"Jingjixuan Poems" scroll, Yuan Dynasty, written by Ni Zan, regular script, on paper, 62.9cm in length and 23.3cm in width. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing

  "Jingjixuan Poems" was composed and written by Ni Zan himself. This scroll contains three parts, including "Ode to the Small Portrait of Zhu Bo Sheng", one five-rhythm poem of "Four Rhymes of Ancient Seal Poems", and three Qijue poems of "Jing Ji Xuan Shi".

  The inscription: "In the twelfth month of 1911, Yun Linzi passed by Mr. Yunmen's Loujiang residence and met Bosheng. They had been with each other for many days. He wrote this and wrote it together. Yunmen inscribed it in seal script. It is the 22nd day."

  The collection seals include "Zhu Wei Xuan Seal", "Shi Xing Fu", "Cai Bo Hai Seal", "Shi Yuan Collection", "Luyun Tower Calligraphy and Painting Record" and various seals of the Jiaqing Imperial Household in the Qing Dynasty.

  The seal script "Jing Ji Xuan" at the top of this post and the seal script "Jing Ji Xuan Poems" at the top of the post were written by Zhang Shen. "Jingjixuan" is the name of Zhu Bosheng's restaurant. His personal name is Gui and his courtesy name is Bosheng. He is from Suzhou. He studied under Wu Rui in Puyang, studied large and small seal scripts, and enjoyed making seals for others.

   Yang Shoujing of the Qing Dynasty wrote a postscript introducing Zhu Boxheng's life.

  This poem was written by Ni Zan when he was 71 years old. Although he is already in his seventies, his writing power is exquisite and there is no sluggishness. The knot is slightly flat, tight inside and loose outside. When finishing the pen, the strokes are steady and steady, and the corner of the pen is prominent. It is simple and powerful with a strong sense of official script.

  It was recorded in Bian Yongyu's "Review of Calligraphy and Painting in Shigutang" and Wang Shiyuan's "Short Notes on Calligraphy and Painting at Luyunlou" in the Qing Dynasty.
(Writer: Li Yanxia)