Hand scroll of self-booked poems about traveling to Baoshan, cursive script, and flower-calendered paper. The dimensions are 382 cm in width and 29 cm in height.
Collection of Tianjin Art Museum

  There is a rectangular seal with Zhu inscriptions "Qie Xizhai Calligraphy and Painting Seal" on the front of the volume. This book was written in Jiashen, the third year of Jiajing (1524), when Wang Chong was thirty years old. At this time, his calligraphy was still in the stage of incorporating the strengths of others and integrating changes. The pen was sharp and bold, the lines were round and powerful, and the fonts were mostly sideways and longer than those of later calligraphy.

Attached is the original book description:
  Wang Chong had unique talents and high ambitions. "If he is weak, he is well versed in tombs and can write exquisite essays." He was proficient in poetry, prose, and classics. At first, he was a student in the city. Later, he and his brother Wang Shou (also known as Lui Yue) were admitted to the Tianxiang Examination. His brother was a Jinshi, but his name was lost in Sunshan. Then he went to Taixue and was known as "Wang Gongshi" or "Wang Taixue". From then on, from Gengwu in Zhengde to Xinmao in Jiajing, I failed the exam eight times. He devoted himself to poetry and writing, and lived happily under the forest. In the meantime, he traveled north to the land of Yanzhao. Twenty years of studying on Shihu Lake, giving lectures in Langjia Mountain, and meeting Wen Zhengming (24 years older than Wang Chong), Tang Yin (in-law, Wang Chong's son married Tang Yin's daughter), Chen Chun, and Tang Zhen (also known as Zizhong) , Yuan brothers and other celebrities followed each other, and they became famous in Wuzhong for a while. In the 10th year of Jiajing's reign (1531), Wang Chong traveled to Nanyong and unfortunately fell ill. That is, he returned east and recuperated at Baique Temple in Yushan. He died two years later at the age of forty. After Wang Chong's death, his disciple Zhu Junming collected Luo and compiled ten volumes of his poems and essays, which were engraved into "Yayi Shanren Collection" in the 16th year of Jiajing's reign. In addition, Wang Chong also wrote four volumes of "Dongquan Zhi", and his prose works were included in "Yayi Shan Ren Ji". "Nanbeigong Ci Ji", "Wu Sao Compiled" and other books.