On books [selected from "The Collected Works of the Valley"]

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"Lanting Xucao" is Wang Youjun's favorite book in his life. After observing it over and over again, there is not a single word or stroke that is unsatisfactory. The fat or thin parts that may be missed when copying are also self-researched. You must keep them carefully and understand the beauty of them. ---"Ba Lanting"
  Although "Lanting" is the sect of true running script, it does not have to be accurate one stroke at a time. For example, Zhou Gong and Confucius must not have minor faults, but their faults will not harm their intelligence and sage, so they are saints. Unskilled scholars learn it from the mistakes of saints, so they hide it in one song. There are many people who study "Lanting" in this world. Lu Zhi closed the door and said: "I will learn from what Liu Xiahui can do with what I can't do." You can learn to calligraphy. ---"Ba Lanting"
  At the end of my stay in southern Guizhou, I felt that the calligraphy was weak. When I moved to Rongzhou, I saw that many old books were disgusting, and there were probably three or four errors in the crosses. Now I understand the ancient saying of "calm and happy", but it is difficult to become a close friend. Li Qiaosou produced "Wen Fu" written by Chu Suiliang and Lin Youjun. It is powerful, clear and smooth, and is truly a rare book in the world. ---"After Shu Youjun Wen Fu"
  The right army tasted the play and wrote the book "Dragon Claw", which is no longer seen today. I observed that "The Inscription of the Crane" is as powerful as flying, how can it be left behind? Ouyang Gong obtained the method of "The Inscription of the Crane" based on Lu Gong's "Song Wenzhen Stele", carefully observed the meaning of his brushwork, and scrutinized it like Gong said. ---"Inscribed on the Crane and the Empress"
  Yu Chang commented on the writings of three modern schools: "Wang's writings are like a young monk binding the law, Li Jianzhong is like teaching a monk to practice Zen, and Yang Ningshi is like a scattered monk becoming a saint. The writings of Youjun and his son should be used as the standard." Looking at this statement, we can know the distance and the distance. ---"Postscript"
  Da Lingcao's special method forced Boying, Chungu Shao was hateful, Mijue achieved you. Therefore, those who comment on calligraphy in the middle think that Youjuncao can only be judged by others, while Dalingcao is considered to be of divine quality. I have tried to compare the articles in the cursive writing of Youjun's father and son. Youjun is like the Zuo family, and the great order is like Zhuang Zhou. It is rare since the Jin Dynasty that there is no such thing as the two kings, but Yan Lugong and Yang Shaoshi are like the great order. In Lu Gong's book, today's people follow the custom and respect him. The young master's book praises it with words, but it is wrong with others. If you want to know Yang's book deeply, you should be like Gao Xiangma from Jiufang. You can get it by leaving behind his black and yellow male and female. ---"Postscript"
  I have tried to commentate on books, and there is a pen in the words, just like the eyes in a Zen sentence. As for Youjun Shu, such as "Nirikou Sutra", it is said that "Yi character has three eyes". This matter needs to be understood by one's own experience, and cannot be discussed just by making an argument. ---"Explanation of the Dharma Notes"
  Wang's calligraphy is like drawing sand with a cone, like sealing mud, with Gai Yanfeng hidden in the pen and the meaning in front of the pen. Those who inherited the school even used the words "Lanting" and "Yong" to open the eyes, which can make scholars more cautious and become a vulgarity. It is important for the right army to say a few words, but the group's words are long. ---"Explanation of the Dharma Notes"
  Zhong Dali's seals and seals are excellent. There are several copies in the world, with different sizes. Later, he made rubbings on them. You must have your own merits. The scholars and officials of the two Jin Dynasties were all good at calligraphy and their writing skills were excellent. The father and son of Youjun stood out among them. Looking at how people discussed matters in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, they all spoke less and expressed more secretly. Most of them still had the spirit of the ancients, which is somewhat imaginable. It is especially rare to describe a character with rhyme, and if a book collector can understand it with rhyme, it should be as if it were the same. ---"Explanation of the Dharma Notes"

  Watching Master Li from the south of the Yangtze River rewriting the rough drafts by hand, his writing power was still the same as that of Liu Chengxuan, and he realized that stone carvings in this era could never be as accurate as before. I saw Mr. Li and Xu Xuan writing on several pages, and I commented that their writings, laws and policies were so good, but the steps were too revealing and the spirit was not up to par. The meaning of this number is profound and stable. If you do it deliberately and rashly, you will be in danger of being clumsy. ---"Book of Postscript by Empress Li"
  Although Yan Lu Gongshu is a family of its own, the writing style of Youjun and his son is consistent with the many twists and turns. There are not many calligraphers here, so I respect Xu Hao and Shen Chuanshi. Jiu Fang Gao caught a thousand-mile horse on the sand dune, and all the people working together still laughed at it. Today's book reviewers are mostly male and Li. "Books from the Family of Postscript Hongju's Father"
  Dongpo's bamboo slips have gentle fonts and are not tacky at all. There are several people in this world who are good at calligraphy. Although they imitate the ancients, they have their own advantages. As for natural self-crafting, the pen is round and the rhyme is superior. It is said that the four sons can be combined with each other and cannot be changed. In May of the first year of Jingguo's founding, Yisi watched in the boat in Shashi. Also watching were Liu Guanguo and Wang Lin, their younger brothers Ji Xiang and Xiaozi Xiang. ---"Inscribed after the word Dongpo"
  I have commented that Youjun's father and son's calligraphy was destroyed by the spirit of Ou, Yu, Chu, and Xue, and that Xu Hao and Shen Chuanshi were almost wiped out, but Yan Shangshu and Yang Shaoshi were still similar. Recently, Su Zizhan's unique face and Yang Qigu, such as "Peony Tie", are very similar to the walls of Baijia Temple. More than a hundred years later, this theory is still valid. ---"Postscript to Dongpo Post"
  Dongpo's calligraphy has charming and gratifying features, both large and small. Nowadays, common people like to ridicule Dongpo, saying that he uses the string and ink scale of Hanlin calligraphy. How do you know the meaning of the law? I say that the spirit of Dongpo's calligraphy and learning articles comes from the pen and ink, so no one else can do it. Gil. ---"Postscript to Dongpo's Book of Yuanjinglou Fu"
  The young man used this to beg for books. He only heard people say that I came here because of my interpretation of books, but he may not be able to tell the difference. To study books, one must have moral principles in mind, and to follow the learning of sages and philosophers, books are valuable. If there is no Chengzheng in his spiritual government, his writing and ink will not be less original and less elegant, but it will only be heard by ordinary people. Yu Chang said to the young man that a local doctor can do a lot of things in life, but he must not be vulgar, and vulgarity cannot cure him. Or asked about the extraordinary state, the old man said: "It's hard to describe. I regard my ordinary life as no different from ordinary people, and I can't take it away when it comes to important festivals. This is not ordinary people. I live in ordinary life all day long, like a pile of tiles and rocks, and I don't think about anything when it comes to things. This is just a common man." Even if Guo Linzong and Shan Juyuan were revived, it would not be easy for me to say. ---"After the book is added to the volume"
  This book was originally written by Chen Chenglao, but I don't know that it has been owned by Yang Guangdao for several years. Yu Di came out of the Wei family on Qiannan Road, and Guang Daozhi visited us. He seemed at a loss and couldn't help himself. Fanzhi said, "I am still the same person as in the past, but not the same person in the past." Shao Sheng Jiaxu suddenly learned cursive writing Samadhi in Huanglong Mountain, and felt that The previous work was too revealing. If you have a clear window and a clear pen and ink, you can count the words without getting tired, but it is rare to be able to do so at this time. ---"After the book was written"
  In the past, Wang Dingguo Dao had not done enough to write books. It was not a matter of concern, but I was not convinced. Judging from today's perspective, the words to establish the country are true and true. Gai doesn't know how to use a pen, so there is no pen ear in the characters. There is a pen in a word, just like there is an eye in a Zen sentence. Without a deep understanding of the sect's interests, it is easy to explain! --- "Self-Evaluation of Yuan Youjian Zi"
  Mr. Dongpo said: "It is difficult for large characters to be dense and seamless, and it is difficult for small characters to be broad and extravagant."
"On", "Poetry Narrative of Lanting Fei Shi", and pre-Qin ancient artifacts. They are dense and seamless, such as the "Inscription of Crane" on the collapsed cliff of Jiaoshan, "Ode to Zhongxing" on the cliff of Yongzhou, and "Ode to Zhongxing" on the cliff of Yongzhou, and Li Si's "Yishan" inscribed with the first emperor of Qin and his second emperor. In modern times, there are two kinds of beauty, such as Yang Shaoshi's formal script, running script and cursive script, and Xu Changshi's small seal script. Although this is difficult for lay scholars to explain, it is ultimately the case. Just like when a person is dizzy, the five colors have no owner, and his mind is clear and concentrated, and the green and white colors are also dazzling. When studying books, you can always copy them to get similar shapes. You should probably take more ancient books and read them carefully, so that you can be immersed in it, and you will reach the wonderful place. The key to immersion is to be attentive and not confused. ---"Book Presented to Chen Jiyue in Fuzhou"
  Anyone who learns to write must first learn to use a pen. The way to use the pen is to hook your hands back to the wrist, use the empty palm to point to the solid point, and lean on the pen with the ring finger to gain strength. The ancients studied the writings and copied them all. They read the ancient writings on the wall and asked about them. When they looked at them, they were fascinated, and then they wrote according to their wishes. Once you have learned calligraphy and cultivated it in your heart, you can then write it in a regular style without vulgarity. Anyone who writes calligraphy must be familiar with the calligraphy of people in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, understand it by heart, and be able to master the writing techniques of the ancients. If you want to learn cursive calligraphy, you must be good at writing. If you know how to write with your back, you will know cursive calligraphy. Cursive calligraphy is not difficult to do. ---"Afterword and Zhang Zaixi's Scroll"
  On March 13th of the second year of Yuanfu, I walked from Zhangyuan to see Suhu. I tried Zhuge Fangsanzhuo in Xuancheng under a candle. I felt that the writing style was similar to that of Li Bai's "Baitou Yin" in Qianzhou, but there were differences in the writing power. same. If there is a separate book in the next hundred years, it will be explained to Yu Yuer. Zhang Changshi folded hairpins, Yan Taishi's house leaking method, Wang Youjun drew sand with a cone, printed with sealing mud, Huai Su flew birds out of the forest, frightened snakes and people, and caught silver hooks and tails: it was the same stroke, but the heart didn't know what the hand was doing. I don't know my mind. If you are determined to compete with those who are able to achieve immortality in future generations, you will have the same merit as the calligraphy and craftsmen of history. ---"On Qianzhou Shizi"
  Among the books written by scholar-bureaucrats in modern times, only Song Xuanxian Gong'er is rich in ancient laws. For example, the writing style of "Le Yi Lun" written by the former Imperial Secretary Wang and Zhou Xingsi's "Thousand Characters" is round and vigorous, almost like Xu Kuaiji, but the problem is that it has no rhyme. For example, Xuanxian Gongneng and Xu Jihai's pen were copied by Youjun and his son in his later years and became a family of their own, which should be regretted. ---"Postscript of Changshan"
  Young An's brother likes to make grass. He carries a pen and dragons and snakes fill the walls of the East and West houses. The voice of the grass saint wants to fill Jiangxi. Come and ask for help from me. I can't help you with my book. However, when I look at all the fates in the world that gather and disperse like mosquitoes, there is nothing that crosses my mind. Therefore, I don’t choose pen and ink, write when the paper comes, and it is done when the paper is exhausted. I don’t care about the clumsiness of workmanship and the ridicule of others. For example, when a wooden figure dances to the beat, people sigh at its workmanship, but when the dance ends, the two become desolate. You are safe, what can I say?---
"The Calligrapher's Brother You'an is the Empress"
  Yu Shu's appearance is charming but lacks old-fashioned style, and he is not good at learning. Scholars are often too weak to write, even though the writing and ink are all artificially clumsy, and they need to have a good rhyme. The problem lies here, even though the writing and ink are not close to each other. Also, if you learn to be correct in writing, you will be embarrassed by the rules. If you study the writing sideways, you will often work on the left but be sick on the right. Official books such as Youjun's "Shuanghanbiao", Da Ling's "Begging for Relief from the Taiwan Post", and Zhang Changshi's "Lang Guanting Wall Notes" are not for the purpose of measuring the disease. As for running script, both Wang and his son have good qualities regardless of whether they are good or bad, and there is no room for discussion. In modern times, only Yan Lugong and Yang Shaoshi are particularly outstanding. They are very skillful in using the brush, and they are also flattering and charming, and there is generally no tackiness in their paintings. Among the recent scholar-bureaucrats, Duke Jing has the temperament of the ancients but is not upright, but his writing is very expressive. Wen Gongzheng's writing is not very good, but his official regulations and Duan Jin are similar to his personality. ---"On Books"

  In the past, my eldest father, Grandfather Dafu, and my maternal grandfather Tejin Gong, both studied Changzheng's "Legacy of Teachings" and Su Lingzhi's "Beiyue Stele". The calligraphy is clear and vigorous, and the writing style is clear, but it is not suitable for the eyes of ordinary people. For decades, scholar-bureaucrats used calligraphy in a flamboyant and unrealistic way. They used the wind and the horses to express pleasure, and the dancing girls arranging flowers for beauty. Little did they know that the ancients used pens. If a guest has Hui Palm Heart Fan, he will recite it as too simple, decorate it with algae, and write down Lao Du's ten "Bazhong" poems. Po feels that the writing is not driven by the pen, and the heart does not know the hand, and the hand does not know the pen, and I can't bear to be like my second father Shi'er. Writing quickly and calmly is the most wonderful thing about the ancients. If you try to write in this world, you will not be able to write in ten years. Suddenly I feel like I can't help but write words. ---"Self-evaluation of Shu Shi Brown Heart Fan"
  All books are more clumsy than clever. In modern times, young people's calligraphy is like a new woman's makeup and comb, with hundreds of embellishments, but in the end she doesn't have the attitude of a fierce woman. ---"After the Scroll of Li Zhiyao Begging for Books"
  I have studied cursive calligraphy for more than thirty years. At first, I took Zhou Yue as my teacher, so I kept up my vulgarity for twenty years. Later, I got Su Cai and Wengzi's view of beautiful calligraphy, and I got the ancient writing style. Later, I got Zhang Changshi, Seng Huaisu, etc. Gao Xian's ink marks are a glimpse into the beauty of brushwork. Nowadays, people who are too lazy to write this book are like old patients who tip their sticks carelessly and are no longer able to work. They are different from those who write today. ---"Shu Cao Lao Du Shi Hou and Huang Bin Lao"
  There is a saying from the ancients: "The big characters are as good as the "痗 Crane Inscription", and the small characters should not be imitated by stupid people. Follow others and become old people. Only when you become a family can you be realistic." Today's Chinese characters are not written in the ancient style, but are arranged and overlapped, and the characters have no momentum. According to the method, it is as difficult for scholars to reach the sky. When learning calligraphy, you should first make a double hook, press your ring finger with two fingers overlapping each other, raise the pen high, and let your wrist follow your will. Then there will be no difficulty in observing the human character pattern, and it will become a family practice in the future. ---"On Writing Method"
  In recent times, scholar-bureaucrats rarely have access to the ancient method, but they twist the pen left and right and call it cursive script. They do not know whether it is consistent with the same method as Ke Dou, Seal Script, and Li. For hundreds of years, only Zhang Changshi, Yongzhou mad monk Huaisu and others have understood this Dharma. Su Caiweng has a place for enlightenment but cannot fulfill his religious interests, and the rest is mediocre." --- "Postscript to Jun Xuan's Poems"
  The heart can turn the wrist, the hand can turn the pen, and writing will be as desired. The ancient manual calligraphy was the same, but it could use the pen and ear.
  The beauty of cursive writing must be understood by the scholar, but it takes a long time to learn it. Mochi is an expert in pen writing, and he is not a translator.
  The word "fat" needs to have bones, and the word "thin" needs to have flesh. The ancients learned two things about calligraphy. It makes people gain weight and make them sick, and they often pick up the ugly aspects of the person. This is regrettable.
  "The regular script should be like a fast horse and the formation of the people, and the cursive script should be orderly." This is the beauty of the ancients. Although calligraphy is clumsy in handwriting, it requires a mature and mature hand, and the mind is idle, so it is not easy for people to listen.

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