Zeng Zhao (1047-1107) was named Zikai. A native of Nanfeng, Jianchang. Zeng Gong's younger brother. He was smart and eager to learn since he was a child, and he learned from his elder brother Zeng Gong. He attached great importance to Confucianism, read the classics and biographies extensively, and wrote gentle and organized texts. He has a dignified appearance and is loyal and benevolent. He served as an official for 40 years, and served in four dynasties: Ying, Shen, Zhe, and Hui. He served as Minister of Rites, Officials, Households, and Punishments, as well as a member of Zhongshu Sheren. He dared to speak his mind directly about affairs in the DPRK; he served as local officials in 14 states and prefectures. When he was an official, he had many political achievements and was praised by others. Wang's Law Calligraphy Garden said that his book is "The calligraphy of Wen Zhaogong is as bloated as a jade ring. He is naturally a peaceful man." He died in the first year of Daguan (1107). More than 30 years after his death, he was posthumously named the founding lord of Qufu County, and was given the posthumous title of "Wen Zhao" as a gift to the young master.




Zeng Zhao's ruler-slip "Xing Fu Sui Mu Tie" on paper, 28.7x50.5cm, collected by the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Farewell. It's the end of the year. Falling in love with your hometown is so natural. But there are many public and private matters. No questions asked. Very ashamed of myself. Don't worry about Ding Ning. Is it just the friendship of a helpful friend and advice? It is also out of sincerity and concern for the country. Count to four repeatedly. Very impressive. This is the decline. How can it be so peaceful? But it is blasphemy again and again. I'm afraid it won't help you in the end. Yu Fei meets. No matter what you think. In case the distant book is lost. Don't ignore it. Hailing passed by to meet you. As ordered. The report of Guangling was a false report by the official. Riding on the current is difficult. Let it be. Never thought of this. Lack of both top and bottom. Wherever you are. Not alone. The colder the old age, the better. I wish you strong food and self-love. Zhao came up again.