King Xian of the Han Dynasty must record the ancient slips when buying books. Emperor Wuyuan of Liang Dynasty and Emperor Wen of the Sui and Tang Dynasties took them from China with gold inscriptions, jade seals, brocade embroidered seals, and torn paper and hemp. After Tianbao, he may enter the book and get an official position, and he also knows how to be good.
  In this dynasty, Emperor Taizong was mixed together, and all the fake state documents were gathered together. However, among the scholars and the people, there are still some treasures, which are not treasures, but are passed down from generation to generation. They have heard and seen a lot, and are afraid that they will be forgotten for a long time, so they wrote the "Treasure Chapter Waiting for Visits" to wait for the visit to the envoys. Yuanyou Bingyin August 9th. 


  "Xue Qing Tie" written by Wang Xizhi of Jin Youjun
  The original work on the right is at Su Ji, Wu County, Chengwu Lang, who was also the director of Jixian School, Shun Qinzi. At the end of the post, there are ancient postscripts, Junqian characters and Chu family seals.
  "Gui Tian Fu" in cursive script by Chen Seng Zhi Yongzhen

  The original work on the right is at Wei Tai's place in Xiangyang, so the people of Nanchang pretended to call it: "Yu Shinan White Linen Paper." There is an ancient postscript that says: "In the fifth year since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a record of crossing the pond at the White Horse Temple." A certain Guantan, Tai traveled outside the lake , Take it with you to enjoy the tiring days.
  Tang Shugeng ordered Ouyang Xun to write the "Tip of Wei Linggong on Digging a Pond in the Cold Weather"

  Right, authentic hemp paper, at Wei Tai's place.
  Fu Xuhao, King Peng of the Tang Dynasty, wrote Zhang Jiuling's "Situ Gao"

  The authentic calligraphy on the right is made of silk with a height of one foot, and the calligraphy is written with many pens. The poem goes: "Those who uphold the edifice are the pillars; those who support the emperor are the auxiliaries. His great reputation will be preserved when he is alive, and he will be praised for his great virtues even after death." Today, his grandson Zhang Zhongrong, a native of Qujiang, lives in Lingnan County. A certain official stayed in Guilin for half a month and still wrapped it in paper. He wanted to carry it on his back, but Zhongrong regretted that it was not allowed to seal the ancient paper. Jiuling's "Shinto Monument" is also written by Hao.
  "Ode to Dead Wood" written by Chu Suiliang in Tang Dynasty

  The rubbings made on wax paper from the You Tang Dynasty were accepted as authentic by Wei Lun of Chengyi Lang in Hefei, and were carved in stone by the Wei family. A certain official was very prosperous and visited Ganlu Temple to observe.
  Yan Zhenqing, the great master of Tang Dynasty, wrote "Preface to Farewell to Xinzi"

  The authentic calligraphy on the right is in the possession of Xie Jingwen, a bachelor of Baowen Pavilion. The person who was doing good things before and after used a pen to describe the two seals. The writing was messy and the character "Xuan" was still written. Fortunately, the seams did not fit together. It was judged that the pen was not Xuan, and the calligraphy treasure was very tired. A certain treasure was written in the pond, which has been read and appreciated many times.
  Chen Seng Zhiyong's "Thousand Wen"

  There is an ancient postscript on a pink wax paper rubbing from the Right Tang Dynasty: "It is a big and difficult undertaking, so I don't dare to lose it. I believe in good things." In the former Imperial College, he directly talked about Yang Bao's praises and got it from his maternal uncle Wang Anguo. In the fifth year of a certain Yuanfeng period, I visited Jinling and saw him. If the two true characters are filled in with double hooks, people still don’t believe it is Tuoyan.
  Chen Seng Zhiyong's "Thousand Wen"

  Youchu paper script, written by a Tang Dynasty person, is at the residence of Xuande Lang Chen Kai. Gong Gong's nephew made a Sanskrit album. Although it is not authentic, it is beautiful, round and lifelike, which is rare today. Some tasted it three times.
  Half volume of "Qianwen" by Zhiyong

  Right jute paper, written by Tang Dynasty, in the office of Su Song, Danyang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice.
  Wang Youjun's "Preface to the Collection of Lanting Yan"

  Right Tang pink wax paper double hook copy, in Su Ji's place. The spirit and writing power are perfect, and the original work is first-class. These are the ministers of Feng Chengsu generation. Shun Qin's father, Jixian School Manager Qi, bought it from Shu monk Yuan Ai. A certain person was friendly with Ji, and every time he passed by, he would come out, so he would wear a kiss on his back.
  "Begging for Rice" by Yan Zhenqing, Taishi of the Tang Dynasty

  The authentic paper on the right is in the court room where Lang Su was invited. Shun Yuanzi, a doctor in Duzhi, also got the An family in Guanzhong. Many scholars have copies of rubbings. This ancient jade scroll is sewn with the seal of Shun and Yuan, and Fan Zhongyan wrote the inscription and postscript. I read it more than ten times.
  Four Posts by Shi Zhangxu, Governor of the Tang Dynasty

  The original work on the right belongs to the Lu family in Hangzhou, which is also a common surname. There are five old posts: the first is Qiu Shen, the second is Qianfa, the third is Ruguan, the fourth is yesterday, and the fifth is Chengxu. There are four inscriptions preserved today. After "Ru Guan" there is an ancient seal inscription, which cannot be discerned. The two posts "Yesterday" and "Chengxu" are folded paper. Lu's son always studied under Feng Yilang Guan Jingren. Guan Yin borrowed the title of Fu San Da Tie, and I saw Shi Ben in Zhenrong Army. When I was in Guan, I was an official in Guilin. I was sent to the court by the official Guan Qi as an envoy, and I learned that the stone was in the Guan family. On the 25th, in Guantan, Qitong judged Pizhou and sent it in stone. On the thirty-fifth day, Guanhang, while Jingren was the order of Qiantang, the son of the Lu family came to visit him and thanked him for reading. After seeing the authentic work, I asked "Qiu Shen" for a long time. After a long time, he said with a frown: During Jiayouzhong, the prefect Shen Wentong borrowed it for viewing, but took it away and refused to return it. From then on, it will no longer be lent out, so it will no longer be borrowed. After sending workers to caress it, he returned immediately. He asked his younger brother Tuan, who was working for the county at that time, and said that he was in the residence of his nephew Yansi.
  Wang Youjun's "Lai Xi Tie"

  On the right hemp paper, it was written by people from the Six Dynasties, with several Xiaozhen characters on the margins, and covered with orpiment. In Suzhou, the former Prime Minister Ding called Sun Jingchu, and later gave 10,000 pledges to Liang Zizhi in Yunzhou, so the Prime Minister Liang Shi Sun was also called. There is also "Tang Shuanghu Fu Tie", also in Ding Jing. Everyone has an inscription and postscript.
  Han Zemu scored eight points

  The original paper on the right is at Ding Jing. In the second line of writing, the official position is changed from large characters to Chinese characters.
  The two-character title of the book by Yan Lugong, the great master of the Tang Dynasty

  The right authentic handwriting is written by Lingnan, the governor of Lingnan, and he was sent to Linjiang by Xu Yan in the court.
  A disciple of Tang Biancai wrote "Qian Wen" in cursive

  The jute book on the right is located in Longtuge, where Teng Yuan, a bachelor of Wujun, was born. Teng thought it was written by Zhiyong, but someone read it and saw that it was not written with the character Kong Liangcai at all, so he doubted it. Later, it was restored with the character Kongyong, so it was decided that it was written by a disciple of Biancai, so the two names of his ancestors were missing.
  "Pillow and Lying Post" by Yu Shinan of Tang Dynasty

  Tang model copy with double hooks on the right, kept at Qiantang Pass, a court official. There is an ancient seal of Chu's book on it. Guan Chang said to a certain person: In the past, a temple in Yuezhou built a Buddhist hall, and there was a collection of dozens of ancient manuscripts hidden in a niche in the Liangdong building. The reporter can tell you that Wang Youjun's "Seventeen Tie", Shinan's "Pillow Tie", "Ten Tie" Dou Jiu Tie" and Chu Suiliang's "Fengshu Ning Tie" are all stamped with Chu's book calligraphy. They are extremely fine, thick and thick. Guan and Sengshan purchased three paintings: "Pillow", "Ten Dou Jiu" and "Shu Ning".
  "Ji Shi Tie" by Yu Shinan, Secretary and Shaojian of the Tang Dynasty

  Right ancient double-hook copy, at the residence of Li Xi, Chengyilang, Luoyang. The grandson of Wei, a Hanlin scholar, also had Chu's seal sewn on it, and someone borrowed it from the stone.
  Tang monk Gao Xian's cursive script "Qian Wen"

  The authentic paper on the right is in the place of Li Xi, Cheng Yilang.
  "Daolin Shi" written by Shen Chuanshi, Minister of Rites of the Tang Dynasty

  On the right is the Sijue Hall of Daolin Temple in Tanzhou. It is made of thin cedar boards, slightly covered with powder, and not covered with patterns, so it will last for many years. Pei Xiu wrote Du Fu's poems, and only one character "fu" remains. A certain person went to Du Banxing to record his events. Shen Pai, a certain official Tan borrowed it to stay in his study for half a year, and the stone he found was originally a touch stone. Monk Xibai focuses on speed, and often changes his pen strokes to be straight and straight, and no longer has the tendency of lingering and flying.
  The prince of the Tang Dynasty ordered Ouyang to inquire about the Xun's Han Book Festival

  Youchu book, small regular script, is in the Chun place of the Hu family in Nanchumen, Tanzhou.
  Tang Ouyang Xunshu Daolin Temple Plaque

  On the right is Daolin Temple in Tanzhou. The writing is strong and vigorous, and the outlines are rigid and rigid. Also in Lushan Mountain in the south of the Yangtze River, there are many inscriptions on temples and towers by Pei Xiu. Although he lacks the power of writing, they are all lovely.
  Xizhi's "Qianwen"

  The right hand is used to write on paper, and the writing is strong and mature. Observing the envoy Wang Zhongshen in Xuanzhou, he was the nephew of Xiang Gui. The wrong question is that the four characters of "He Zhi Zhang Shu" are under the character "Yun", which is not true.
  Yan Lugong's first wife

  Right, authentic paper, more than half tattered, in the house of Prince Consort Wang Jinqing.
  Sun Guoting's cursive script "Qian Wen"

  Right authentic book on jute paper. Sewn on it are the four characters Liang Xiu's collection seal and Wang's book, which are rotated four times in a circle. The variant is as above.
  A poem by Huai Su

  The authentic silk scroll on the right is in the possession of Wang Jinqing.
  Zhang Chang, Shi Huer and other three posts

  Authentic paper on the right, same as above.
  Fourteen posts including Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty, Wang Hun, Wang Rong, Wang Yan, Xi Min, Lu Tong, Huan Wen, Lu Yun, Xie An, Xie Wan, etc.

  The original work on the right is in the Prince Consort Li Gongzheng's house. The calligraphy written by Emperor Wu and Wang Rong has the look of seal script, which is very ancient. The ink color is like lacquered paper, both are frayed. There are two characters on it, Kaiyuan, and the small seal is the calligraphy of Princess Taiping. The seal is beautiful, and it is not available. It is also a rare book in the world. Wang Ya's eternal treasure seal, Yin Hao's seal, and Liang Xiu's collection of ancient secret seals. Nei Xi's one post is the one recorded in the pavilion's Dharma post. In the past, the king made a collection of Pu's family letters and mixed them with yours. In this volume, only two lines of anger were extracted, and the rest were discarded. It's a pity. Xie An's "Condolence Note" is written in ancient times and is above the two kings. It should be the end of the note.
  Jin Xie Yi, Xie An, Huan Wen three posts

  The original work on the right, written on hemp paper, is in Li Gongzheng's house. It has the seal of Zhong Shaojing and the seal of Dou Meng's approval. Xie An's post was feared by future generations because the ink was light, so he refilled it with dark ink, which made people feel embarrassed. It also has a silk post title along with the previous volume, making it a famous pen.
  Huang Su's "Huang Ting Jing"

  The same character as above on the right is Zha. There is no Chu Xue style in ancient times and it was probably made by people from the Six Dynasties. There is a Jing seal of Zhong Shao on the seam, and a postscript from Tao Gu in the Han Dynasty says: "This is also the Book of Changing Geese." On the 11th day of the ninth month of the Jiaxu period, Baiji obtained this book. Upon closer inspection, it was found that it was not written in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. I'm afraid I'm not a right-winger. I'm sincere. There is Zhong Shaojing's calligraphy seal in Jie Xing. At the end of the two-character small seal, the two characters "Tai Xian" are written authentically and printed with Chen's book seal. There is also a paper printed by the Zhongxiao family of the Qian family, with a postscript saying: "Liu Jun, a scholar from Shanyin, offered a flock of geese to the right army and begged for a copy of the Huangting Sutra. This is it." Yi Shaozhen wrote this sutra together with "Le Yi Lun" and "Le Yi Lun". "Taishi's Proverbs and Oaths" are full of tables. "Lanting" and "Luo Shen Fu" are both written in running script, and others are also written in cursive script. Ten lines of cursive script are the enemy of one character in running script, and ten lines of cursive script are the enemy of one character in real script. He continued with the title: "This is the time when Li Zhenjing Fuzhong, the governor of Mingzhou, was dismissed from his post and passed through the suburbs of Jundong. He left his name and paid tribute to Zhu Qing. Zhu Qing was named Youwen, the son of Liang Zu. He was later granted the title of King Bo. After his death, he was awarded the title of "Jiu Jiu". The residence was in the autumn of Gengchen in the Zhenming Dynasty. Liangyuan, the capital of Jin Dynasty, was so important that it was carried on the back. Tao Guji, a member of the Zhongshushe family. "On this day, hemp fell, and Beijing Zhao An Yanwei was also the deputy capital commander. Mi Mou's postscript said: "The small characters printed on it are the seals of Zhong Shaojing, the Duke of Yue of the Tang Dynasty." This book is in the collection of Li Taishi, so it is definitely the first book in the world.
  Yan Lugong and Guo Dingxiang "The first post to compete for the seat"

  The right paper is an authentic work, drafted with the Xiantian Guangde Zhongdou of Xianfeng County. The words are written in a bald pen, and the meanings of the words are connected. They are flying and strange shapes, which were obtained by accident. It is also the first book of Yanxing in the world. It is sewn with the seal of Yan's Shouyi book. In the Literary Affairs Office of the missionary Lang'an, he had a surname of Chang'an. He was an official in Xie Yanchi Jue. He brought it to the capital and wanted to memorize it, so I was able to see him. An Ziyun: "Ji Ming's "Wenlu Preserved Tie" is at his home."
  Jin Wang Youjun's "Zhi Gong Enters the Town Post"

  The calligraphy on the right linen paper has an inscription and postscript by Taichang Qing Xiao You at the back, and is written by Lang Dingzhong in the front.
  Jin Wang Xizhi's "Official Slaves"

  The right double hook, on hemp paper, is also in Wang Zhongxiu's place.
  Tang Zhang You Shi Jiming's "Congratulations to Ba Qingjian and others"

  The right paper is an authentic work. The writing style is very ancient, unlike other books. It is the best book of Ji Ming Dynasty in the world. There are many stone carvings in Chengyi Langsuye.
  Huai Su's "Thousand Wen"

  The silk script on the right is the original, which is in Su Ye's place. It is the stereotyped version written by Shen Yu.
  Huai Su's "Song of Ren Hua's Cursive Script"

  There are two authentic works on the right, written on silk, with clear and elegant calligraphy and magnificent lyrics. They were in the palace of Prince Consort Wang Jinqing. There are three paintings by Shang Fang, and this is the last one. Please come out of the painting after finishing the painting, and then return to Shang Fang.
  Li Yong's "It's so hot that I need arrowroot powder"

  The white linen paper on the right is an authentic work, with the mixed calligraphy of the Tang family, the Chen family's book seal, and the Goude Yuan Tu secretary's seal. Ziwei's family stone Yang Xiu's things are now in the place of Yi Geng, the envoy to Suzhou in front of his grandson. In the previous post, I thanked Guangbalang for the authentic Lu Tie from Hui. I went to Yongshang and purchased it from Yi Geng.
  Huai Su's cursive script "Zhu Rong Gao Zuo Tie"

  There are two lines of silk writing on the right. This word is fascinating. Shi Ziwei slightly carved the stone. There are six lines, but the first four lines are missing. Asked Yi Geng, he said: "I was a politician in Wang Zhu." This was also purchased by his descendants.
  Chen Xian's "Cursive Calligraphy"

  The sixty-seven pages on the right have strange and difficult-to-read characters, like a Japanese book. There are also mixed calligraphy and seals of the Tang Dynasty on it, which are in the family of Prince Consort Li Gongzheng.
  Yan Zhenqing's "Sacrifice to Uncle Haozhou Envoy Junwen"

  Right, authentic, on paper, with many corrections and erasures, in Chang'an. An's son Shi Wen brought him to Beijing.
  Yan Zhenqing's "Shu Zhuo Tie"

  The book on hemp paper on the right, with real calligraphy, fresh and beautiful hair, is also the same as that of Dr. Li, who was responsible for the farewell to Xiazhou at that time. This Yan was also the first one to write.
  Huai Su's three posts

  On the right silk post, Yun Pindao feels like a knife stabbing his chest. The second post was to see Yan Gong, the third post was to Lu Gongfa, Huai Su refused to accept it, the first post in the world was also seen in Shi Wen.
  Huai Su's preface

  On the right is the office of Hubei Yunyan Chengyi Lang Sumi. The previous post was broken and disappeared, and his father Shun Qin made up for it.
  Yu Yitie

  There is Dou Meng's approval seal on the full blessing.
  The two posts by Zhang Zhi and Wang Yi are not true.
  "Epitaph of Princess Runan" by Yu Shinan
  Ouyang Xun's Four Biji Notes, Cao Sheng
  Yan Zhenqing and Dr. Li presented two posts to Zhang Xu
  Three pieces of Huai Su’s cursive calligraphy and three paintings of Yang Ning’s style calligraphy
  The emperor's elephant was in a hurry and Tang Fu Qijue

  On the right is the grandson of the late Prime Minister Zhang Gong of Qi, whose name is Zhiqing and whose courtesy name is Ruqin. He is now the chief register of Shanyang, Chuzhou.
  Wang Youjun's "Xianwen Poqiang Tie" has the Kaiyuan seal and the Tang Huaichong postscript.

  The writing technique on the right hand side is extremely magical, and the calligraphy is the same as the "Zhi Gong Chou" written by Wang Zhongxiu, a scholar. It has the Kaiyuan seal and the Huaichong postscript. In the pure place of Su Chengdaoyuan's son, he is now the judge of Shezhou.
  Wang Xianzhi's "Pear Sending Tie" has Li's seal and Liu Gongquan's postscript. Two lines of Wang Youjun's "Yan Xu Tie" have the half seal of Zhenguan and the characters of Xu Sengquan.

  On the right, at the office of Liu Jisun, the deputy envoy of Zuozangku, according to Liu Gongquan's postscript, he mixed the letter of dedication in front of the letter of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, but pasted his father's letter to the post of dedication. In another post, Liu mistakenly thought that his father was his son, and he didn't know how to write.
  There are four calligraphy works by Li Yong, including a blue paper with mixed seals of the Tang Dynasty, Goude Yuan Tu Shu's seal, and Chen's book seal, which are the same as the "Duo Re Tie" collected by Shi Yigeng.

  On the right is Zhang Zihou’s house.
  Wang Youjun's "Brush Formation Picture" has a self-portrait in front of it. The paper is tight and as thin as gold leaf, with a sound.

  Same as above on the right, Zhang Gongzi said: Borrowed from Zhao Song. Today it is distributed by Caihe River.
  Wang Youjun's "Zhi Miao Bi Jing Tie" has the Zhenguan seal. Wang Tailing's "Rihan Tie" has Tang's mixed seals.

  On the right are the belongings of the former prime minister Wang Zeng's family, which were kept by his grandson Jingrong. Later, Shen Kuo took them from the Qianlong Picture waiting to be made. The ancient postscript was written by Youjun and Yang Xin. Bo Shaozhi still scraped off the numbers from the Dazhong Sui postscript and filled it in as recorded by Xue Yong. Xue Ju, the former prime minister, wrote in the title: "He Fu left behind." This cover He Ning was Xue's old property and returned to Zheng'er. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty did not like his son Jing Shu, so people at that time named him after him to recruit. The so-called Shao's calligraphy says: If you don't scrape off the words for your ear, and if you don't bow your head when offering them again, the words are still there, and you can recognize them even a little bit. The postscript written by Dazhong cannot be discerned, and it will be collected by people who are not aware of it. This will cause the treasure to lose its authenticity forever, which will cause pain.

  the smell

  Preface by Tang Monk Huai Su

  On the right is Su Ye, the minister of imperial court. Mr. Shen of Hangzhou tastes the stereotyped version. Bi and Ji are both Shun Qinzi. Su's son Qi, the son of Yi Jian, and his son Shun Qin, learned about politics affairs from the Su family. Qin's son Ji had a good understanding of the good deeds of the four generations, and Zhang Yanyuan also compared them to Ji. The above three things are seen in the clouds.
  Hong Yuanshen gathered two monuments of the right army in Yuezhou

  The authentic work on the right is in the writing office of Seng Zhengzi in Yuezhou. I tried to borrow it, but to no avail.
  Chu Suiliang's "Huang Ting Jing"

  When I heard about Lu Ling's book on the right, Ding said that it was Sun Qian's place. The hostage is in a private house in Wuxi, and many scholars have lent it to the officials of the city.
  Wang Youjun's family tree

  At the Wang family's house in Shanyin County, Wang Huanzhi, a professor from Yuezhou, sent a letter to someone, saying that he had this book.
  Yu Shinan Book of Books

  Same as above on the right, in Shangyu, Yuezhou.
  Jinzhong Ling Wang Xianzhi's "Ji Fu This Festival Post"

  On the right, I invited the official Shi Yuan's home in Xinchang. Guan Jingren saw him many times and tasted the stone. I saw two books with exquisite calligraphy.
  Yu Shinan drafted "Princess Runan's Inscription"

  On the right side is Tongzhilang, who is guarding the throne of Luoyang. I see Fuben. Yuan Zi, who gave the title to the matter, said: The original work is in Luoyang, a good family, and there is an ancient postscript.
  Ouyang Xun's four posts

  Same as above right.
  "Yun Hai" written by Yan Lugong

  You heard that the big calligraphy was in Zhu, Lu Gong's was in small calligraphy, and others were in Su Juyun. At the office of his father's Minister of Justice.
  Liu Gongquan's "Epitaph of Master Liu Zun"

  The authentic work on the right is in Tangdong, Qiantang.
  Three Posts from Zhang Changshi's "Qian Wen"

  Same as above on the right, the model stone is from Li Shizhong, a native of Luoyang.
  Ouyang Xun's "Poyang Tie"

  Same as above on the right, the mold stone is in Lingyin Temple.
  Chu Suiliang came to the second post of the king's right army

  The same as above on the right, together with Na Ziyun, unwilling to come out lightly.
  "The Classic of Laozi's Ascension to the West", written by Chu Suiliang and painted by Yan Liben

  On the right is Luoyang Feng Jing, a bachelor of Guanwen Palace.
  Jin Wang Yun's "Zhencao Tie", Jin Zhang Yi's Tie, Song Ruan Yan's Tie, Song Xiao's Sihua Expression, Emperor's Commentary

  On the right is the Prince Consort Li Wei. A certain person saw Shi Ben and later Li Yun: "In Gaoqiao Yang family." He was not seen.
  Yan Zhenqing's "Cold Food Post"

  The book on silk paper on the right is in the room of Qian Xie, a member of the Zhongshu family. There are many stone copies in the world.
  Wang Youjun's "Yu Run Tie"

  Suzhou professor Lu Qiu Xuyun said: "I am here to discuss the matter with Lang Jianan and Wang Shi." There are ancient postscripts. Make the book binder carry it on his back and not return it for a long time. As well as cutting off half of the postscript, they are all from the Tang Dynasty. They are not available for payment. The craftsman is willing to accompany forty thousand, so he knows how much it is, and he has really gained a lot of gold.
  Lanting Fuben

  You are discussing the postscript of Dr. Zhang Dun, and Su Ji collected Lanting Yun. This is the same as what my family collected.
  Chu Suiliang's "Feng Shu Ning Tie"

  On the right in Guanqi, I saw a stone book.
  Jin Ge Xuanfei Baitian Taizi

  I see the stone copy on the right. I heard the original copy is in Taizhou.
  "Ode to the Eighteen Scholars" written by Lu Jian, the chief minister of the Eastern Palace of the Tang Dynasty

  Wang Guan, who stayed in Taiwan in Xijing, said: "I am at the residence of my brother Gui."
  Tang Gaoxian's poems written by Linghu Chu

  The authentic work on the right is in the house of Kang Jichang, the Minister of Household Affairs. A certain person found the stone copy in Huzhou.
  Ouyang Xun's second post

  On the right is Chao Duanyan, the court official. His origins are related to Zhou Mi, a Jinshi from Suzhou.
  Huai Su's calligraphy and Xiao Changshi's three posts under the sun

  Same as above right.
  Two posts by Song Yangxin and Song Yi, and Chu Lingmo Lanting

  On the right, Su Shi, a member of Zhongshushe, said: The former Prime Minister followed Sun Jingchang. Fu Shi was in Mo Miao Pavilion, Huzhou, and the stone manuscripts were often found. They are now in Shen Cunzhong's Kuo family.
  Liu Gongquan's "Purple Silk Lanting Poems" Two Posts

  On the right, Wang Guangyuan, who is waiting to be made, caressed the stone. The postscript said: "Long Tu's great admonishment. Li Gongshuai's mansion will publish a book in his spare time. Please caress the stone." Li Shizhong was from Luoyang.
  Zhang Changshi's complete version of "Qianwen"

  On the right, Zeng Xiaoyun, the commander of Linhuai, said: The Xie family in the capital is also from the distant clan of Baowen Gong.
  One scroll of five paintings by Yan Lugong

  On the right, you see Sun Yun, the son-in-law of Shi Yi, the Huzhou inspection enshrinement officer: at his brother's place.