Signing is an important point in calligraphy creation. Many friends are prone to making mistakes in terms of composition and accuracy, especially in the content of the signature. Today we will focus on how to write the calligraphy signature time, which is more comprehensive. It is recommended to read it carefully.

When marking time in calligraphy works, some people advocate using the new calendar, that is, the Gregorian calendar to mark time, emphasizing that pen and ink writing should keep pace with the times, while others advocate using the old calendar, that is, the lunar calendar to mark time, emphasizing maintaining national characteristics and traditional habits. In fact, these two Methods can be used simultaneously.

If you use the new calendar to tell time, the method is very simple, just write it in the daily practical language. If you use the old calendar method of telling time, then there is a lot to pay attention to, especially there are many nicknames that need to be clarified.

Today we will elaborate on how to write the signing time according to the four categories of signing year, season, month, and date. It is very practical, good to collect or share.

[Full list of calligraphy signing time inquiries]

1. Remember the year
The "stem and branch" chronology method is used in calligraphy works to record the year. "Qian" is the "Heavenly Stem", and "Zhi" is the "Earthly Branch". The so-called "ganzhi" is the abbreviation of heavenly stems and earthly branches.
The ten heavenly stems are A, B, C, D, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui. The twelve earthly branches are Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai. The ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthly branches are combined to record the year, which becomes Jiazi, Yichou, Bingyin... :
1. Jiazi, 2. Yichou, 3. Bingyin, 4. Dingmao, 5. Wuchen, 6. Jisi, 7. Gengwu, 8. Xinwei, 9. Renshen, 10. Guiyou, 11. Jiaxu, 12. Yihai, 13. Bingzi, 14. Dingchou, 15. Wuyin, 16. Jimao, 17. Gengchen, 18. Xinsi, 19. Renwu, 20. Guiwei, 21. Jiashen, 22, Yiyou, 23, Bingxu, 24, Dinghai, 25, Wuzi, 26, Jichou, 27, Gengyin, 28, Xinmao, 29, Renchen, 30, Guisi, 31, Jiawu, 32, Yiwei , 33. Bingshen, 34. Dingyou, 35. Wuxu, 36. Jihai, 37. Gengzi, 38. Xinchou, 39. Renyin, 40. Guimao, 41. Jiachen, 42. Yisi, 43 , Bingwu, 44, Dingwei, 45, Wushen, 46, Jiyou, 47, Gengxu, 48, Xinhai, 49, Renzi, 50, Guichou, 51, Jiayin, 52, Yimao, 53, Bing Chen, 54, Dingsi, 55, Wuwu, 56, Simo, 57, Gengshen, 58, Xinyou, 59, Renwu, 60, Guihai

2. Remember the seasons
The old calendar is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, that is, the first month, February and March of the old calendar are spring, April, May and June are summer, July, August and September are autumn, October, November and December are for winter. In ancient times, the ranking of brothers and sisters was in the order of Meng, Zhong, and Ji, (Meng was the eldest, Zhong was the second, and Ji was the third). Meng was the eldest, Zhong was the second, and Ji was the third. According to this, Zheng, second, and third The months are Mengchun, Zhongchun and Jichun respectively; April, May and June are Mengxia, Zhongxia and Jixia respectively; July, August and September are Mengqiu, Zhongqiu and Jiqiu respectively; October, November and December are Mengdong and Zhongdong respectively. , known as Jidong. There are also some nicknames for seasons, such as spring, Yangchun, Fangchun, Qingyang, Yanyang, Yangzhong, Sanchun, Jiuchun, etc. The other names of Xia include Zhu Xia, Zhu Ming, Haotian, Chang Ying, San Xia and Jiu Xia. Autumn’s nicknames include Suqiu, Jinqiu, Shangqiu, Shangjie, Sushang, Sujie, Jintian, Gaoshang, Sanqiu, and Jiuqiu. Winter’s nicknames include Handong, Anning, Xuanying, Sandong, Jiudong, etc.

3. Remember the month
Alternative names for the Old Calendar months are particularly complex and have various origins. To sum up, the nicknames for each month are roughly as follows:
January: First month, Duan month, Chu month, Zheng month, Early month, Tai month, Yang month, Zou (zōu) month, Twelfth month, Chunyang, Chuyang, Shouyang, Mengyang, Mengzou, Zhao ( zhào) Spring, Duanchun, Early Spring, Early Spring, Shangchun, Xinzheng, Yuezheng, Kaisui, Fasui, Zhaosui, Sanzhi, Mengchun, Taicu, Yin (yǐn) month, etc.

February: Ruyue, Xingyue, Liyue, Lingyue, Zhongyang, Fourth Day, Zhongzhong, Dazhuang, Spring, Zhongchun, Zhongzhong, Mao (mǎo) month, etc.

March: Silkworm Moon, Peach Moon, Peach Wave, Flower Moon, Jia Moon, Jué Month, Xì Moon, Tong Moon, Three Spring, Late Spring, Late Spring, Miǎo Spring, Late Spring, Yu (yú) ) wind, Ji Chun, Gu Xi, Chen (chén) moon, etc.

April: Weak month, Sophora moon, Zhongyang, Wheat month, Qinghe month, Yin month, Yu month, Sophora summer, first summer, early summer, Weixia, Zhengyang, Chunyang, Maihou, Mengxia, Zhonglu, Si Month etc.

May: May month, durian month, gāo month, evil month, Yu Zheng, Xiao Xing, Ming Wei, midsummer, Wu month, etc.
June: Qing month, Lotus month, Ji month, Summer month, Fu month, Jiao month, San Xia, late summer, late summer, Qi summer, Extreme heat, Shu summer, Shu month, Jing Yang, Ji Xia, Lin Zhong, Wei Month etc.

July: Qiao month, melon month, frost month, phase month, cool month, early Shang, Zhaoqiu, early autumn, first autumn, early autumn, new autumn, Shangqiu, Mengqiu, Yize, Shen month, etc.

August: Zhuangyue, Guiyue, Huoyue, Zhengqiu, Guiqiu, Zhongshang, Zhongqiu, Nanlu, Youyue, etc.
September: September, Chrysanthemum, Yongyue, Decaying Moon, Late Autumn, Late Autumn, Late Autumn, Poor Autumn, Liang Autumn, Sanqiu, Dusk Shang, Ji Shang, Lu Shang, Frost Sequence, Ji Bai, Ji Qiu, Wu She, Xu Yue et al.

October: Good month, auspicious month, Yin month, Dew month, Zhengyang month, Kun month, Xiaochun month, Xiaoyangchun, Beginning of winter, Upper winter, Early winter, Mengdong, Yingzhong, Hai month, etc.

November: Gu month, Jia month, Han month, Snow month, Longqian month, Yi's day, mid-winter, mid-winter, Huang Zhong, Zi month, etc.
December: Ice Moon, twelfth lunar month, Jiaping month, strict month, Tu month, twilight festival, star festival, poor festival, poor period, twilight years, late winter, poor winter, late winter, severe winter, late winter, late winter , the second day, Ladong, Jidong, Dalu, Chou month, etc.

4. Record the date
The nicknames of the days recorded in the Old Calendar are relatively complicated and can be roughly understood from the following aspects.
1. Sanhuan (huàn) diary
The so-called "Three Huan" refers to the upper, middle and lower three Huan. The first ten days of each month, from the 1st to the 10th, is Shanghuan; the middle period, from the 11th to the 20th, is Zhonghuan; and the last ten days, from the 21st to 30th, is Xiahuan. For example, the fourth day of the first lunar month can be recorded as "the fourth day of the first month"; the fifteenth day of February can be recorded as "the fifth day of the second month"; and the twenty-sixth day of March can be recorded as "On the sixth day of the third month of March", the rest can be deduced by analogy.

2. Moon phase record
The so-called "lunar phase recording" is to record the date according to the changes of the moon's waxing and waning. The beginning of each month is called "Suo", "Dan", and "Suoyue", the third day of the month is called "moonrise (fěi)", the fifteenth day of the month is called "Wang", the sixteenth day is called "Wang" and "Wanghou", and the last day of each month is called "Wang". The last day is called "hui" (huì).

3. Special diary
It is customary to give other names to some special days, such as:
The first day of the first lunar month: Yuan Day, New Year's Day, Yuan Zheng, Yuan Shuo, Yuan Chun, Yuan Chen, Zheng Chao, San Yuan, Gai Dan, Lu Duan, etc. The second day to the tenth day of the first lunar month are respectively called the second day of Lu Duan, the third day of Lu Duan...the tenth day of Lu Duan.

The seventh day of the first lunar month: Human Day.
The eighth day of the first lunar month: Grain Day and Grain Birthday.
The fifteenth day of the first lunar month: Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival, Lantern Festival, Shangyuan Festival and Lantern Festival.
The first day of February: Zhonghe Day.
Second day of February: The dragon raises its head.
February 12th: Hua Chao and Bai Hua’s birthday.
February 15th: Mid-spring.
The third day of March: Chong San, San Si, Shang Si, Shang Chu, Wan Day, Xiu Wan Day.
The third day of April: The exhibition has begun.
The eighth day of April: Buddha Bathing Day.
April 19: Huanhua Day.
The fifth day of May: Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Chongwu Festival, Chongwu Festival, Noon Day, Chang Festival, Pu Festival, Summer Festival, Tianzhong Festival, and May Festival.

The sixth day of the sixth lunar month: Chongliu, Tiankuang Festival.
The seventh day of July: Chinese Valentine's Day, Tangram Festival, and Star Festival.
July 15th: Zhongyuan.
The fifth day of August: Tianchang Festival.
August 15th: Mid-Autumn Festival and Autumn Festival.
August 18th: Chaotou’s birthday.
The ninth day of September: Double Ninth Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Chrysanthemum Festival, and Climbing Festival.
October 15th: Xiyuan.
December 24th: New Year, Little Year, and Mei Zao Day.
December 30th: New Year’s Eve, stay up late on New Year’s Eve.

You don’t have to write the time when writing calligraphy, but if you want to write it, you must be careful, and the writing method is very important. People who don’t understand the writing method will confuse the writing method, write casually, and make people laugh.