Wang Xizhi had seven sons and one daughter, and almost all of his children were successful in calligraphy.

Father Wang Xizhi,Wang Xizhi (303-361, 321-379), courtesy name Yishao, Han nationality, was a famous calligrapher during the Eastern Jin Dynasty and was known as the "Sage of Calligraphy". His ancestral home was Langya (now Linyi, Shandong). He later moved to Shanyin, Huiji (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang), and lived in seclusion in Jinting, Shan County in his later years. He successively served as secretary Ying, general Ningyuan, governor of Jiangzhou, and later as internal history of Kuaiji, leading the right general. His calligraphy is good at Li, Cao, Kai, Xing and other styles. He studies the style carefully, imitates the style with his heart and hands, draws on the strengths of many people, prepares various styles, and cultivates them in one furnace. He breaks away from the writing style of Han and Wei Dynasties and becomes his own style with far-reaching influence. The style is peaceful and natural, the writing style is euphemistic and subtle, and it is beautiful and graceful. His representative work "Lanting Preface" is known as "the best running script in the world". In the history of calligraphy, he and his son Wang Xianzhi are collectively known as the "Two Kings".

Here’s a look at his children:

The eldest son Wang Xuanzhi,The courtesy name is Boyuan, written in Gong cursive script and official script. His wife is He. Xuanzhi died of illness shortly after his marriage, leaving no children. His younger brother Ningzhi's son Yunzhi was his heir. During his lifetime, Xuan Zhi participated in a Lanting gathering hosted by his father Xizhi, and a post has been handed down from generation to generation.

The second son Wang Ningzhi,The name is Shuping. He successively served as the governor of Jiangzhou, general on the right, and internal historian of Kuaiji. He also worked in cursive script and official script. He also attended the Lanting gathering hosted by his father Wang Xizhi. His wife is the talented girl Xie Daoyun.

The third son Wang Huanzhi,Good at cursive writing. He studied his father's calligraphy since he was a child and achieved a similar level of appearance. There are posts handed down from generation to generation. Huanzhi also participated in the Lanting party hosted by his father Wang Xizhi.

The fourth son, Wang Suzhi,The courtesy name is Yougong, and he has successively served as Zhongshu Lang and Qiaoqi Councilor. He attended the Lanting gathering hosted by his father, Wang Xizhi, and some of his poems were passed down to him, but his dharma stickers were not handed down to the public.

The fifth son, Wang Huizhi,He is the more outstanding achiever in calligraphy among the brothers.

Sixth son Wang Caozhi,The word is heavy. He successively served as Secretary Supervisor, Shizhong, Shangshu and Yuzhang Prefect. His wife is He. He's grandfather was He Xun, the Sikong of the current dynasty. The two sons of Cao Zhi You Xuan Zhi and Hui Zhi.

The Seventh Son Wang Xianzhi,He is the one with the highest achievement in calligraphy among his brothers. When Xie An criticized the Wang brothers, he once praised them as "the younger ones are the best". After all, Xie An is Xie An, and his vision is indeed superior to others. Only Wang Xianzhi can be called the "Two Kings" together with his father Wang Xizhi.

The name of Wang Xizhi's only daughter is unknown. We only know that she married Liu Chang of Yuyao, Zhejiang Province and had a son and a daughter. His son, Liu Jin, was talented and served as minister, Taichang minister, etc. The daughter Liu married Xie Yi's grandson and gave birth to a son, Xie Lingyun, a famous poet. It can be seen that Xie Lingyun is Wang Xizhi's great-grandson.