Third Grade, Advantages and Disadvantages, Twelve Divine Grades
  Nine people are included in the biography, and thirty-nine people are excellent products.
  〖Volume 2〗
  Thirty-five people are capable of quality and twenty-nine people are passed down.
  One hundred and seventy-four people commented on a song

  ○Ancient prose





  The eight points of the case were written by Cizhong, the king of Shanggu, a man from Qin Yu. Wang Minyun said: "Cizhong began to build a junior high school based on the ancient calligraphy of Fangguang and Shaobo. He used Li and Cao as regular scripts. The characters were eight-point square and the words were modeled." Xiao Ziliang also said: "During the reign of Emperor Ling, Wang Cizhong served as Li. Eight points." The two scholars spoke of the Later Han Dynasty, but the two emperors were different. Moreover, before Emperor Ling, there was not one person with eight points of work, and Yun Fangguang was not the official script. Since we are talking about ancient books, how can we call them official. If the prescription is wide, then the seal script and the seal script are there. Changing the ancient to the new, I don’t know what it means. "Xu Xian Ji" says: "Wang Cizhong, a native of Shanggu, rarely had extraordinary ambitions. He entered school as a young man and often had miraculous things. Before he was young, he changed Cangjie script into today's official script. During the time of the First Emperor, there were many official affairs, so he won Cizhong The text is brief. It was used for urgent illness. He was very happy and sent envoys to summon him. However, after three expeditions failed to come, the First Emperor was furious. He made a carriage to send him off. He turned into a big bird on the road and went out outside the threshold. He turned over and led. On the west mountain, two heirlooms fell on the mountain, which is now called the Dahe and Xiaohe Mountains. A temple was erected on the mountain to pray for floods and droughts." The Wei Dynasty's Land Records says: "Sixty miles northeast of Juyang County, there are Dahe and Xiaohe Mountains. "Also Yang Gu's "Beidu Fu" says: "Wang Cizhong hid his skills from the Emperor of Qin, and dropped his double quills and soared to the sky." According to several scholars, Cizhong was from Qin in the Ming Dynasty. Since he changed the book of Cangjie, he was not following the example of Cheng Miaoli. also. According to Cai Yong's "Encouraging Learning Chapter", "Cizhong, the king of Shanggu, first changed into his ancient form". During the reign of the First Emperor, several of his books were produced, and half of them still exist in the ancient form of small seal script. Eight points has been reduced by half of the seal script, and Li has been reduced by half of eight points. However, it can be said that the son is like the father, but it cannot be said that the father is like the son. Therefore, it is known that the official cannot give birth to eight points. Originally called regular script, regular script refers to method, style and model. Confucius said: "If we practice it in this world, it will be regarded as the regular style in future generations." Or it may be said: "In the later Han Dynasty, there was also Wang Cizhong, who was the prefect of Shanggu, but he was not from Shanggu." Also, the original standard of Kaili was the same, so later generations confused it, and scholars As a matter of fact, due to its age, it gradually seems like the eight characters are scattered, also known as eight points. At that time, people used it to write chapters or laws, and it was also called a charter book. Therefore, Liang Huyun said that "Zhong Yao is good at charters". The wife's talents are partial to those of others, so she takes advantage of her strengths and discards her weaknesses. The proverb goes: "The poems of Han Zheng and Yi are hung on the wall." There are two kings and eights, that is, hanging on the wall and the like, but Cai Bojie is the one who created it to the extreme. Wang Cizhong is the ancestor of Ba Fen. Praise said: "The example of the immortal guest is left behind, and the spirit is beautiful. He studies hard and makes waves, and the metal is like jade. The dragon and the tiger are not in the same position, they are fighting each other, they are majestic, and the regular script is wonderful and full of splendor."
  ○official script

  The official script of the case was created by Cheng Miao, a native of Gui under the Qin Dynasty. Yuan Cen, named Miao, was the warden of Yaxian County at the beginning. He offended the First Emperor and was sent to Yunyang Prison. Tan Si thought about it for ten years and wrote three thousand characters in the official script using large and small seals. Because there were so many things to do, it was difficult to write seal characters, so the official script was used because it was thought that the official script would be used as a companion, hence the name "official script". Cai Yong's "Sheng Huang Pian" says: "Cheng Miao deleted the ancient texts and established official texts." Zhen Feng's six books, the fourth of which is called "Assistant Book", is also true. The Qin Dynasty made official scripts for use in official scripts, which were used in court cases and prisons. I still used small seal scripts. The Han Dynasty also followed suit. At the time of Emperor He, Jia Li wrote "Peng Xi Pian", with "Cang Jie" as the first chapter, "Xun Zhu" as the middle chapter, and "Pang Xi" as the second chapter. The so-called "San Cang" is also used. It is written in the official character, and the official method is from here to wide. Li Daoyuan's "Shui Jing" says: "People from Linzi found an ancient tomb and got a copper coffin. The front plate has the characters hidden outside, saying that it is the coffin of Hu Gong, the sixth grandson of Taigong of Qi. However, the three characters are ancient, and I wrote the same official script today, Zhengzhi Li. The characters appeared in ancient times, not in the Qin Dynasty." If you are correct, then the official seal script should precede the big seal script. The case against Duke Hu was Gong Jing, the younger brother of Duke Ai of Qi. The fifth generation and the sixth Duke lasted for more than a hundred years, when he was King Mu of Zhou Dynasty. More than two hundred years later, in the reign of King Xuan, the big seal script came into being. After more than five hundred years, by the time of the First Emperor, Xiaozhuan had come into being. Instead of official script, Xiaozhuan had to be followed. However, since the books written by Cheng Miao were passed down together, Li Daoyuan's theory cannot be relied upon. If the case is divided into eight points, the small seal script will be successful, and the official script will be divided into eight points. Chen Zun of the Han Dynasty, courtesy name Meng Gong, was a native of Duling, Jingzhao. During the reign of Emperor Ai, he was the governor of Henan. He was good at official calligraphy and gave rulers and tablets to others. The owner hid them all with pride. This is why he pioneered official calligraphy. Later, Zhong Yuanchang and Wang Yishao each created their own masterpieces. (Cai Yong's "Li Shu Shi" said: "The changes in the bird's traces are due to the help of the official script. The complicated text is compared with the simplicity. The shortening complements each other, and the different bodies have the same potential. They are as bright as stars, and as lush as clouds. The fiber waves are thicker, Scattered among them. If a bell is set up, the court is ablaze with flying smoke; it is like a towering tower with heavy sky and clouds crowning the mountain. Looking from a distance, it looks like a flying dragon in the sky; looking at it from a close distance, one's mind is confused and dizzy." Cheng Gongsui's "Official Script Shi" " said: "The Chong seal script is complex, and the draft is close to fake. It is moderate and should not be regarded as official script.") Cheng Miao is the ancestor of official script. Praise said: "Cheng Jun was the first to combine the officialdom and literary quality. It is elegant, like listening to an orchestra. It has long hair and autumn strength, and the body is frosty. The sharp edge is folded, and the falling stars are hanging. The red flame suddenly appears, and the swirling purple Smoke. Jinzhi and Qiongcao will be fragrant for eternity."




  案草书者,后汉征士张伯英之所造也。梁武帝《草书状》曰:“蔡邕云:‘昔秦之时,诸侯争长,简檄相传,望烽走驿。以篆隶之难,不能救速,遂作赴急之书,盖今草书是也。’余疑不然。创制之始,其闲者鲜,且此书之约略,既是苍黄之世,何粗鲁而能识之?”又云:“杜氏之变隶,亦由程氏之改篆。其先出自杜氏,以张为祖,以卫为父,索为伯叔,二王为兄弟,薄为庶息,羊为仆隶者。”怀瓘以为诸侯争长之日,则小篆及楷隶未生,何但于草。蔡公不宜至此,诚恐后诬。案杜度汉章帝时人,元帝朝史游已作草,又评羊薄等,未曰知书也。欧阳询与杨驸马书章草《千文》,批后云:“ 张芝草圣,皇象八绝。并是章草,西晋悉然。迨乎东晋,王逸少与从弟洽变章草为今草,韵媚宛转,大行于世,章草几将绝矣。”怀瓘案,右军之前,能今草者不可胜数,诸君之说,一何孟浪。欲杜众口,亦犹蹑履减迹,扣钟销音也。又王愔云:“稿书者,若草非草,草行之际者。”非也。案稿亦草也,因草呼稿,正如真正书写而又涂改,亦谓之草稿,岂必草行之际,谓之草者。盖取诸浑沌,天造草昧之意也,变而为草法此也。故孔子曰“禅谌草创之”是也。楚怀王使屈原造宪令,草稿未成,上官氏见欲夺之。又董仲舒欲言灾异,草稿未上,主父偃窃而奏之,并是也。如淳曰:“所作起草为稿。”姚察曰:“草犹粗也,粗书为本曰‘稿’。”盖草书之文,祖出于此;草书之先,因于起草。自杜度妙于章草,崔瑗、崔寔父子继能,罗晖、赵袭亦法此艺。袭与张芝相善,芝自云:“上比崔、杜不足,下方罗、赵有余。”然伯英学崔、杜之法,温故知新,因而变之,以成今草,转精其妙。字之体势,一笔而成,偶有不连,而血脉不断。及其连者,气候通而隔行。唯王子敬明其深指,故行首之字,往往继前行之末,世称一笔书者起自张伯英,即此也。实亦约文该思,应指宣言,列缺施鞭,飞廉纵辔也。伯英虽始草创,遂造其极。(索靖《草书状》云:“圣皇御世,随时之宜。苍颉既工,书契是为。损之草隶,以崇简易。草书之状也,宛若银钩,飘若惊鸾。舒翼未发,若举复安。于是多才之英,笃艺之彦。役心精微,躭思文宪。守道兼权,触类生变。离析入体,靡形不判。聘辞放手,雨行冰散。高音翰厉,溢越流漫。著绝艺于纨素,垂百代之殊观。”)张伯英,即草书之祖也。
  又曰:“河出图,洛出书,圣人则之。”孔安国云:“河图、八卦,是洛之九畴。”马融、王肃、姚信等并云:“得河图而作《易》。” 礼含文嘉曰:“伏羲则龟书,乃作八卦。”并乘流而逝,不讨其源,滋误后生,深可叹息。去圣久矣,百家众言,自古非一。正史之书,不经宣尼笔削,则未可全是,况儒者臆说耶?悠悠万载,是非互起。一犬吠形,百犬吠声;一人措虚,百人传实。按龙图出河、龟书出洛,今或云“法龙图而作卦”,或云“则龟书而画之 ”,假欲遵之,何者为是?案《左传》庖牺氏有龙瑞,以龙纪官,非得八卦,八卦若先列于河图,又文王等重之,则伏羲何功于《易》也?又夫子不言因图而画卦,自黄帝尧、舜及周公摄政时皆得图书,河以通乾出天包,雒以流川吐地符,是知有圣人膺运,则河、雒出图、书,何必八卦九畴。九畴者,天始锡禹,而黄帝已获洛书。《易》曰:“蓍龟神物,圣人则之。”然伏羲岂则蓍龟而作《易》?言圣人者,通谓后世《易》经三古,不独指伏羲也。夫蓍龟者,或悔吝有忧虞之象,或得失有吉凶之征,或否泰有阴阳之辞,或刚柔有变通之理。若河图、洛书者,或天地彝伦之法,或帝王兴亡之数,或山川品物之制,或治化合神之符,故圣人则之而已。孔子曰:“河不出图,洛不出书,吾已矣夫!”是也。





  张芝,字伯英,敦煌人,父焕,为太常,徙居弘农华阴。伯英名臣之子,幼而高操,勤学好古,经明行修,朝廷以有道征,不就,故时称“ 张有道”,实避世洁白之士也。好书,凡家之衣帛,皆书而后练。尤善章草书,出诸杜度。崔瑗云:“龙骧豹变,青出于蓝。”又创为今草,天纵尤异,率意超旷,无惜是非,若清涧长源,流而无限,萦回崖谷,任于造化。至于蛟龙骇兽,奔腾拏攫之势,心手随变,窈冥而不知其所如,是谓达节也已。精熟神妙,冠绝古今,则百世不易之法式,不可以智识,不可以勤求。若达士游乎沉默之乡,鸾凤翔乎大荒之野。韦仲将谓之“草圣”,岂徒言哉!遗迹绝少,故褚遂良云:“钟繇、张芝之迹,不盈片素。”韦诞云:“崔氏之肉,张氏之骨。”其章草《金人铭》可谓精熟至极;其草书《急就章》,字皆一笔而成,合于自然,可谓变化至极。羊欣云:“ 张芝、皇象、钟繇、索靖,时并号‘书圣’,然张劲骨丰肌,德冠诸贤之首。”斯为当矣。其行书则二王之亚也。又善隶书。以献帝初平中卒。伯英章草、草、行入神,隶书入妙。
  Cai Yong, courtesy name Bojie, was born in Chenliuyu. Fu Leng, the governor of Xuzhou, had a clear line and was given the posthumous title Zhending. From Bo Jiu to General Zuo Zhonglang, he was granted the title of Marquis of Gaoyang. He is magnificent in appearance, dedicated to filial piety, knowledgeable, able to draw, good at music, and good at astronomy, numerology, and disasters. When I saw him and asked, there was nothing wrong. The craftsmanship is peerless, especially eighty percent subtle. The body method is ever-changing, the spirit is exquisite, and it is unparalleled in the present and ancient times. He also created Fei Bai, who was wonderful and unparalleled, and used magical powers to combine, and he was a man of true superpowers. Dong Zhuo used famous people in the world, and Yong moved seven times a day, shining brightly and favoring him. Wang Yun killed Zhuo, took Bo Zie, and served as Tingwei. He died in prison in the third year of Emperor Xian's reign at the age of sixty-one. The gentry and the Confucians all burst into tears. Bo Zhe's eight points, Fei Bai, are fascinating, and the large seal script, small seal script, and official script are wonderful. Nu Yan is a very wise woman, and she is also good at writing books. Wei Zhongyao, courtesy name Yuanchang, was born in Changshe, Yingchuan. Zu Hao was the most virtuous person in the world. Father Di, the party is imprisoned and he is not an official. Yuan Chang was talented and quick-thinking. He promoted him as a filial and honest minister, and later moved to the rank of minister Pushe and Dongwu Tinghou. Wei Guojian moved to the state of Xiang. Emperor Ming ascended the throne and moved to Taifu. Yao is good at calligraphy and studied under Cao Xi, Cai Yong and Liu Desheng. The real book is peerless, strong and soft. There are many interesting things among the dots and paintings, which can be described as deep and boundless, more than quaint and elegant. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, there has been only one person. Although the legacy of good governance in ancient times has not left a lasting impression on people's hearts, it is not enough. What a virtuous person! His running script is Xizhi and Xianzhiya, his cursive script is Wei and Suoxia, and the eight-pointed "Wei Shou Zen Stele" is called the best. In the fourth year of Taihe, he passed away and was eighty years old. Yuan Changli and Xing entered the spirit, and the eight points entered the wonderful. Wu Huangxiang, whose courtesy name was Xiu Ming, was a native of Jiangdu, Guangling, and served as a minister. Gong Zhangcao studied under Du Du. First there was Zhang Zibin, and then there was Chen Liangfu, who was also called Neng Shu. However, Chen Henshou was thin and Zhang Henjun was Jun. Xiu Ming thought about it and found it very wonderful. He and Yan Wu were called the Eight Great Masters, and the world said they were calm and happy. Baopu Yun said: "The sage of calligraphy is the emperor's elephant." Huai Guan believed that Youjun's official script had one shape but all the characters were different, while Xiu Ming's Zhangcao had many shapes but one shape, and all the characters were the same: each created his own unique style. . It is practical but not simple, literary but not flashy. His writing of "Spring and Autumn" is the most wonderful. Eight points of talent and power are inferior to Cai Yong, but if he is not able to be coquettish, he will be hurt by Su Su. Xiu Mingzhang Cao is into the spirit, the eight points are into the wonderful, and the small seal script is into the energy.
  Wei Guan of Jin Dynasty, named Boyu, was born in Anyi, Hedong Province. His father coveted him, Wei Shilang. Guan Ruo was promoted to Shangshulang in the Wei Dynasty, and became Shangshuling in the Jin Dynasty. He was good at all kinds of books, and Yin Suojing was appointed as Shangshu Lang, with the title of Taitai Ermiao. At that time, it was suggested to let go and pass the rope, but the law was not as good as that. Chang Yun said: "I got Boying's tendons, Heng got his bones, Jing got his flesh." Boyu adopted Zhang Zhi's method, took his father's calligraphy and mixed it, and it was wonderful. The sky is very beautiful, like wild geese flying in the breeze. Use it with ease and without any difficulty. Later he was Shizhong and Sikong. King Wei of Chu sent an edict to harm him. Yuankang died in the first year of his life, seventy-two. The Zhang Cao is fascinating, and the Xiaozhuan Li, Xing and Cao are wonderful.
  Suo Jing, courtesy name You'an, was born in Longle, Dunhuang, and was the deceased grandson of Zhang Boying. Father Zhan, the governor of the North. You'an Shanzhang's cursive script originated from Wei Dan, which is more dangerous than others. There are mountains with cracks in the middle, water flowing overhanging them, solitary pines in snow-capped mountains, dangerous rocks in glaciers, but their strength cannot be compared to ancient and modern times. It may be said that "the regular script is more important than the Wei Guan." However, if the soldiers are extremely powerful and show off their power, looking at their bravery, if they want to mausoleize Zhang, why not use Wei. Wang Yinyun said: "Jing's cursive script is peerless, and there are many scholars." This is true for all those who know what is interesting, and I advise not to reward him. People at that time said: "It is extremely skilled, and the rope cannot be as good as Zhang; it is more wonderful than Zhang." Xiao Ziliang said: "Its shape is very different, and it is also good at eight points, inferior to Wei and Zhong." "Guanqiu Xingbei" is one of his works. Relics too. Da'an died in the second year of his life at the age of sixty. He gave it to Taichang. Zhangcao is fascinating, and grass is wonderful.
  Wang Xizhi, courtesy name Yishao, was born in Linyi, Langya. Zu Zheng, Shang Shulang. Fu Kuang, the prefect of Huainan. Yi Shao has a strong character, regardless of Chang Liu. Together with Wang Cheng and Wang Chen, he is the third young master of the Wang family. He started out as a secretary, and later moved to be a general of the Right Army and an internal historian of Kuaiji. When I visited Zhejiang for the first time, I had the ultimate ambition. He died in the fifth year of Shengping at the age of fifty-nine. As a gift to Dr. Ziguanglu, he became a regular attendant. He is especially good at calligraphy, cursive, official, Bafen, Feibai, Zhang, and Xing. He has prepared all kinds of skills and developed his own method. It is ever-changing. The magical skills he has obtained are not created by nature, so how can he reach the pinnacle. However, when cutting and analyzing Zhang Gong's grass, it is dense and eclectic, which is a shame for his mastery; although Zhong Jun's subordinates are used to enhance their splendor, they are not elegant. When it comes to studying the body and posture, you can work on everything, just like bells, drums and clouds, and you can achieve elegance and praise. Observe your husband's openness and respond to tasks. If you cultivate the skills of you, you will be able to make hundreds of hits, become famous all over the world, and uniquely reflect the future. After that, it became popular in Yuncong, which is not easy in the world. It can be said that he is a saint who has a clear connection. Li, Xing, cursive script, Zhangcao and Feibai are all fascinating, and eight points are wonderful. His wife is Xi Gongshu. He has seven sons, among whom Xian is the most famous. Xuanzhi, Ningzhi, Huizhi, Caozhi, and Gongcaoli. Ning's wife, Xie Daoyun, was talented and good at calligraphy, and was highly valued by her uncle.

  Ruan Yan, courtesy name Wenji, was born in Chenliu, and served as the governor of Jiaozhou. He is good at calligraphy, and his writings and writings are from the great king, and he is very proficient in them. If the flying springs are pouring into each other, and the competition is endless, it is said that Xiao, Tao, etc. each get the right army as one, and this public muscle strength is the best. Compared with courage, it is strong and sharp, and it is indomitable; it is said in talk, Then slow down the cheeks to enjoy the meal, and Li Jian combines the differences. There are attacks by Li Xin and Wang Li, but no modifications by Zigong and Lu Lian. His subordinates are accustomed to Zhong Gong, and the wind god is a little timid. Yu Jianwu said: "Ruan Ju is now looking at the past, and he has a glimpse of the wonderful doors. Although he learned from Wang Zuzhong, he finally formed a unique method. However, the answer to slow speed can be compared to that of Lu and Cambodia." This means that this man is impatient, and he is also like this. Meigao's writing was quick and quick, but Changqing's writing was slow, and each was wonderful in its own time. The writing and cursive writing are wonderful, and the official script is capable.
  Zhiyong, a monk from Chen Yongxing Temple, was from Kuaiji. I learned from Yishao, my ancestor from far away, and he specializes in historical records. Photographing Qi Shengtang, truth and grass are the only thing that matters. The road to Yi is a good bridle, and the sea is safe. If you still have a Taoist style, you will gain half of the meat of the right army. It is capable of all body types and is best in grass. The temperament is lower than that of Ou and Yu, and it is more mature than sheep and thin. Zhiyong Zhangcao and cursive script are wonderful, and Li is Neng. My brother Zhikai is also a grass craftsman. Ding Zang was also good at official calligraphy, and people at the time said: "Ding Zhenyongcao."
  Ouyang Xun of the imperial dynasty was born in Miluo, Changsha. His official rank was Doctor Yinqing Guanglu, and his rate was higher. The eight body styles are as powerful as the others, the writing power is strong and dangerous, and the seal body style is especially fine. Goryeo loved his books and sent envoys to invite him. Shen Yao sighed and said: "Unexpectedly, the title of the book that I inquired about spread far and wide to Yi and Di. Looking at its traces, did they say that it was tall and burly?" Fei Baiguanjue, taller than the ancients. It has the image of dragon and snake fighting, and the clouds are light and dense. The wind whirls and the electricity stirs, lifting it up like a god. Although Zhen and Xing's books are separate from the Great Order, they are as dense as a spear and halberd in an arsenal. The wind spirit is as strict as Zhiyong, and less polished than Yu Shinan. His cursive writing circulates repeatedly, looking at the two kings, which can be moving. However, jumping in surprise does not avoid danger and harms the purity and elegance. Since Yang and Bo, there has been no enemy. Only Yonggong specially trained his troops and refined them, and his opinions were evenly matched. Ou used his fierceness to drive forward, but he always stayed behind closed doors. He died in the fifteenth year of Zhenguan at the age of eighty-five. Fei Bai, Li, Xing, and Cao are excellent, while large and small seal scripts and Zhang Cao are capable. Zi Tong is also good at calligraphy, but he is thin and timid compared to his father. Xue Chuntuo also has the effect of asking grass, which hurts fat and dullness, and is the substandard of Tong.
  Yu Shinan, named Bo Shi, was born in Yuyao, Kuaiji. Zu Jian was consulted by King Shixing of Liang Dynasty. Father Li, the concubine of Prince Chen. Shinan was educated under King Gu Ye of Wu County and studied for ten years. During the imperial court, he paid homage to Doctor Yinqing Guanglu, Secretary Supervisor and Duke Yongxing. Taizong's edict said: "There is a person in Shinan who has extraordinary talents, so he has five talents. The first is loyalty and admiration, the second is friendship and friendship, the third is blogging, the fourth is poetry, and the fifth is writing." If there is one person with this, he is enough to be a famous minister. And both world and south. His book contains the grand regulations of the Great Order and contains the correct colors of the five directions. Show off your beauty and show your wisdom and courage. Beautiful ridges and dangerous peaks rise everywhere. When walking and grassing, I especially prefer to work. Its twilight teeth, if you try to remove them, the stinking smell will be thin, which is not appropriate. This is the beauty of the southeast and the bamboo arrows of Kuaiji. He died in the twelfth year of Zhenguan, at the age of eighty-one. Bo Shi's official writing and running script are wonderful. However, Ou Zhi and Yu can be said to be equally matched in intelligence, just like Han Lu's pursuit of Dongguo Rabbit. When it comes to their various forms, Yu cannot catch them. If Ou is a fierce general, it may be disadvantageous when going deep; if Yu is a good choice for pedestrians,