Wang Ci (451-491), courtesy name Bobao, was born in Linyi (now Linyi, Shandong). Monk Qianzi. Shao studied calligraphy with his younger brother Jian. Good at writing and running calligraphy. Wang Ci's cursive calligraphy is full of roundness and solemn connotation, but his body is very agile and vertical and horizontal, which is reminiscent of Wang Xianzhi's calligraphy style. His writings include "Bojiu Tie" and "Zunti Anhe Tie", etc. Xie Fengzi was a disciple of Chao Zong, and Ci was studying calligraphy, but he didn't put pen to paper immediately. Chaozong said: "How can Qingshu be as pious as a duke?" Ci said: "Cishu is better than a great person, just like a chicken is compared to a phoenix." Chaozong retreated in embarrassment. He died at the age of forty-one.


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Explanation of Wang Ci's "Caijiu" and "Rubi":
Tang Huaichong,

In the sixth generation, I wrote a letter from my uncle Qi Shizhong Yizi Ci.
Debai wine and six other kinds, one step
It's been a long time since I've been here, suddenly
A lot of money, a lot of hard work
Thoughts of comfort. Wang Ci responded.
Tang Huaichong,
Fan Wuqi.
You are better than Keye, why should you decide?
Ridadong, think big
Small and doable. Late
Chen Ci returned it. I know you
Bad or bad, I always have ears. That is.