Part of the volume of "Shanghongzhaitie", collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing, paper, hand scroll, 39.2cm in length, 149.9cm in width, running script, 53 lines, 747 words.

Commentary on "Shanghongzhaitie" volume
  Emperor Tianxiang paused in fear. After the third application, he sat in front of Mr. Hongzhai, who was studying the book. When Tianxiang was in Ruiyang, he met a man who was waiting for Mr. Pan. He gave him a book and taught him the upward learning of sages. If Tianxiang is not the person he is, I will not despise him, but he will inspire me and I will not dare to think of myself as a tyrant. Spending time in the mountains and forests, I have gained a lot of knowledge, and I deeply appreciate the words of my predecessors. I suspected that the officials were hindering my studies. Before I took the exam in the county, I was called to remove the man and returned home begging for incense. If you don't obey, you will lose your honor. If you resign without being invited, you will have no choice but to take up the job. In the past, those who held positions in the department were only responsible for punishment and prison, and they only had to go to the Spring Festival to have a scale. It was also a time when the atmosphere was not peaceful, so these two things were added, and the responsibilities were very heavy. Tianxiang regarded Chu as the first priority of his duties. He worked day and night to cure diseases and issued edicts in detail, so that the people were afraid of violence. Probably he was only dedicated to the public with blood and passion, and the wind was moving inside, and he was not specialized in punishment and power. This is why Chu Gong was successful. The Jiangxi bandits were rampant, and the Xuejiang, Fujian and Guang three routes had been here for more than ten years. Tianxiang used his bare hands to send tens of thousands of soldiers to punish the invaders. For three months from the beginning to the end, it was difficult to defeat the invaders. Not long after, Tianxiang returned home from his seal because of the death of his ancestor's biological mother. The people in the village did not try to unite as one, and made a noise in the capital. Tianxiang was impeached because of the scale. Not long after, he also slandered Tianxiang for his failure in arresting him, and slandered Tianxiang for concealing himself in heavy clothes, decorating the walls, and accusing him of being greedy for personal gain and not paying a cent. Then it is very difficult to know that the country is contemptuous, and the country of parents cannot be administered. In the past, I, Mr. Hongzhai, built a rural canal. The reason why he can subdue those all along the way is because of his high moral character. If Tianxiang is a young man, it is appropriate for him to scold him for his misfortune. At the beginning of the discussion about Shudong, those who were called confidants by Jin Shen were all moved by the crowd and no longer noticed. Mr. Du was in the green field at that time. Whatever Tianxiang did at that time, Mr. Lu Yan was so close to his ears and eyes that it was as good as people said. Alas, it is still difficult to get things done. The true state of the country is based on political affairs. This is called causing trouble and making mistakes. But in vain and slowly, recruiting people and officials, doing everything in vain, not asking about anything, stealing the foundation of love and the reputation of caring for people's hearts. Zeng did not think that the root lies in Chu, and people's hearts lie in the price of goods. Without money, how can we conquer people? Without political affairs, how can we build a country? However, it is extremely evil to confuse right and wrong. You are a loyal patriot, but you are also a cynical person. It's just a matter of lungs and livers. Mr. An Decong fell in love in one day and asked for a word to make him confident. Now, Mr. Fu Wen persuaded the new emperor to tie up the silk fabrics. As soon as he came out, he became the chief of the six ministers, the director of affairs, and the political leader, so that the Duke of Wei Wugong had more than a thousand virtues. At the age of 30, he has regained his luster. How lucky is it for me to see it in person. Tianxiang would like to congratulate the country and the world, not just Mr. After Tianxiang slandered him, he relied on the king to protect him, and there was no fault of the governor. I put together the book of rituals and went into the deep forest to warm up and read it. This is what I did, which is a thought far beyond my imagination. Sir, you will be anointing Liuhe today, your servant will be in peace, and you will receive the gift from the public. When I read the book, I looked up and felt refreshed. The photo on the begging platform is on the right side. On the first day of the first lunar month, I made a letter from Wen Tianxiang.
  The seals in this collection are Xiang Yuanbian, Bian Yongyu, Anqi, Yongxuan, Yihui and Mianyi. The volume is later written by Li Shimian of the Ming Dynasty, and by Yongxuan, Mianyi, Li Duanfen and Zhu Yifan of the Qing Dynasty.

  The content of this post is to congratulate Hongzhai (Bao Hui) on his promotion to the official position and describe politics. It was written in the first year of Xianchun (1265), the first year of Emperor Duzong's reign in the Song Dynasty, when Wen Tianxiang was 30 years old. In the first month of that year, Wen was sentenced to death in Hunan Province and took office in March. This letter was written in the countryside.
  Regarding the reason for writing this post, Li Shimian's postscript of the Ming Dynasty said: "When Gaidu Zong took over the throne, Zhao Hong's father was appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, signed a letter to the Privy Council, and was granted the title of Marquis of Nancheng County, so this is the official congratulation."
  The calligraphy on this piece is clear and sparse, the style is elegant, elegant and lovely. The content of the letter involves Wen Tianxiang's "sending tens of thousands of troops to punish the Gan invaders" during his tenure in Jiangxi Province, which is of great value for studying the history of that time.
  It is recorded in the Ming Dynasty Wang Diyu's "Coral Net", Yu Fengqing's "Yu Shi's Continuing Calligraphy and Painting Inscriptions and Postscripts", the Qing Dynasty's "Shigutang Calligraphy and Painting Collection", Gu Fu's "A Spectacular Life", An Qi's "Mo Yuan Hui Guan" and other books.