Album running script "Twelve Tang Dynasty Poems including Songs of Drunken Time" collected by the National Palace Museum in Taipei




"Drunk Song" (Du Fu)
When all the princes went to power and went to the province, Mr. Guangwen became a lonely official.
Everyone in the first class is tired of pork, and Mr. Guangwen doesn't have enough food.
The teacher is more talented than Emperor Xi, and the teacher is more talented than Qu Song.
Dezun's generation is often full of ups and downs, but what's the use of being famous forever!
Du Ling's wild guests sneered even more. They were covered in short brown hair and narrow hair.
I bought five liters of rice in Taicang one day and went to live with Mr. Zheng.
When you get money, you will find each other, and when you sell wine, there is no doubt about it. You are so carried away that you drink your true master.
The clear night is full of spring drinks, and the drizzle is falling on the eaves in front of the lamp.
But if I feel that there are ghosts and gods in Gaoge, how can I know that I will starve to death and fill the ravine?
Xiangru Yicai personally washes the utensils, Ziyun learns to read and finally throws himself into the pavilion.
Mr. Wang returned from his early work and found that the stone fields and huts were deserted and covered with moss.
Confucianism is of no use to me. Confucius and his thieves are all in the dust.
There is no need to feel miserable after hearing this, we met and held the cup while we were still alive!

(The following excerpt is from Chu Guangxi's "Wu was demoted to the Jintan Order when traveling with Wu Ping to the lake")
I came to the Immortal Pavilion in the morning to listen to the string songs, and in the evening I went to the flower pavilion to see Qiluo.
  I order wine by the pool to take pity on the wind and moon, and return the boat to Pukou to cherish the lotus flowers.
  The bamboo island in the flower pool is adjacent to the secluded path, and the paintings float into the night stream.
  It is difficult for a boat to enter if the water is filled with lotus flowers, but it is easy for people to stay in singing and dancing and the moon will be low.

(The following excerpt is from Chu Guangxi's "Jisun Shanren")
In February, the lonely boat returns to the new forest, and the Qingjiang River is full of water and the mountains are full of flowers. I would like to ask you about the gentleman who lives in his hometown. He comes and goes and lives in the human world from time to time.

(The following is Wang Changling's "Autumn Resentment in the West Palace")
The hibiscus is not as beautiful as the beauty's makeup, and the wind in the water palace brings the fragrance of pearls and green flowers.
But I hate to cry and hide the autumn fans, and the bright moon hangs in the sky to wait for the king.

(The following is Wang Changling's "Spring Palace Song")
Last night the wind opened and exposed the peaches on the well, and the moon was high in the front hall of Weiyang.
Pingyang's singing and dancing are newly favored, and the spring cold outside the curtain is bestowed with brocade robes.

(The following is Wang Changling's "Farewell to Li Pingshi")
It's hard to say goodbye to Qingjiang River. Tomorrow the boat will be in Chang'an.
Wu Ji's slow dance leaves you drunk, the green maple is white and the dew is cold.

(The following is Liu Changqing's "Xunsheng Zen Master Lan Ruo")
Autumn grass and yellow flowers cover the ancient Qian, and people can be seen in the distance through the forest.
The mountain monk grows old alone in the mountains, only seeing his youth in the cold pines.

(The following is Liu Changqing's "Xunsheng Zen Master Lan Ruo")
When I see you, I sing a sad song. How can I grow old every year?
The white house gradually looks like the autumn grass is disappearing, and the blue clouds don't know how many old friends there are.

(The following is Liu Changqing's "Farewell to Zhu Supplements")
The Book of Heaven summoned travelers from Canglang from far away, but they were unable to cope with Qiqi's illness several times.
The vast rivers and seas are full of spring, and pedestrians ride to Jinling.

(The following is "Zhaoyang Song" by Liu Changqing)
Last night Cheng En stayed in Weiyang, and her clothes still carried the incense of royal smoke.
The small cloud screen in the hibiscus tent is dark, the willows are full of wind and the water in the palace is cool.
(The lower part is Gao Shi's "Masterpiece")
The cold light in the hotel makes me sleepless, and the guests' hearts become sad.
Tonight I miss my hometown thousands of miles away, and I am worried about another new year on my temples.