Volume One: Book Records
Volume 2: Etymology
Volume 3: Brushwork
Volume 4: Round Jue
Volume 5: Situation
Volume 6: Wind God
Volume 7: Work Use

  Preface to Yu Ji

  Fuxi began to draw the Eight Diagrams and the writing flourished. The pictograms of the Six Books are the beginning of this. The affairs of bamboo slips in the middle ages were under the control of the Shi family. Those who ruled the world in later generations were those who were famous for their books. During the reign of Qu Xian and Sheng Ximing, he was able to stay in the imperial guard, so that he could know the emperor's talents. He paid attention to old news about calligraphy and hand-written calligraphy and history, and studied the methods of the country and dynasty. In his free time, he has many things to do. In the past Tang Dynasty, Duke Liu of Liu Dynasty once said to his emperor: If the heart is upright, the pen will be upright. Later generations in the world call it admonishment. Xu Zai and Xi Ming did not allow public power to focus on the beauty of the previous life. Preface to the collection by Shi Chen and Yu.
  Ouyang Xuanxu

  Elementary school is useless, calligraphy is almost perfect, and sound learning is especially obsolete. From the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, the system flourished one after another. Since the Western Jin Dynasty, both the Chinese and the Buddhist have prospered. People in the Tang Dynasty used books to recruit scholars, and people in the Song Dynasty paid more than a thousand gold for their imprints. They carved secret pavilions and Dharma books flourished. However, it is regrettable for scholars to follow the original source. What is the reason for the examination of Qiuci Shengxi and Ming Dynasty calligraphy? Xi Ming deliberately worked on the book and was able to study Zong Yuan, which is regarded as a book. As for the ingenuity of writing and the essence of storytelling, there are joys and sorrows and pains, and those who are not skilled in wheel-pulling will never be able to achieve this! When the book is completed, it will be recommended by close ministers for thorough reading. If you ask again and again, you will be able to understand and correct what you have learned, and you will be rewarded. I also want to pay attention to things and daily life, and I also want to contribute money at the right time to spread the word, so that the common people can have an example for scholars in the world. Their intentions can be said to be fair and benevolent. In the Ximing Dynasty, he entered the official position with a letter, and now he is a member of the Xia official. Gai has not forgotten his origins. He was a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, a scholar of Zhizhi Gao, and a fellow student of Ouyang Xuanxu in Luling, the history of the country.
  Unveiling the preface

  The Dharma Book originated from the Fu Xi family, and the more it changed, the more it declined, and then it became corrupted with the world. It’s still difficult to trace the ancient past, how about restoring it? In the second year of Zhishun, Shengjun Ximing made a calligraphy examination, but the draft was not completed, and there was already a speech about the emperor. There is a purpose to make progress in order to cultivate the dynasty's legacy. The matter was serious, and Emperor Wen died before the record could be recorded. On April 5, the fourth year, I was in Yanchun Pavilion today, so I was appointed by Kuizhang to prepare a bachelor's degree in Shaqi class. Pay attention to the Dharma book above, read it thoroughly, ask the eight Dharma decrees in person, and hide it in the forbidden place for personal reading. At that time, Shang Xin came from Lingnan, and the direction of the Sacred Heart had spread both at home and abroad. When he ascended the throne, he held a sutra banquet and issued an imperial edict to worship Confucianism. The whole country raised their heads and stamped their feet, longing for the rule of a sage. What is the purpose of the restoration of Dharma books? However, it is not only the Dharma calligraphy that has been restored to the ancient times in the world, but also, from the perspective of the world, is Sheng's calligraphy a sign of restoration? However, the ancestor of the Sheng family, Qu Xianren, lives in Yuzhang today. However, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Xi studied diligently and diligently. He was talented in writing articles and writings, and was able to understand the official documents of various countries. However, he was not self-sufficient, or was known to famous officials at that time. This is the work of a book. Yu Kuizhang wrote the preface, and Yu Te wrote the whole story of the book. In October of the second year of Yuan Tong, Wen Linlang, the Yiwen Supervisor, took part in the inspection of books and revealed the preface of Xi Si.

Volume 1 Book Manual

  The key to learning calligraphy is to learn from the past. However, since the past is so far away and there are so many famous names, we cannot choose without details. There are many good calligraphers in the past dynasties, and their reputation can be counted in the time when they were written and when the calligraphy was passed down to the later generations. As for the false name, it is also commonplace. There is no limit to the rest of them that have been lost to obscurity. What's more, they are interested in selling novels for profit, spreading and confusing the truth. Therefore, he first wrote a book manual, compiled comments from various scholars, and studied the essence of the calligraphy and engraving in order to prepare for reference.
  Collection review
  The country relied on its gods and martial arts to rule the world, and the ancestors and emperors promoted civil rule. As for the Ren Temple, the laws and regulations were in place. Of course, all the saints have tens of thousands of spares, and most of them can be devoted to art and literature. The emperor is the sage of knowledge, and his achievements in making things new every day are beyond the reach of his ministers. There is always no shortage of people in our dynasty who can write. However, the secular world has many noble ears and low eyes, so it is rare to be able to determine its merits. After thousands of years, there will be those who can argue. Today, we collect the comments of several people from Qin to Tang Dynasty since Cangjie, and compile the comments of various schools into three grades: upper, middle and lower. Zhang Huaiguan said: "The nature comes first, then the learning, and the wind and god of strength are the top, and those with beauty and beauty are at the bottom."
  Top grade
  Cangjie (Zhang Huaiguan said: a masterpiece of ancient literature.)
  Shi Xun (Zhang Huaiguan said: A wonderful piece of ancient literature.)
  Li Si (named Tonggu, a native of Shangcai. Zhang Yun: The small seal script is divine and the large seal script is wonderful. Li Sizhen said: The essence of the small seal script is exquisite in ancient and modern times. Qin Wangshan and the emperor's seal are like a thousand powerful crossbows and thousands of stones. How can they be apprenticed to a master craftsman? It is also a national heritage treasure. People in the Tang Dynasty commented: The bones are strong and well-proportioned, and the square shape is exquisite.)
  Zhao Gao (Zhang Yun: Great Seal Script.)
  Cheng Miao (Li Yun: top-grade seal script, pioneering example, resplendent in painting.)
  Wang Cizhong (begins to write regular script, please see the etymology for details.)
  Chen Zun (Meng Gong, a Han Chinese. He was good at official calligraphy and gave rulers and tablets to others. The master kept them all as a matter of pride.)
  Shi You (Hanmen Lingshi, Chuangzhangcao.)
  Du Cao (Han Xiang, or Yunshi Bianfa.)
  Liu Mu (King Jing of Beihai in the Later Han Dynasty, good at cursive calligraphy, very thick style, skillful in tying characters, Zhang Zhi learned a lot.)
  Du Du (Bo Du. Wei Danyun: Jie has strong bones but sparse calligraphy and thin calligraphy and painting. Yu Jianwu said: middle grade. Zhang Yun: Zhang Cao is a divine grade, and Emperor Zhang made the cursive script official.)
  Liu Desheng (Jun's heir. Begins to create running script. Yu Yun: middle and top grade. Wang Seng Qianyun: the teacher of Zhong and Hu. Zhang Yun: excellent running script.)
  Cui Yuan (Ziyu). Yu Yun: He is famous for his fame in Beizhong, but rarely travels to the south. There are people who have imitated it, and the prince admired it and thought it was beautiful. It is exactly like Boying. It is of the upper and middle grade. Zhang Yun: The first in Zhangcao, the god. Excellent grade, small seal script. Li Yun: Top grade. The seal script is imitated by Li Si, and the stippling is like iron and stone. Wang Yun: The writing is very fast and the characters are sparse. Yuan Angyun: It is like a dangerous peak blocking the sun, a solitary pine branch, which means despair. )
  Cui Shi (son of Yuan.)
  Cao Xi (from Fufeng. Wei Heng said: The seal script method is slightly different from Li Si's, but it is also called good. Yuan Yun: It is like a Taoist who talks about the classics, and his words are inexhaustible. Zhang Yun: Both small seal script and official script are wonderful. I tasted Li Si's writing style and was filled with lamentation. , write a volume of essays.)
  Handan Chun (Wei Heng said: He has the second best method and is good at official calligraphy and small characters. Master Cao likes seal script, but Wei Dan and Master Chun are not as good as him. Yuan Yun: If you follow the rules, the square and circle will be perfect. Zhang Yun: Ancient Chinese, large and small seal script, divided The official script is a wonderful product.)
  Shi Yiguan (Wei Yun: He was good at official calligraphy. He was the best during the reign of Emperor Ling. The big one was one foot in diameter, and the small one was a thousand words square inch. Sometimes he went to the restaurant without money. Because he wrote on the wall, the watchers paid him with wine, and the money was enough. And destroy it. Every book will be cut off and burned. Liang Hu will drink the wine as a board and wait for him to get drunk and steal the book. Yu Yun: Hongdu is the best, capable of big and small, and is of the middle grade. Wang Yun : To drink a lot of wine. Liang Wuyun: It’s like a peng’s feathers are not resting, and they are swimming by themselves. Zhang Yun: Distinguish the wonderful products.)
  Wei Hong (Zhang Yun: Wonderful Ancient Literature.)
  Cai Yong (Bojie). The seal script is made of Si and Xi. It is a mixture of ancient and modern styles. However, it is precise and simple, not as good as Chunye. Zhang Yun: Bafen and Feibai are both excellent products . Large and small seal scripts are excellent products. Li Yun: Upper-middle grade. . But Fan Juqing's monument is beautiful and beautiful, unparalleled in ancient and modern times. Liang Wuyun: The bones are deep and refreshing, as if there is divine power.)
  Zhang Zhi (Bo Ying) was a good calligrapher. He came to the pond to study calligraphy. The water in the pond was completely black. He said that he was not as good as Cui and Du at the top, and more than Luo and Zhao at the bottom. After seeing Cai Yong's theory on the style of writing, he wrote five articles on the heart of writing. Wei Yun: Hongnong Zhang Boying must write in regular script, and he has no time to write in cursive. Not even an inch of paper is left, and his calligraphy is treasured to this day. Zhang Yun: The first in cursive, the second in chapter cursive, and the third in running cursive. All are excellent. Li Miaopin. Yu Yun: The first book on clothes and silk is called the Saint of Cao. The first in kungfu. The best grade. Li Yun: Yipin. Zhangcao is like a spring rainbow drinking from a stream, floating clouds in Luopu, wet mist, and falling frost. Liang Wuyun : Like the Wu Ai Dao of the Han Dynasty, wishing for immortality based on reality.)
  Zhang Chang (Wen Shu. Zhi's younger brother. Yu Yun: upper middle grade. Zhang Yun: Bafen, Zhangcao Miaopin, Li Nengpin. Li Yun: upper middle grade. The Huashan inscription is Yanye, but has no spirit and bones. )
  Hu Zhao (Kong Ming. Yu Yun: A vivid example. High and low grades. Zhang Yun: A wonderful product for official script and a good seal script.)
  Wei Dan (Zhongjiang. A native of Jingzhao. Yu Yun: Don't dye anything rashly, you must open the pen and paper on the left side. Upper and lower grades. Zhang Yun: The sixth grade of grass, eight points, Li , Zhangcao, Feibai wonderful grade, Xiaozhuan capable grade. Liang Wuyun: Like the might of a dragon and the stride of a tiger, vibrating the sword and drawing the crossbow. Zhang Wangyun said: Good at regular script, he was called the sage of writing at that time. Wei Lingyun's palace list did not mention it, but the craftsman nailed it by mistake and could not remove it, so he asked General Zhong to hang it on a stool to write. , beard and temples are completely white, warning future generations to give up this art.)
  Zhong Yao (Yuan Chang, a native of Xuchang. He studied under Hu Zhao for sixteen years. When he saw Zhao's writings, he was so amazed that he wrote a theory on the bones of his writings. It is also said that he stole Wei Dan's tomb and obtained Cai Yong's brushwork day and night. When sleeping, I draw quilts by hand and wear them. Yu Yun: Natural is the best, as wonderful as the monuments of Xuchang, and as good as Ye Xia's slippers. It is the best grade. Zhang Yun: Reality is the first, and behavior is the third. Divine grade. Eight points, wonderful grade of grass. Wang Yun: It is said to be extremely wonderful. There are three types of bells. The first is the stone inscription, which is the most wonderful. The second is the charter book, which is used to teach young scholars. The third is the running script. That's right. The three methods are all good for the world. Li Yun: The main body is like a temple in the suburbs with old temples and beans, but it is also like a Hanjian valley with rugged autumn mountains. Liang Wuyun: Clouds and swans are flying in the sky, and flocks of ducks are playing in the sea. The rows are dense, but it's actually sad.)
  Zhonghui (Shiji). Yu Yun: upper and lower grades. Zhang Yun: true fifth, Zhangcao sixth, and Cao seventh, all four in parallel. Li Yun: upper and middle grade. Xiao Zhong has the official book Luo Shen Fu. Liang Wuyun: Twelve ideas, unexpectedly ingenious, and extraordinary.)
  Huang Xiang (Xiu Ming). Yu Yun: Hu is fat and Zhong is thin. Xiu Ming considers the two families and drives the eight skills. The upper and lower grades. Zhang Yun: The eighth grade of Zhangcao, the divine grade. The small seal script can be graded. Yuan Yun: Like the sound of singing echoing around the beam, Piano player's emblem.)
  Liang Hu (Bo Luan) sent the book to the Minister of Selected Affairs, and Emperor Wu of the Wei Dynasty hung the Hu book in his account, thinking it was a holy victory. Yu Yun: upper or lower grade. Zhang Yun: eight points of excellent grade. Li Yun: upper or middle grade. Wei Yun: The official script is written with full force. Liang Wuyun: It is like Taizu forgetting to sleep, and looking at it with eyes full of sadness.)
  Wei Guan (Boyu) was the Minister of Wei when he was young. He and Suo Jing were both good at calligraphy. They were called one of the two masters at that time. Yu Yun: upper and lower grades. Zhang Yun: the fifth rank, both small seal script and official script, ancient Chinese and large seal script. Nengpin, Chapter 4, divine grade. Wang Yun: Wei coveted Zi Ye, who was Sikong of Jin Dynasty. He adopted Zhang Zhi's grass method, took his father's calligraphy and mixed it, and made a new draft. Zi Jushan is also good at calligraphy. So it is said: Boyu got Muscles, bones from giant mountains.)
  Suo Jing (You'an). Yu Yun: upper and lower grades. Wei Yun: Guan has regular script, but it is far inferior to Jing. It is also said: Jing got Boying's meat. It tastes like cursive writing. Zhang Yun : Zhang Cao is the third, divine grade. Eight A wonderful product of dividing and combining grass. It is interesting and vigorous, worthy of Guizhang. Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty said: It is like a sudden lift in the wind, and a bird of prey suddenly flies. Wang Yun: Jing, the grandson of Zhang Zhi's sister, passed down Zhang Zhi's grass and its shape is different, and his calligraphy and painting are the same. The potential is called silver hook and tail.)
  Zhang Hua (Zhang Yun: Zhangcao Miaopin.)
  Ji Kang (Uncle Ye. Zhang Yun: The second best in grass. Uncle Ye is seven feet six inches long, has a beautiful voice, and has a majestic appearance. Although he has the shape of earth and wood, he has the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix, and is natural in nature. He is filial to friends and gentle. Taste the cursive script to make friends. The book is a piece of paper. Comments from the Tang Dynasty: It is like holding a harp while half drunk, chanting things slowly, and like a lone crane returning to the forest, and the flock of crows scattering.)
  Xie An (An Shi. Yu Yun: top grade. Zhang Yun: Ninth line, excellent grade of Li Cao. Li Yun: top middle grade. Let nature take its course, with tigers and tigers perched on top of each other. Wang Yun : It can also enter the stream, but it also respects its own self. I sometimes wrote prose poems in Ji Zhong for Zijing. When I got Zijing's book, I sometimes broke it into pieces to make school paper.)
  Mrs. Wei (Maoyi. Yu Yun: middle to upper grade. Zhang Yun: Li Miaopin. Li Yun: upper and lower grade. Comments from Tang Dynasty: Like a beautiful woman arranging flowers, low and graceful. Or like a beautiful woman on the stage, with fairies playing shadows and red lotuses reflecting in the water. , clear blue sky and floating clouds.)
  Wang Xian (general of the world. Yu Yun: middle-middle grade. Zhang Yun: true third, grass fifth, both good grades. Feibai wonderful grade. Li Yun: upper and lower grades. Wang Yun: Wang Pingnan is an uncle of Youjun, who has crossed the river since Come, in front of the Youjun army, Wei Zhen is the most powerful. The painting is the division of the Jin and Ming emperors, and the book is the Youjun Law.)
  Wang Xizhi (Yi Shao) was the son of Kuang. He was from Linyi, Langya. He studied books at a young age, and when he was thirteen years old, he saw the essays written by his predecessors in his father's pillow. He read them secretly and made rapid progress in his studies. When Mrs. Wei saw him, she said that Wang Ce was too often. Said: This man must know the secrets of using brushes, and he must cover up the title of my book. Emperor Cheng of Jin Dynasty offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, and more blessing editions were cut by workers. Seven points of Xi's ink penetrated into the wood. I was just learning Mrs. Wei's calligraphy, and when I crossed the river and saw the ancient stele, I sighed. Learning from Mrs. Wei is a waste of years. Zhang Yun: The handwriting is smooth and smooth, and he is unique in the beauty of the family. The nature is natural, and the wind and spirit are the best. Moreover, the way is subtle and the taste is thin, so no ordinary person can learn it. The reason is hidden but the meaning is profound. There are few friends in the world. The truth is first, the line is second, the chapter is fifth, the grass is eighth, and Fei Bai is a divine grade, eight points of wonderful grade. Yu Yun: If the effort is not as good as Zhang, it will be natural. If nature is not as good as Zhong, the effort will be too much. It's allowed to be the top grade. Li Yun: Yipin. Like the four seasons of Yin and Yang, the cold and heat are balanced, the rock corridor is grand and open, and the hairpin train is solemn. Its sound is like the sonorous gold and stone; its fragrance is rich, like the mist of blue and musk deer; it is difficult to conquer. Yes, it is ethereal and like a fairy; it is eye-catching, it is clear and in the eye. It can be said to be the holy book of true calligraphy. If the grass is mixed, like the breeze coming out of the sleeves, the bright moon entering the arms, the jade and gold are rotten and five-color, and the five colors are black and white. Picking. Therefore, Li Zhu lost Ming and Ziqi lost his hearing. He can be called the sage of grass. Its flying whiteness is like a rolling mist, and the haze is scorching. The long sword is leaning against the sky, and its powerful arrow suddenly falls to the ground. It can be called the sage of flying white. . Another example is the pine rock dotted with dark green, which rises to the morning clouds, the flying spring washes the jade, and falls into the evening rain. It is separated from the square to escape the circle, and it is not silk or silk. Tang Commentary: Like a strong man drawing his sword, blocking the water and stopping the flow. A point placed on the head is like a falling stone from a peak; a horizontal painting is like a formation of clouds thousands of miles away; a wave is raised, like wind and thunder, and a vertical one is like a long-lived withered vine; a leaning pole is like a tiger crouching in a phoenix pavilion; Lifting the pole from above, it is like a dragon jumping over the Tianmen. Liang Wuyun: The characters are majestic, like a dragon jumping over the Tianmen, or a tiger crouching in the Phoenix Pavilion. Therefore, it has been treasured by the past generations and will always be used as a lesson. Wang Yun: The traces of the ancients cannot be surpassed.)
  Wang Xianzhi (Zijing) is the seventh son of Yi Shao. Zijing is the most famous. When he was seven or eight years old, he learned to calligraphy. Yi Shaomi couldn't hold his pen from behind, saying: "This son should have a famous name." When he tasted the big characters of "Abbott" on the wall of the book, Yi Shao thought it very much. Able. I first studied my father's calligraphy, and soon became accustomed to it from Zhang. Later he changed the system and created his own method. He leads his teacher's heart, complies with the laws of heaven, and shows his majestic and spiritual traces. If Zang Wuzhong's wisdom, Bian Zhuangzi's courage. Dapeng blows in the wind, whales spray foam, rocks fall from cliffs, and lightning is shocked. Zhang Yun: In addition to walking on grass, Zijing also opened a door, which is neither grass nor true. He who escapes from the square and escapes into the circle, and who is both true and true, is called true practice. Those who carry the grass are called walking grass. Zijing's method is neither grass nor walking, and it flows easily among the walking grass. Yi Shao upholds the truth and the essentials of practice, and Zijing executes the power of grass. The father's spirit is harmonious, and the son's divine horse is unique in ancient and modern times. Yes. True fourth, line second, Zhang Cao first, Cao third, Fei Bai is a divine grade. Eight points Neng grade. Yu Yun: Upper middle grade. Liang Wuyun: Outstanding among all, no one can imitate. Like He Shuo Young people are all full of joy, dragging their bodies and being impatient. Li Yun: The son respects cursive writing and is more relaxed than his father. Like a phoenix dancing in a red cave or a dragon leaping in a clear spring. It changes suddenly and you don’t know what it is. Or you can move mountains by kicking the sea. , or the waves are shaking the mountains. The official script and running script are like field scholars, who are more and more involved in the dynasty. It is not inconsistent with the ancient charter, but it is out of place. The old saying is that it is turned to beauty, and it is to be judged and sparse.)
  Wang Min (Ji Yan) is the youngest son of Qia. His name is Xunyou. It is said at the time: Dharma Protector is not bad, Monk Mi Nan is his brother. Dharma Protector, also has small characters. There are four pieces of plain text. From the beginning of the morning to the evening, the book was written from beginning to end. It's the same, and there is no mistake in the wording. Zijing said in a play: The disciple's letter is like riding a donkey, and the horse always wants to pass in front of Hua Liu. He tried to present it on behalf of the emperor and also wrote the order, so the offering was regarded as the big order, and the min was the small order. Yu Yun: Middle to top grade. Zhang Yun: Line 6, and Miao Pin. Wang Yun: The writing power is better than that of Zijing.)
  Xun Yu (Chang Yin. Yu Yun: upper and lower grades. Zhang Yun: both Li and Cao are excellent. Wang Yun: Chang Yin's raccoon bone, Youjun thinks it is unparalleled.)
  Ruan Yan (Wen Ji. Yu Yun: A poor view of the past and the present is the door to all the wonderful things. Although it is a master of Wang Zuzhong, it is still integrated into one. Upper and lower grades. Zhang Yun: His Li and Xingcao are excellent. Li Yun: Middle grade. Liang Wuyun: If a noble man loses his goods, you cannot reject the virtuous ones.)
  middle grade
  Yan Yannian (Zhang Yun: Dazhuan Nengpin, Gongshu Shu.)
  Xu Shen (Zhang Yun: Xiaozhuan Nengpin.)
  Ban Gu (Zhang Yun: large and small seal scripts.)
  Luo Hui (Uncle Jing. Yu Yun: middle-low grade. Zhang Yun: Zhang Cao Neng grade.)
  Emperor Wu of the Wei Dynasty (Cao Cao, Meng De. Yu Yun: The pen and ink are majestic. Medium grade. Zhang Yun: The chapter and grass are exquisite. Tang Comment: Like golden flowers falling, the ground is exquisite, the jade and jade are divided into brilliance, and the jade rock is bright.)
  Sun Hao (The last emperor of Wu, Emperor Yuanzong. Yu Yun: The style is dense and dense. Medium to medium grade. Li Yun: Middle to low grade. For example, the people of Wu are happy and proud of their families. Even if they want to be arrogant, they are still in peace.)
  Mao Hong (Zhang Yun: Bafen Nengpin. Wei Hengyun: Hong is a descendant of Liang Hu and taught by the secretary. Today Bafenengzhi is the author of Hong's legislation.)
  Wei Jian (Boru. Yu Yun: Zhongzhongpin. Zhang Yun: Guwen, Li, Cao, Zhang Nengpin. Wang Yun: The body is as thin as a wound but the pen is sharp and clear.)
  Wei Heng (Jushan. The son of Guan. Yu Yun: middle-grade. Zhang Yun: excellent ancient prose and Zhangcao, Li Neng. Li Yun: middle-top grade. Liang Wuyun: like a beautiful woman arranging flowers, dancing and smiling on the mirror.)
  Sima You (the younger brother of Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty. Wang Yun: The capital considers regular style. Zhang Yun: The grass can be refined.)
  Lu Ji (Shi Heng. Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Li Yun: middle to upper grade. Mussel pearls, gold river silver gravel. Wang said: Wu Shiye, there is no comparison.)
  Liu Yu (Qingsun. Yu Yun: middle to lower grade.)
  Yu Liang (Yuan Gui. Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Wang Yun: also entered Neng Lu.)
  Yu Yi (Zhi Gong. Yu Yun: middle and top grade. Zhang Yun: Li, Cao, Zhang Neng grade. Li Yun: upper and lower grade. Wang Yun: Zheng Xiyi Shu, Shao Shi is as famous as Yi Shao. The right army advanced behind, but Yu still did not. I am angry at myself. I sent a letter to Jingzhou and the capital saying: The younger generation is a humble chicken, more important than a wild swan, and has little education and education. I should still compare it with them.)
  Wang Dun (Chu Zhong. Zhang Yun: The fourth grass.)
  Wang Dao (Mao Hong. Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Zhang Yun: True seventh, Xing eighth, and Shu Neng grade. Wang Yun: There is a regular script, and he is a teacher of Zhong and Wei. He likes and dislikes. He is in a state of chaos and embarrassment. Zhong Yao, the minister, declared that the belt should be crossed across the river, and later the right army obtained it. Zitian, Qia, and Hui were also able to write.)
  Xi family (wife of Xi. Jin Gongshu, has seven sons.)
  Wang Huizhi (Ziyou.)
  Cao Zhi (Both are sons of Xi, and Gong Cao Li.)
  Xie Daoyun (Ning's wife is also talented and good at calligraphy. Li Yun: middle to lower grade. Graceful and elegant, fragrant and fun to play with.)
  Xi Min (Fang Hui. Yu Yun: middle to top grade. Zhang Yun: Zhangcao is a wonderful product, Cao and Li can be high grade. Li Yun: upper and lower grade. Liang Wuyun: The meaning is very familiar but it is difficult to pick out the wonderful, so it is a desolate style and has no elegance. Su. Wang Yun: Zhang Caoya Yu Youjun.)
  Xi Chao (Jingxing, also known as guest. Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Wang Yun: the second king of Caoya, who is more charming than his father, but not as strong as his bones. Li Yun: middle to upper grade .)
  Huan Xuan (respected. Yu Yun: middle to top grade. Li Yun: middle to middle grade. Like a snake entering the grass when startled, the sharp edge comes out of the box. Wang Yun: Xuan Zi compares with Youjun, but the deputies did not agree, he can compare with Kong Linzhi.)
  Du Yu (Yuan Kai. Yu Yun: middle-middle grade. Zhang Yun: Zhang Cao Neng grade. Li Yun: middle-low grade.)
  Li Shi (Jing Ze. Yu Yun: middle and top grade. Zhang Yun: Li and Cao Neng grade. Li Yun: upper and lower grade. Longitudinal step over Yangxin, comparable to Yu Yi.)
  Zhang Yi (Junzu. Yu Yun: middle-lower grade. Li Yun: middle-upper grade. Wang Yun: Youjun wrote his own book. Emperor Mu of the Jin Dynasty ordered Yi to write a question and answer Youjun. Youjun was not separated at that time. After a long time, Fangjue said. The boy is so horny.)
  Yang Xin (Jingyuan). Yu Yun: I followed Zi Jing early, and I got the perfect style. Middle and top grade. Zhang Yun: Li and Xingcao are wonderful. Li Yun: Upper and lower grade. Liang Wuyun: Like a maid as a wife, even though she knows how to take over her position, her behavior is Being shy, it never seems true. Wang Yun: Receiving advice is more important than Zijing, writing is more important than a moment, practicing grass is still good , but it is not called righteousness.)
  Bo Shaozhi (Jinghe. Yu Yun: lower and upper grade. Zhang Yun: both Li and Xingcao are excellent. Liang Wuyun: Like a dragon swimming in the sky, affectionate and cute.)
  Kong Linzhi (Yan Lin. Yu Yun: middle to top grade. Zhang Yun: both official and cursive writing are excellent. Tang Comment: Indulgent, fast and vigorous, fluent in writing, after the second king, it is difficult to compare with him . But the merits are small, so he should be inferior to Sheep Xin. Wang Yun: Naturally carefree, very disciplined in writing, but rarely free in technique.)
  Zhang Chao (Zi Bing. Yu Yun: Zi Bing and Cui Jiazhou are very similar to each other. They can be said to be as cold as water. Middle and top grade. Zhang Yun: Zhang Cao can be good. Liang commented: Like the Korean people resisting the waves, they are not spirited but charming. The spirit of self-sufficiency. Li Yun: middle to lower grade. For example, if a young man from Yingzhong enters the capital for the first time, even if he is talented in debate, he will know it.)
  Yin Jun (Yu Yun: I indulged in my hobbies, but finally got to follow them. Top grade.)
  Xie Lingyun (Yu Yun: the lower and upper grades. Zhang Yun: Li and Cao Miaopin. Li Yun: the middle and lower grades. Wang Yun: Xi Zi respected the above table, more than the Zhongshu miscellany, all of them stole the authentic version from the book, and they did not agree with each other. Doubtful. In the early years of Yongjia, Fang asked for it back. This is also an example of thanking the Taifu for his special courtesy.)
  Xie Zong (Wang Yun: Calligraphy is tight and clean, Yang Xin is afraid of it. Calligraphy is powerful, Hate Shao Mei is good.)
  Tao Hongjing (Tongming, Yinjun). Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Li Yun: middle to middle grade. Obtaining the essence of the book is like the first strike of an eagle in the frosty sky of a beautiful scene. Liang Wuyun: Like a child from Wuxing, the shape is not yet mature but the bones are sharp. very.)
  Guo Bodao (Yu Yun: He bowed to the imperial court and sealed his traces far away.)
  Li Zhendong (Liang Wuyun: Like hibiscus emerging from water, with literary colors and gold carved on it.)
  Zuo Bo (Ziyi. Yu Yun: separated from Liang Han. Zhongzhongpin.)
  Zhang Pengzu (Yu Yun: Zhongzhongpin. Zhang Yun: Li Nengpin.)
  Ren Jing (Yu Yun: Zhongzhongpin.)
  Wei Chang (Yu Yun: Zhongzhongpin. Literary title column. Zhang Yun: Ancient Chinese and large seal script.)
  Zhang Yong (Yu Yun: Zhongzhongpin.)
  Fan Huaiyue (Liang Wuyun: The real calligraphy is powerful but the cursive writing is ineffective. Yu Yun: It is of medium quality. Both Zhang and Fan are beautiful in the southeast.)
  Wu Xiu Shang (Yu Yun: Zhongzhongpin. Liang Wuyun: Like the father in the new pavilion, we talk together like Yangzhou, and the conversation becomes vivid.)
  Shi Fangtai (Yu Yun: Shi and Wu Ye were outstanding in the same year. Medium grade.)
  Kang Xin (Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Zhang Yun: middle to middle grade. Skillful, meticulous and diligent, with the style of a scholar flying origami. Wang Yun: After learning from Youjun, I also want to mess with the truth . I tried to make Youjun book goods with people who knew Taoism in Nanzhou. )
  Wang Chongsu (Yu Yun: lower middle grade. Li Yun: lower middle grade.)
  Zhang Zhao (Zhu Dan, Xu Xixiu, Liu Hui, Yu Yun: all of the above are of average or low quality.)
  Wang Zhijing (Zhang Yun: The grass can be of high quality. Li Yun: Of medium quality. Broken jade and gold, a lone crane in the clouds.)
  Qiu Daohu (Wang Yun: I received the instructions from Zijing, especially in front of Yang Xin. Li Yun: The mistakes are high-grade, but the traces are flashy. Middle-grade.)
  Xu Wenjing (Zhang Yun: True seventh. Li Yun: Middle-middle grade.)
  Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty (Liu Yilong). Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Zhang Yun: Li and Xingcao are excellent. Li Yun: There is a son who respects the character, is super vertical and has a bad reputation, and is beautiful. Middle and lower grade. Tang Commentary: Like leaves wrapped in red flowers, The sun is shining brightly among the clouds. Wang Yun: The emperor said that he would not reduce Yangxin, but the current discussion said that nature is better than Yangxin, but his efforts are not enough.)
  Wang Sengqian (Yu Yun: Xiongfa Qi Dynasty. Top grade. Liang commented: Just like the children of Wang Xie's family, even if they are not upright, they all have a kind of ethos. Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty asked: Which one is better, my book or Qing's book? Seng Qian He said: The emperor is the best among the emperors in writing, and the best among the ministers and ministers. The superior smiled and said: You can be said to be good at planning for yourself.)
  Xiao Ziyun (Zhang Yun: Li, Fei Bai, excellent products, small seal, seal, and line). Liang commented: Like a dangerous peak blocking the sun, a lone pine branch. Jing Ke carries a sword, a strong man bends his bow. A hunter shoots a tiger, with a fierce heart and a sharp edge. It's hard to deal with it. Tang's comment: Like the spring flowers in the forest, looking far and near, they are everywhere.)
  Zhiyong (Li, Cao and Zhang all have excellent grades, and can perform well. Li Yun: Excellent in proficiency, but has no strange features. Medium grade. The seventh-generation grandson of Wang Yishao, who passed down the family law wonderfully, lives in Yongxin Temple, Wuxing, after accumulating the writing tip and placing a large bamboo pen to receive more than one stone, and all five pens are full, the name of the writing pen is the pen tomb. The person asking for a book is like a market, and the household limit is to make a hole for it, so it is wrapped with iron leaves, which is called the iron gate. .)
  Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (Li Shimin) was fond of Xi's calligraphy, and studied under Yu Shinan. He suffered from the incompetence of the Gejiao, and even wrote the character "Jian", so he left it empty and left Ge, ordering Shi Nan to write it as a sign of Wei Zheng. Zheng said: "The character Jian, the Gejiao is realistic." Nan Hou was very good at flying white. He set up Hongwen Hall to study as a calligrapher.)
  Yuanchang (King of Han Dynasty. Zhang Yun: Xing Neng grade. Li Yun: middle and top grade. Received instructions from Shi Ling with Taizong and Chu Suiliang.)
  Yu Shinan (Bo Shi) was born in Yu Yao. He got calligraphy from the fruit of wisdom. He tasted the essence of writing. Zhang Yun: Excellent grade of Li and Xingcao. Li Yun: Upper and lower grades. Xiao and scattered, the real grass is life-saving, like Luo Qi's delicate spring, Quan Hong plays in the swamp. Comments from the Tang Dynasty: Charming body and extraordinary behavior. What is possible is even better, and what is wonderful is even better.)
  Ouyang Xun (letter). A native of Linxiang. After studying Xi's books, he became a master of his own. The commentator believed that there is a way to truly practice. Since Yang Xin and Bo Shao, there is no one like him. He is wise and capable of holding troops. Wanting to attack each other. However, Xun was fierce and sharp, and Zhiyong also avoided the front. When Xun saw the tablet written by Suo Jing, he spat on it at first, then looked at it again, and finally realized its wonder, and lay under it for three days. His writing power was especially strong in his later years. . Zhang Yun: Li, Xing, Feibai and Cao are all excellent grades, large and small seal scripts and seals can be graded. Li Yun: Upper and lower grade. Like a drought-stricken dragon getting water, a greedy rabbit walking through its hole, the writing style is less hateful. In engraving and Feibai styles, such as The arsenal is full of spears and swords. Comments from the Tang Dynasty: Like a diamond with angry eyes, a strong man swings his fist. Chen Jingyuan of the Song Dynasty said: The world knows that his body is square, but no one knows that his pen is round.)
  Chu Suiliang (Dengshan). Zhang Yun: Excellent in both official and official work. Li Yun: Upper and lower grades. He wrote about Youjun, also a high-ranking scholar. The rich and gorgeous carvings are popular today, but they lack natural and diligent meaning. Tang Dynasty Comment: The words are golden, the lines are jade-like, the rules are gentle and elegant, and the beauty is diverse.)
  Xue Ji (Zhang Yun: Nengpin. Tang Commentary: Most of the criticism is on the body of Chu, and the meaning is novel. He also says: The wind frightens the flowers in the garden, and the snow weighs on the mountain cypresses.)
  Zhang Congshen (Commentary of the Tang Dynasty: He is praised for his kindness from far and near, and he is the only one outside the Yangtze River.)
  Li Yangbing (Shaowen), also known as Chao. He tried to write a theory on brushwork, saying that the shape of a square and round shape is found in the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, and the longitude and latitude are revealed in the sun, moon and stars. The body is close, all things are far away, and it is as quiet as ghosts and gods. The emotions, from happiness, anger, comfort and misery, are all recorded. Commentary of Tang Dynasty: If the ancient hairpin relies on objects, it has the power of ten thousand men. After Li Si, there is only one person.)
  Zhang Xu (Commentary of the Tang Dynasty: His character is extraordinary and transcends ancient and modern times.)
  Yan Zhenqing (a minister of the Qing Dynasty. Commentary of the Tang Dynasty: The sharp edge is destroyed by the sword, and the flying force is shocked. Lu Yu said: Xu Libu is not influenced by Youjun's brushwork, but the style of his calligraphy is similar to Youjun's. Yan Taibao is influenced by Youjun's brushwork, but his stippling is not similar. Cover. Xu got Youjun's skin, eyes and nose, so they are similar; Yan got Youjun's muscles, bones, heart and lungs, so they are not similar.)
  Shi Huai Su (Commentary of the Tang Dynasty: With the help of pen and electricity, everything can be changed at will. When the wine is in full swing, the clothes and utensils on the wall are all over the place, so I can’t write on them. I am poor and have no paper, so I plant more than 10,000 banana trees for writing. I don’t have enough books, so I paint a plate of books. The calligraphy was written repeatedly, and the boards were all worn. Uncle Su Huirong was good at studying Ouyang Xun's calligraphy, but no one in the world could distinguish it. He was called Da Qian in the countryside, and his teacher was Xiao Qian. He tried to learn from Cao Qian, Wu Tong of Jinwu Bing, Tang Dynasty.)
  Li Yong (Taihe. A native of Jiangdu. Commentary on the Tang Dynasty: There are three peaks in Mount Huayue and nine bends in the Yellow River. Yong was the first to learn it, and he changed the tactics of the right army, using sudden ambush and setbacks. Once he got the wonderful idea, he got rid of the old habits and renewed his writing power. Li Yangbing called it a book In the hands of immortals. Both literature and writing are more important than the time. At that time, people were asked for books with gold and silk, and they were subjected to countless tricks. It has never been so prosperous since ancient times.)
  Liu Gongquan (Chengxuan) asked Emperor Mu Zong how to perfect his writing skills, and he replied: If the heart is right, the writing will be right. When the emperor changed his appearance, he learned that he used his writing skills to admonish him. Gongquan was new to Wang Shu, and after reading all over modern brushwork, Jinmei came into his own. At that time, it was considered unfilial to not have official documents engraved on the family tablets of the ministers. When foreign barbarians paid tribute, they all purchased willow books. The Diamond Sutra tablet at Ximing Temple in Shangdu was particularly proud of it.)
  inferior quality
  He Zeng (Zhang Yun: Cao Nengpin.)
  Yang Hu (uncle. Yu Yun: lower and upper grade.)
  Emperor Yuan of Jin Dynasty (Rui, Jingwen. Yu Yun: lower and upper grade.)
  Wang Tian (Jingyu. Zhang Yun: Li Nengpin.)
  Wang Qia (Jinghe.)
  Wang Hui (Jingwen.)
  Wang Xiu (Jingren. Yu Yun: middle-grade. Zhang Yun: capable of both official and professional duties.)
  Wang Xun (Yuan Lin. Son of Qia, brother of Min.)
  Wang Meng (Zhongzu. Zhang Yun: Cao Neng Grade. Li Yun: Lower to Middle Grade. Wang Yun: Superior to Yu Yi.)
  Zhang Chang (Zhang Yun: Ancient Prose.)
  Zhang Cheng (Wang Yun: At that time, it was also called intentional.)
  Wang Pei (Weiyuan. Li Yun: Lower and upper grade. Zhang Yun: Nengpin. Liang Wuyun: Deep in meaning and shallow in work, but still not as good as it is.)
  Zhang Hong (Zhang Yun: Xiaozhuan is of high quality and Feibai is of excellent quality.)
  Fan Ye (Weizong). Yu Yun: upper and lower grade. Zhang Yun: small seal script and grass neng grade. Li Yun: lower and middle grade. Even if you are a Hanjun scholar, you should not abandon it. Wang Yun: Yang Xin, who studied with Xiao Sihua, Later, betrayal and failure of steps.)
  Xiao Sihua (Yu Yun: The next best grade. Zhang Yun: The grass can be good. Li Yun: The lower middle grade. Like a husband who has escaped from the world, he may be worthy of being adopted. Wang Yun: The whole Fa Yangxin is good in romance and should not be reduced. , and the single-stroke power is weak.)
  Xie Tiao (Xuan Hui. Yu Yun: middle to lower grade. Zhang Yun: Cao Neng grade. Li Yun: created this rhyme. Lower grade.)
  Xie Jing (Xie Fu and Wang Yun: If you are good at writing scriptures, you can also enter the country.)
  Jiang Xu (Liang Xuan and Yu Yun: upper and lower grades.)
  Wei Xiu (Zhongyu Xiangtai Yang knows the Taoist)
  Yu Qianlou (Song Bing, Fei Yuanyao, Sun Fengbo, Yang Jing)
  Zhuge Rong (Yu Yun above: inferior grade.)
  Zhu Lingshi (Yu Jingxiu, Chu Yuanming, Kong Jingtong, Wang Ji, Wen Hai. Yu Yun: All of the above are of middle grade.)
  Wei Xuan (Li Yun, Chen Ji, Fu Tingjian, Zhang Shao, Yin Guang, Wei Xiong, Zhang Chang, Cao Ren, Song Jia, Pei Miao, Yang Gu, Madam Fu, Pi Luxun, Xie Hui, Kong Lu, Yan Baoguang, Zhou Renhao, Zhang Xintai, Zhang Chi)
  Taoist Seng Yue (a few to the right of Taoist Fa Gao), Yu Ping said: The five flavors are harmonious and the five colors are all brilliant. The carvings are regarded as inscriptions, not special carvings. Everyone writes, rather than reverberating, the relics are precious, and the remaining fragrance can be broken. Sincerity is to drive side by side, not to catch the vanguard. But in the middle of the power, everyone is doing their best. You are allowed to be a low-ranking person.)
  Xu Qian (Xu Lingwen, Wang Min, Zhang Yun: Cao Nengpin.)
  Yan Qian (Liang Wuyun: Like the fruit of a poor family, it may be cute but seldom be ashamed of.)
  Wang Binzhi (Liang commented: Indulgent and quick, his writing is easy.)
  Liu Yun (Liang commented: The vertical and horizontal outlines are irregular, the carelessness is extraordinary, but the morality and body are not prepared.)
  Xu Huainan (Liang commented: For example, the scholars in Nangang only follow the tradition, but they are forced to beg.)
  Zhang Si (Liang Yun: Like a debater talking to Yang, speaking alone without replying, he can gain psychological understanding.)
  Emperor Gao of Qi (also known as Shao Bo. Yu Yun: the lower and upper grades. Li Yun: the middle and lower grades. Zhang Yun: the grass can reach the highest grade.)
  Liu Min.
  Xiao Te (Liang commented: Although there is a family tradition, the romantic influence is weak, just like Xi and Xian, An De is similar.)
  Yu Jianwu (Zhang Yun: Li, Cao Nengpin. Li Yun: Lower and upper grades. Liang Ping: Fear of restraint, little gains, self-replenishment, ineffectiveness, lack of refinement, Xiao and Cai Yuan are gone.)
  Yuan Song (Li Yun: The lowest grade and the highest grade. Liang Commentary: Like a Taoist priest in the mountains, he wants to shrink back when he sees others.)
  Emperor Wu of Liang (Zhang Yun: Cao Nengpin. Li Yun: Xiaxiapin.)
  Emperor Wen of Liang Jian (Li Yun: lower middle grade.)
  Emperor Liang Yuan (Emperor Chen Wen, Chu Yuan, Shen Junli, Zhang Zheng, Jian Li Yun: The number one on the right is also called a writing letter. It has many types of styles, like a single green branch in a dry forest, or a solitary patch among all the stones. It is a low-grade product. Returned to Zhongyan Brisk, strong in practice, filial piety and grace, gentle and wise.)
  Zhiguo (Zhang Yun: Li, Xingcao, Zhang Nengpin.)
  Xiao Lun (Li Yun: inferior grade.)
  Hu Si Yanming (Li Yun: The writing style is salty. It is of the highest quality.)
  Fang Yanqian (Zhang Dayin Li Yun: Fang Sili, Zhang Yizhou Shen Xiaoling style. Lower and upper grade.)
  Yin Lingming (Li Yun: lower and upper grade. Good at naming and inscriptions.)
  Lin Jingwen (Li Yun: The lowest grade and the highest grade. Zhengzhen is very fresh and clean, and has special rules.)
  Qian Yi (Li Yun: lower and upper grade. Xiaozhuan and Feibai show sensitivity, and Taizong valued them.)
  Liu Ti (Wang Yan, Zhou Yong, Yu Chuo, Li Yun: Liu Huangmen's fallen flowers follow the wind, Wang Zhongyu's strange stones are in the path, Yan Lun's intention is very high, his traces are few and handsome, Yu Chuo's sharpness is swift and vigorous, and he is a low-middle grade.)
  Wei Zheng (Xuancheng. Yu Yun: lower and upper grade.)
  Xu Hao (Ji Hai. Comments from the Tang Dynasty: Guduo is very skilled, but there is nothing unusual about it. Huang Luzhi said: Those who were able to prepare the eight methods after Yu and Chu in the Tang Dynasty were Xu Kuaiji and Yan Taishier. However, Kuaiji was fleshy, and Taishi was boney. . He also said: In the past, I looked at the angry appearance, judged the stone, and ran to the spring when I was thirsty. I was at a loss and didn’t know what to say. I saw it in Ji Hai’s book.)
  Fang Xuanling (Li Yun: The carvings hold the quality. Another saying: Double ducks on the sea.)
  Lu Jianzhi (his calligraphy is as fashionable as a horse, and people don't care about it. Zhang Yun: The official script and writing are wonderful, and the Zhang cursive script can be appreciated. Learn the Yucao style, and the pen will be more green than the blue. Tang Comment: It seems to be impressive, vaguely comparable to imitation. )
  Wu Tong (Commentary of the Tang Dynasty: Jackdaws live in the forest, rabbits roam the plains.)
  Lu Zangyong (Zhang Yun: Xing, Li, Cao Nengpin. Tang Comment: Dew moistens flowers, and smoke condenses to repair bamboos.)
  Pei Xingjian (Wang Chenglie, Gao Zhengchen, Zhang Yun: Li, Cao, Xingnengpin.)
  Fu Xuan (Zhang Yun: Li Nengpin.)
  Yang Zhao (Zhang Yun: Li, Cao Nengpin.)
  Shi Chongjian (Commentary of the Tang Dynasty: It was written in a short time, sometimes confusing the truth.)
  Cai Yinqiu (The following ancient quality is free and independent, and it is a family of its own.)
  Han Zemu (The turtles are blooming and the leaves are blooming, and the birds are scattered across the island.)
  Liang Shengqing (Shocking waves come and go, retreating in front of a huge rock.)
  Zhang Tinggui (The ancient trees collapsed in the sand, and the idle flowers reflected the bamboos.)
  Shi Weize (The geese’s feet are imprinted in the sand, and the fish are leaping into the abyss. The four people on the right are all good at eight points.)
  Sun Guoting (Li and Xingcao are good at writing. The Danya cliff is absolutely ravine, and the writing style is strong and vigorous.)
  Zhang Huaiguan (Following Zhang Cao, he has a lot of business.)
  Shi Lin (Elegant and majestic, aloof and unconventional.)
  Liang Geng (Scattered fish inscriptions and traces of birds.)
  Zhang Fen (The solitary pine stands tall, and the weak grass droops.)
  Fang Guang (The beauty is graceful and fragrant, and the spring oriole is like a demon.)
  Shen Yi (Spring egrets spy on fish, autumn snakes go to their burrows.)
  Zhang Biao (The solitary peak is cut out, hiding the tendons and exposing the joints.)
  Lu Zeng (The fish jumps in the shocking waves, and the dragon dives in the deep water.)
  Mrs. Huan (Like a fast horse entering the battle, bending and stretching to follow others.)
  Fu Yu (Xiang Yu draws his sword, Jing Ke holds his halberd.)
  Wang Shaozong (The writing is fluent, quick and easy to cure, but the prescription becomes more wonderful after familiarity.)
  Cheng Guang (The swan flutters its wings and soars.)
  Zhang Yue (The lotus comes out of the water, the bright moon opens up the sky. The fog disperses on the golden peaks, and the clouds are low on the jade ridge.)
  Xiao Cheng (Dancing cranes shadow each other, and soaring apes are in the sky.)
  Wei Zhi (Insects pierce ancient trees, and birds trample flower branches.)
  Song Dan (The flowers are blooming in late spring, and the willow branches are low in spring.)
  Shen Qianyun (The hungry eagle kills the heart and endures the exhaustion of the bones.)
  Guan Cao (The deep moon sinks the pearls, and the dew flowers cover the brocade.)
  Zheng Qian (from a poor family, he collected persimmon leaves and studied calligraphy at Qinglong Temple. Comments: Like the wind sending clouds away, the clouds are urging the moon to rise.)
  Li Qiu (The hanging vines are touching the ground, and the dead wood looks like broken trees.)
  Wu Yu (The font is dense, no thanks to the time.)
  Lai Wenya (The sand is filled with mist, and the waves are rolling with gulls.)
  He Zhizhang (The writing is as fast as flying, and the writing is inexhaustible.)
  He Changyi (Zijing Yubo can be played at any time.)
  Song Zhiwen (Excellent nature, but not deep merit.)
  Li Qing (Changing freely, there are people like this in every generation.)
  Xuan Wu (unparalleled in character, different from his generation.)
  Zhanran (After Ziyun, it is difficult to compare with him.)
  The main points of the calligraphy compilation are: Since the Qing Dynasty, only Jun Mote has maintained his spiritual integrity. Meishan and Yuzhang have swept away the old habits, while Mi, Xue and Ercai have created novelties. Although they all have ancestors, the ancient style has disappeared. After crossing to the south, Siling is full of beauty and has strong muscles. Wu Fu Penggui imitates Sun Guoting, and his beauty hurts his beauty. Jiang Yaozhang is very different from the fat powder. Once he washes away the dust and customs, he is like a mountain man who is a hermit, and it is difficult to enter the corridor temple.
  The collection and comments collected by You are all based on the opinions of the ancients, starting from Cangjie and ending in the Tang Dynasty. There are still many leftovers, and a gentleman of liberal arts can correct them.
  debate ancient times
  Shigu 10 (Book written by Shi Zhou. Now in the Beijing Confucian Temple. The words contained in Xue Shang Gong's calligraphy are complete and complete in the authentic version. Zheng Qiao's voice cannot be trusted.)
  Yanling Junzi Stele (in Zhenjiang. People call it Confucius's book. The text says: Wuhu is the tomb of Wu Yanling Junzi. The ancient post on the case only says that Wuhu is Wu Junzi. The seal method is ancient. Today, the four characters "Yanling Tomb" are added to this stele. , except for the character zhi, the three characters are Chinese seal scripts, which are not combined with the first six characters. They are borrowed from the master to deceive future generations. Moreover, because the gentleman is the fourth son, half of the character Xijun in Shu County in the Han Dynasty is the same as the character Jun. , there are Han seal scripts in Bigan's tomb, and this method is also used.)
  Cursing the Chu text (There are three types of texts: Wu Xian, Dachen Jiuqiu, and Ya Tuo, but the text is one. It is a pseudo-Pre-Qin text written by later generations, and it is completely different when compared with the ancient artifacts of the Pre-Qin Dynasty.)
  Taishan Stele (Book of Li Si. All the stones have peeled off, but only one side of the Second Edict remains.)
  Yishan Monument (Book of Li Si. The straight one is true, the horizontal one is 80, especially if it is new.)
  Qinwangshan Monument (Li Si's book. In Kuaiji, not available today.)
  Zhang Pingzi Stele (Cui Yuan's seal script mostly uses the official method, which is not suitable for writing, but it can be printed. It is all based on the Han seal script.)
  Xu Shen Shuowen (fifteen volumes, revised version by Xu Xuan. The beginning and end are correct, and the rhymes are not ancient.)
  The fifteen chapters of Cangjie (i.e., the list of five hundred and forty chapters of Shuowen) were divided into the first of each part by the Xu family. Many people don’t know it, so they say it has been extinct for a long time. How could the origin of this word be absent? Later generations combined it into fourteen volumes, The fifty-volume preface is for people’s benefit and they don’t care about its existence.)
  Xinquan Ming (Li Yangbing’s book is the best.)
  Biluo Stele (In Jiangzhou. Although the characters are many and illegal, the layout is beautiful and lush, and it has its own air of dignity. It should be viewed as a Tang stele.)
  The ancient Three Tombs Book (it is a fake book. The words are vulgar and the calligraphy is not ancient. There are no Chinese characters in Shangshu, but this book has them. The must-have characters are from Bayi, and this is a stroke from the heart. Zhi, this is a character pin made according to the common people. .There are many fallacies.)
  Ancient Chinese Book of Documents (This is because later generations who did not know the seal script compiled it in Xia Song rhyme, which is not in line with the ancient times.)
  The Classic of Filial Piety in Ancient Texts (One of the chapters is a big mistake. Later generations wanted to imitate the past and compiled it in ancient characters. The viewer should take the original text.)
  Quan Zhi (There are spring writings, and those who are close to the Tao can widely see and hear. There are people who pretend to make coins of the Three Emperors and Yu coins, which cannot be trusted. People say that the character "卍" is ten thousand characters, but it is an ancient coin. If you don't see this book, you will never know it.)
  Six Books (Dai Tong compiled this book in Zhongding script. Those who don't know are happy that all the characters have ancient characters. The ancient characters are modern in form, and they are messy and incomprehensible. Zhongding can't be all included , but it is enough to use small seal script, or two characters in one character.Yinhui, plus Huan, is Huan, and Yin is the official.The characters are not from Cunmu, but now it is written that this is a village, and the characters such as pound, shovel, saw, urine and feces are all written in Zhongdingwen from the common folk. Each has detailed annotations, and the interpretation of the word "egg" is particularly inelegant. The ancient method of compiling the books in order of categories is completely obsolete. )
  Xue Shanggong's inscription on the law (twenty volumes. The stele is in Jiangzhou, and there is a translation in Shu, with the word "fat", and an extra ding tripod at the end.)
  Xue Shanggong Chongguang Zhongding Yun (seven volumes. In the Jiangzhou edition, there is one volume of pictographic and odd characters, one volume of names of utensils, and five volumes of rhyme.)
  Wang Chu Zhong Ding Yun (two volumes. The original character of Hengzhou is less, and it comes before the character of Xue.)
  The rhyme stele of the Shi Jing's relics (the edition of Penglai Pavilion in Kuaiji has been erased, and it is the same as the original stele.)
  Xu Kai's Tongshi (Forty volumes. It should be compared with Xu's edition from beginning to end. It is divided into six books and is very detailed. The last volume discusses Yang Bing's errors.)
  Zhang Youhui Chapter (containing different characters from ancient to modern times, it cannot be too short.)
  Zhang You's Pentatone Rhyme Score (Five volumes. Correct.)
  Xia Song's Four-tone Rhyme in Ancient Prose (Five volumes. The one with the first order and full title is better. There is no other monk translation. There are many words and no evidence, and they do not match the style and recognition, so they cannot be used.)
  Gao's Five Books on Rhymes (Five volumes. The five styles of seal, official, Zhen, Xing and Cao are all available. It can help beginners, but there are some differences.)
  Lin Han's "Pianbang Novels" (three volumes). Yan Li and Zhuan are connected, and can be adopted. However, there are several sayings that are inconsistent with Shuo Wen, but they are related to Yang Bing's political reform., the word "Ba" has been added with dots and so on. )
  Continuation of Qianwen (Although Ge Gangzheng is a close man, his calligraphy is excellent. Two continuations are indispensable, and a fake version is not good.)
  The origin of Chinese characters (six volumes. The calligraphy is the best. The Hong family’s original stele is at the front.)
  Li Yun (two volumes. The font of the Minzhong version is not good.)
  Li Yun of the Stele (Ten volumes. Compiled by Liu Qiu, with an additional volume recording the source.)
  Li Shi (twenty-seven volumes. It is also composed of ten volumes, making up one volume. They are all explanatory texts on Han steles. The official continuations painted various shapes of tablets and tomb paintings. Most of the tablets have Gui heads or wat heads, with hanging rainbows, or The subject is remote and the painting is as dark as a shadow.)
  Zuoshu (Gusu Yan's edition, with too many characters to fit in.)
  Xiaotang collected ancient records (one hundred pages, collected by Wang Qiu). There are dozens of ancient seals, one of which is Xia Yu, which is the seal of the Han shaman who was tired of the flood, and has been passed down from generation to generation with the character "Du Shuipei Yu". This seal is a Han seal script, so I know it. Another seal says that Kong Fu's pronunciation is wrong, it is the word Sun Zi. There is also an inscription on the tomb of Teng Gong, written in two characters by Yu Yu, and it is in the shape of peeling off. However, after examining the ancient method, only two small paintings were made with the overlapping characters attached below. In the Qin Dynasty, the officials only used the word "husband" plus two small paintings. How about this overlapping text? It is undoubtedly fake.)
  ──Youguwen Zhuanli
  Li Ming Ke Jie Declaration Post Zhong Yao
  Le Yi Painting Praise Huang Ting Shuang Han Wang Xizhi
  Luo Shen Fu Wang Xizhi
  Cao E's legacy, Yang Shuzi's stele, Six Dynasties
  Crane, Old Guan Altar, Tao Hongjing
  The Thousand-Character Classic (Zhiyong's Book). Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty obtained Xi's Thousand-Character Sutra and ordered Zhou Xing to follow him. Since then, calligraphers have always regarded it as a lesson. Zhiyong tried to write 800 volumes, saying that if you read the Thousand-Character Sutra, your hands will respond to your heart, and your hands will be harmonious. The experience can be used to enter the Tao.)
  Confucius Temple (Yu Shinan)
  Liquan Huadu Yu Gonggong Huangfu Monument Ouyang Xun
  Book of Mourning Shengjiao Chu Suiliang
  Lang Guan Zhang Xu
  Magu altar, release pool, Zhongxing ode, Yan Zhenqing
  Dharani Liu Gongquan
  Bingshe Wu Ren Yidun Xuehan Changfeng Zhong Yao
  Orchid Pavilion Extreme Cold Poisonous Heat Ci Yin Guan Nu Late Snow Lai Qin Feng Ju Kuai Xue Xizhi
  Rehmannia at the end of the year, Wei Jun, aunt, the geese, the end of the year, summer, love for each other, longing for Tianbao, Wuxingshanyin, Huangmen, the owner, victory, passing each other, return of the geese , trouble, summer festival, deep hatred, Huang Yao, Shi Yu, flowing through the month, respecting the body, offering it.
  August 5th (Xie An)
  Ode to a Dead Tree by Xingshuang (Chu Suiliang)
  Yuelu Sala Tree Yunhui Donglin Temple (Li Yong)
  Monument of Mr. Xuan Jing (Zhang Congshen)
  ──right running script
  Seventeen Posts (Xizhi)
  Qianwen (Zhang Xu)
  Autobiography of a Thousand Words (Huai Su)
  ──right cursive script
  The above mentioned important points must be investigated. If you want to be famous, it is especially important to read the Expo.
  Jiang Tie Commentary was written by Jiang Yao Zhang, and the review and editing are profound and wonderful.
  The Examination of the Prejudice Tie, written by Yao Zhang
  Fatie genealogy
  Han Mo Zhi
  The publication of Fa Tie mistakenly published the history of Yuan Zhang

Volume 2 Etymology

  Now that the book has been published, the art of calligraphy is still there, so we know that the beginning of writing was not specifically Cangjie, and later authors took advantage of the time to add to it or lose it. However, the characters in all the countries in the universe are all different, and its origin cannot be elucidated in detail. Zhu Dian once said: There are three people who created the book, named Fan, Galu and Cangjie. Brahma, the God of Light and Sound, passed down the book of Brahma to India, and his book ran to the right. Galu created the book in the Western Regions. His books are written on the left side, and the characters are all based on the sound and rhyme. All the books of the Tibetan people are also modified. His Ji Cangjie lived in Zhongxia, and his writings resembled the shapes of various objects. The shapes and sounds complemented each other to form characters, and his writing was written downwards. It is unknown what the basis for this statement is. Therefore, based on the examination, it is concluded that in the West, sound is the mother, while in China, text is the basis. The customs and pronunciations of each country are different, and the writing is also different. Tracing back to the source, the method does not seem to be different from these three. Woohoo, a book is made to contain words, because words are used to convey meanings, and if the meanings are consistent, words can be forgotten. Words are false and written, but writing is not a fixed method. Ancient people made it according to their customs and customs. Although they came from different sources from the East and the West, they passed down the same teachings. The past and present have changed, and the quality of the flowers has remained constant. It is beyond human power. Now the purpose of Hua Fan's creation of the book is listed in this chapter.
  The King of the Paoxi clan is the king of the world. When he looks up, he observes the phenomena in the sky, when he looks down, he observes the laws on the earth. He observes the placement of birds and beasts, and the suitability of the land. He takes objects near and objects far away, so he begins to make the Eight Diagrams to hang down. Constitution. And Shen Nong's family knotted ropes for governance to unify affairs, and the complicated decorations were cute. They were easy to write deeds, and all the work was done with righteousness. From the founding of Cangjie to the era of the Five Emperors and Three Kings, the system was changed to different forms, and there were two or seventy generations of those who were granted the title of Mount Tai. There are always six meanings in his books: one is to refer to things, which can be recognized by sight, and can be seen by inspection, which means up and down. What is above is above, what is below is below. The second is pictograms, which are drawn into objects and interrogated according to the body, such as the sun and the moon. The fullness of the sun and the waning of the moon reflect its shape. The third is harmonic sound, which is named after things and uses examples to complement each other. Rivers are like this. Taking the category as the shape and matching it with the sound. The fourth is to understand the meaning, make analogies and make meanings, so as to see the command, and Wu Xin is also the same. Stop fighting and turn into force, and people's words turn into trust. The fifth day is to transfer notes, build a similar poem, agree to accept each other, and test the truth. It is also a matter of old age. Sixth, it is a pretense. It is nothing at all. It depends on the sound of the words, and the order is long. Several words have the same character, but although their sounds are different, their meanings are the same. By the time of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty, Taishi Zhen wrote ten large seal scripts, some of which were different from the ancient texts. As for Confucius's Six Classics and Zuo Qiu Ming's Spring and Autumn Annals, they were all written in ancient Chinese. After that, the princes were in power and were not unified by the king. They were divided into six kingdoms with different systems. When Qin Shihuang first united the world, Prime Minister Li Si Nai agreed with him and dismissed those who did not agree with Qin Wen. Si wrote the Cangjie chapter, Zhongchefu ordered Zhao Gao to write the Yuanli chapter, and Taishi ordered Hu Wujing to write the Erudite chapter. He saved the time and changed the ancient method into Xiaozhuan. As for the burning of books and the entrapment of Confucian scholars, all the classics and motes were wiped out, the work and prison affairs were complicated, and the official affairs were transformed into official and interesting conventions, and the ancient writings were thus extinct. At that time, there were eight styles: the first was called large seal script, the second was called small seal script, the third was called carved talisman, and the fourth was called insect script, that is, bird script, which was written with flags. The fifth one is called imitation, the sixth one is called signature, and the seventh one is called Shu script, which is written in accordance with the eight gu of Shu style. The eighth is official script. Wei Heng said: During the reign of Wang Mang, Zhen Feng established ancient texts, and there were six types: one is ancient texts, which are Confucius's writings on the wall. The second is the strange characters, which are different from ancient texts. The third one is called seal script, which is Qin seal script. The fourth is auxiliary script, which is official script. The fifth is Miao Shu, so it is also a copy of the seal. Sixth, the bird writes, so the book flag is also a letter.
  Zhang Huaiguan's "Ten Types of Books" (each with comments from various schools)
  The ancient text was written by Cangjie, the historian of the Yellow Emperor. Jie's four eyes are open to the gods. He looks up at the circular motion of Kuixing and looks down at the traces of turtles and birds. He absorbs all the beauties and combines them into characters. This is called ancient prose. In general, words are words, which contain names and things, and are divided into meanings. The words are the grandfather, and the words are the descendants. If you get it naturally, prepare it with literary principles, and if it belongs to pictograms, you can call it literary. Therefore, the vines grow, the mother and the child grow together, and the phonetic, phonetic, and meaning attributes are called characters. The person who wrote the word said that there was a lot of breast-feeding. The title of the book is called bamboo and silk. The person who writes is Ru Ye, Shu Ye, writing Ye, Ji Ye. He explains all things, remembers the past and knows the future. He has famous sayings about all things that are not, and controls the group of things. It has been used for three generations. The Qin Dynasty used small seal scripts and burned ancient scriptures, thus destroying the ancient writings. During the Han Dynasty, Dr. Qin Fu Sheng presented ancient documents to the ministers. At that time, Dou Gong, the music master of Wei Wenhou, who was 280 years old, presented a book on ancient literature and music. During the reign of Emperor Wu, King Gong of Lu destroyed Confucius's house and found the Book of Filial Piety, Shangshu and other books in the wall. During the reign of Emperor Xuan, a Henan woman spoiled my father's house and obtained two ancient articles. In the fifth year of Xianning in Jin Dynasty, people from Jijun stole the tomb of King Anli of Wei Dynasty and obtained more than a thousand words of books. His books have changed over time. During the reign of King You of Zhou Dynasty, there were also scholars who studied ancient prose, and many of them are found in the Jizhong books today. There is a stone inscription on the tomb of Teng Gong. No one knows it, but his uncle Sun Tongyun said: This is a book struggle. Ke Douze is another name from ancient times.
  Wu Yanxue's ancient chapter says: Ke Dou is the ancestor of learning calligraphy. It looks like a shrimp or a toad, or the shape is cleverly drawn, and the original meaning is lost. In ancient times, there was no pen and ink, so bamboo stiles were used to paint the calligraphy on bamboo wood. The bamboo was stiff and the paint was greasy, making it impossible to draw, so the head was heavy and the tail was light, just like its shape and ears.
  The big seal script was written by Shi Zhou of the Zhou Dynasty, or it was changed into ancient script at the beginning of the history of Yunzhu. It may be the same or different, so it is called seal script. The seal script is passed on by those who pass it on, its physics, and its application is endless. Fifteen chapters of the History of Han Arts and Literature are combined with this one. It was compiled by historians and used for teaching. It was called a history book. It had nine thousand words and was used by Qin and Zhao Gao to teach Hu Hai. It is also true that Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, Chen Zun, and Yan Yannian, combined with Gong Shishu. Qin burned books and changed, but the history chapter was complete. Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals said: Cangjie made large seal scripts. No.
  Xue Gubian said: Those who know the style of writing are the writings of the princes and their own countries. In ancient times, the princes had different calligraphy styles, but Qin Shi had the same method. In the world, seal scripts may be mixed with inscriptions and inscriptions. There is no distinction between Chu and Qi in more than one chapter, and no one knows the error. I have studied seal script and read ancient artifacts extensively, and I can recognize ancient Chinese characters with a simple and simple spirit, which can help others. I can also understand the wonderful things that have not changed, such as pictograms, meanings, and meanings. Whenever the seal script is made, it lacks atmosphere, and it is good because it is not as rich as ancient times. If you imitate your writing, you will never be as good as the ancients.
  Zhou Wen was written by Shi Zhou. It is slightly different from ancient Chinese script and large seal script. Later generations wrote it by name and called it Zhenwen. Qilue said: It is a children's book taught by historians in the Zhou Dynasty, which is different from the ancient text of Kongbi, that is, it has strange characters. The traces of it are the stone drum inscriptions.
  Xue Gubian said: Although Li Si wrote the small seal script, he used Zhou Wen as the larger seal script. The seal script plaque is the best and is called a plaque. Xu Xuan said that no one but an experienced person could reach it, and Shigu was the same.
  The small seal script was written by Qin Prime Minister Li Si. The addition or deletion of the large seal script and the seal script is called the small seal script, also known as the Qin seal script. In the 20th year of the First Emperor's reign, he began to unite the six kingdoms. At that time, he served as a court official, but those who did not agree with Qin's culture were dismissed, and the whole country followed suit. The painting is like iron and stone, and the characters are like flying. As the ancestor of Kaili, it is a difficult method. The inscription on the bell and tripod and the talismans are still in use today. Although this was created in a rough way, it has reached its peak.
  Xue Gubian said: Han seal script has many changes in ancient methods, so Xu wrote essays to save them from loss. You must understand this first, then your writing will be flawless. We should also examine the general explanation, but the characters are different from ancient to modern times, and the exposition is quite extensive. You should first familiarize yourself with the ancient compilation, and you can probably get it.
  When you first learn seal script, you should use your empty hand to draw with your middle finger and two fingers on the paper. Only then can you write with ease. The writing must be done with a single hook, but the middle finger should be extended to hold the lining underneath. The square and the circle should be straight and straight, which is all right. There have been many generations without a master, so the characters are often slanted and the posture is inactive. For large seal characters, the pen should be hung with an empty wrist. If the paper is held on the wrist, it will not work. Using Paper Tube Palm as the author is not the work of a scholar-bureaucrat.
  There is one small seal script, but each has its own writing style. Li Si is round and round in profile, Yang Bing is round and lively and charming, Xu Xuan is like a clerk without hanging feet, the bottom of the writing is like a hairpin and the buttocks are slightly larger, Kai is like his brother, but the bottom of the writing is like a jade chopstick and has small ears. Cui Ziyu mostly used the official method, which seems to be unskilled, but it has a very Chinese style. Most of the Yang Bing is not the ancient method, but it is the same as Ziyu. Xiaozhuan has a long life, but it cannot be exceeded, but it can be measured by one and a half characters of square regular script. One character is the main body, and half the character is the vertical foot. Isn't it beautiful and majestic? If it is not possible, you should focus on straightening the legs, and shorten the remaining legs like flags. The characters have downward but not drooping legs, such asThe words "Etc.", but the upper branches are the branches, just like plants and trees are objects. If the branches are upright, the upper branches will appear, and if they are hanging upside down, the lower branches will appear. When writing a plaque, the calligraphy and painting should be fat and the body should be square and round. The cover of the stele is the same, but the small seal script is used as the correct one and no miscellaneous characters are used. The words in the mouth should not be filled in, but it is like a word in a well bucket. If it is left empty, the pen can be lowered, so that it does not feel too big. The circle must be slightly smaller than the words, and the mouth should not be round or square, just It is good to live in the best way of life. Words such as "日目" must be made smaller. Whenever there are one or two pictures in the seal script, such as sun eyes and so on, if the inner picture of the first character is not connected to the two sides, it will be the same in the later ones, with the beginning and end of the character being the same. If it is accepted or not, it is illegal if it is different. Circles and dots are also used, which is not available in Xiaozhuan and is found in ancient Chinese writing. The spoken word cannot be made into a triangle. The ancient writings on Zhongding are mixed and mixed, and there are no traces of them, but they are written in Xiaozhuan, which is naturally the same method. Although this is easy to find, it is difficult to memorize it. If you are not familiar with its method, it will be like a hundred-fold robe, making those who know it laugh. This is the correct use of Yifa. It can be abolished.
  The eight points were made by Cizhong, the king of Shanggu, a man from Qin Dynasty. Wang Minyun: Cizhong used the ancient calligraphy method Fang Guang Shao Bo Shi, and Jian Junior High School used Li Cao as regular script. The characters were eight points square and the words were modeled. Xiao Ziliang said: During the reign of Emperor Ling, Wang Cizhong was appointed as Bafen. Moreover, the eight-pointed people before Emperor Ling were not the same, and Yun Fang Guangshu was not an official script. Since it is an ancient book, how can it be called an official script? If the prescription is found to be wide, then the seal characters are there, and the ancient prescription is changed, but I don’t know what it is. Xuxian Ji says: Wang Cizhong, a native of Shanggu, has few extraordinary ambitions. The crown has not been weak in the year, and the book of Cangjie has changed to eight points today. During the time of the First Emperor, there were a lot of official affairs, so he was very happy to have Ci Zhongwen's concise text for emergency cases. When the envoys sent for three expeditions failed to arrive, the First Emperor was furious and built a chariot to send him off. He turned into a big bird on the road, flipped over and fell into the mountains. A temple is erected on the mountain to pray for floods and droughts. Cai Yong said: Cizhongchu changed to the ancient style, that is, he did not imitate Cheng Miaoli. Half of the ancient shape of the small seal script still exists, the eight points have been reduced by half of the seal script, and the official form has been reduced by another half of the eight points. Originally it is called regular script, Kai means method, style and model. Perhaps there was also Wang Cizhong in the Han Dynasty after Yun Dynasty, who was the prefect of Shanggu. When the Kaili system was first established, most of the styles were the same, so later generations confused them. At that time, people used to write chapters and laws, also called charter books. Therefore Liang Hu said: Zhong Yao is also good at charters. Moreover, the two kings were not good at eight points, but Bo Xiu was the best at it.
  Jue says: It is based on the seal script, and it is like a real calligraphy, but it changes into a falcon's tail and strikes a stone in two waves. Wu Yanyun said: For those with eight points, there is no challenge in the Han Dynasty. Compared with Qin Li, it is easier to read, and compared with Han Li, it is slightly similar to seal script. If you use a seal pen to make Han Li, you can get it. There is no distinction between Bafen and Liduo, so the method is described. He also said: The official calligrapher called it Yibian, but he didn't know that the beauty was not in the plaque. It was flat and hard like a folding knife head, which is the Han official script style. Hong Shiyun said: Fang Jin is ancient and clumsy, decisive and ready. The official law is quite profound, but it has its own outline.
  The official script was created by Cheng Miao, a native of Qin Dynasty. Shi was a jailer and offended the First Emperor. He was in the Yunyang Prison. Tan thought about it for ten years. He changed the large and small seals to a square circle and wrote three thousand characters in the official script. The First Emperor was good at it and made him a censor. Due to the large number of memorials, seal script was difficult to write, so official script was used. It was thought that the official script was written by the official, so it was called the official script, and it was also called the auxiliary script. The eight points of the case are the success of Xiaozhuan, and the success of eight points of official script is also the success. Chen Zunshan was good at calligraphy, and later Zhong Yuanchang and Wang Yishao each created their own masterpieces.
  Xuanhe Shupu says: Someone found the coffin of Hu Gong, the sixth grandson of the Grand Duke of Qi, in Linzi Tomb. The inscriptions on it are the same as today's Li. Case Hu Gong was the first emperor for more than 400 years, so why was there already a legal system? Could it be that the original script and the seal script and the official script coexisted, and they were not developed at the time? If you are Miao, how do you know that you can go up to this body to solve the difficulties of Yunyang?
  The origin of the word goes: It can be divided into Qin and Han Dynasties. Cheng Miao, the official of the Qin Dynasty, had a large number of writings and it was difficult to use seal script. He reduced the seal script to make it easier to use, so it was not a form of writing. If the seal characters of the Han Dynasty are similar, there is no reason to choose the method. That is to say, the inscriptions on the Qin Dynasty were inscribed in seal script. Many people in the world thought that this was a seal script, which was a mistake. Those who were under the Han Dynasty were the same as those on the Cai Yong Stone Scripture and the Han Dynasty steles. This style is the last one to come out, and all have different methods. It has the same name as Qin Li but is actually different.
  Jiang Yao Zhang said: The true book regards fairness as good. This secular theory was lost by the people of the Tang Dynasty. The beauty of authentic calligraphy in ancient and modern times is none other than that of Zhong Yuanchang, followed by Wang Xizhi. The books written by the two schools are all free and unrestrained, why should they be restrained and upright? Liangyou Tang people used calligraphy to select scholars, and scholar-bureaucrats had a habit of imperial examinations. Yan Lugong wrote the Qianlu Book, which is evidence of this. Xiou, Yu, Yan, and Liu look at each other from front to back, so people in the Tang Dynasty wrote in a disciplined way, without the elegant style of the Jin and Wei dynasties.
  (It is said that the changes between Zhenshu and Lishu are based on the situation, arrangement and color. Huaiguan discusses the ten styles but Zhenshu does not match any of them. How can he regard Lishu as Zhenshu? Therefore, the theory of Zhenshu in Yao Zhang is attached. .)
  Those who wrote the chapters were those who wrote the chapters in a hurry during the reign of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty. They disbanded the official style and rough calligraphy, and the Han customs were simplified and lazy, and they were gradually implemented. This is a violation of the rules of officialdom, allowing people to run around freely. Because of the meaning of cursive writing, it is called cursive writing. It is only okay for the ruler to give orders to his subordinates. Liu Mu, King of Beihai in the Later Han Dynasty, was good at writing it. In Jian Junior High School, Du Du was good at grass and was known as Emperor Zhang. His traces were valued highly and he was ordered to write in cursive script. Emperor Wen of Wei also ordered Liu Guangtong to take action. Because of Zhang Zuo, later generations called it Zhang Cao. Only Zhang Boying created it. Zhangcao is the speed of official script, and grass is also the speed of Zhangcao.
  Jue says: Zhang Cao has official characters, and the eight points are as rigorous as the truth. Use one toe and two waves.
  The calligrapher was Liu Desheng of Yingchuan in the later Han Dynasty. That is to say, there are few fakes in real writing, and it should be simple and popular, so it is called running script. In the past, Zhong Yuan often practiced good deeds and wrote books. Then Xi, Xian and built it to the extreme. Bai Fu said: The ancient drafts cannot be grand and elegant, they are different from the true style, they are combined with the poor and false principles, and they are extremely cursory and unintelligent. body. Watching it soar into smoke and fire, you will lose your fortune and lose your spirit. Watching it overturn the sea and pour the river, your Xuanming will lose its control. It is not the merit of learning to deceive your soul. If the spirit is vertical and horizontal, then Xi will thank Xian; if the hairpin and train are ceremonial and musical, Xian will not succeed Xi. Although the methods of each school are different, Zijing is the most outstanding. Therefore, what is obtained is first based on nature, and secondly on function. A good scholar, however, learns from nature and looks for what is different from what is different. He does not take what is similar to the original and what is natural.
  Jue says: Write without stopping, put the paper without leaving it, press lightly and then press again, like water flowing in the clouds, without any interruption, it will last forever in business.
  Jiang Yao Zhangyun: The running script of the Jin and Wei dynasties has its own integrity, which is different from grass. The grass comes from the rules, and the actions come from the truth. Although it is called running script, each has its own style and verticality. Even the sages of the Jin Dynasty are all far from each other. Lanting Ji and Youjun's posts ranked first, followed by Xie An's and Daling's posts. Generally speaking, the most valuable thing is that the pen is old, and it can shine even if there are few mistakes. The valuable thick fibers are out, the blood vessels are connected, the muscles and bones are old and strong, the wind is flowing, and the posture is complete.
  The flying white is the work of Cai Yong, the general of Han Zuo Zhonglang. Wang Yin and Wang Min also said: Fei Bai changed the regular script system to the inscription, and the character "Shi Jin" should be slightly dissatisfied, so it is called Fei Bai. Monk Wang Qianyun said: Feibai is an eighth of lightness. None of them said anything. During the reign of Emperor Xiping of Emperor Ling of the case, Cai Yong completed the work of the Holy Emperor. After waiting for the imperial edict to be sent to Hongdu's sect, he modified it and used a broom to form the characters. He felt very happy and returned to write Fei Bai's book. At the end of Han Dynasty and the beginning of Wei Dynasty, it was inscribed on the palace palace. The body of the calligrapher is at the eighth level, and is inferior to the small seal script. It can be said that it is better than sending out the secrets, and it is also the misty and immortal thing. Then Xi, Xian and built it to the extreme. Wei Hengzu said that Fei Bai created San Li, opened the official script, and slightly exposed its whiteness. It was restrained by Fei Bai, and free and easy in official script, which was between the middle and middle seasons. Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty said that Wang Xian's calligraphy was white but not flying, and Xiao Ziyun's writing was flying but not white, so it was advisable to give the order what it wanted. Later Ziyun wrote it in seal script, which was elegant and in line with the emperor's wishes. Later Ouyang Xiu succeeded.
  Cursive script comes first because it originated from grass. Since Du Du was better than Zhang Cao, Cui Yuan and Cui Shi's father and son succeeded in this skill. Luo Hui and Zhao Xi also practiced this art, and they got along well with Zhang Zhi, so they changed it to become today's Cao and refined it. The style of the characters is formed in one stroke, with occasional discontinuities but continuous blood lines, and even those that are connected, the climate is consistent with the interlaced lines. But the prince respected his profound purpose. Therefore, the characters at the beginning of the line often follow the end of the previous line. It is called a stroke of writing in the world, and the first word comes from Zhang Boying.
  Wei Heng said: There was cursive script in the Han Dynasty, but I don’t know the author’s name. During the reign of Emperor Zhang, Du Du, Prime Minister of the Qi Dynasty, was called Shan Weicao, followed by Cui Yuan and Cui Shi, both of whom were also called Gong. Du's style of writing is very smooth and thin, while Cui's writing style is very good and his style of writing is sparse. Hongnong Zhang Boying was so skillful that he would write down all the clothes and silk fabrics of every family and then practice them. Not even an inch of paper was left behind. General Wei Zhong called him the sage of grass. Boying's younger brother Wenshu was the next Boying. There are also disciples of Jiang Mengying, Liang Kongda, Tian Yanhe and General Wei Zhong, all of whom are disciples of Boying and are famous in the world, but not as famous as Wen Shu.
  Jiang Yao Zhang said: The body of the Cao Sage is like a person sitting, lying down, walking and standing, bowing his head and fighting angrily, riding a boat and leaping on a horse, singing and dancing, all abnormality, and nothing serious. In addition, the style of a word has many changes, and there are origins and responses. Those who rise like this should respond like this, and each has its own meaning. When Wang Youjun wrote Xi's calligraphy, most of the characters were "deep" and "wei". There were no similarities in the crosses, but they were not different. It can be said that what you want does not exceed the rules. Anyone who learns cursive calligraphy should first use Zhang Zhi, Huang Xiang, Suo Jing and other Zhang cursive calligraphy, and make the structure straight and original in writing, and then imitate Wang Youjun, applying it for changes and encouraging it for surprise. If you widely study various schools of thought, your calligraphy will be clumsy and you will make many mistakes in your writing. You will break things when they are connected, and they will continue when they are broken. You don’t know which way to go, you don’t know the beginning and end, and you don’t understand the transition. Wrong, but novel. This has been the case since the Great Order, and it is even more so in this world. However, the rhyme is not high, and although there are many memories, don't wash away the secular world. If you make the wind god Xiao disperse, you will be able to surpass others. Since before the Tang Dynasty, most of them were single grasses with no more than two characters. In later generations, they were connected with several crosses and continued, and they were called Yousi. Although this comes from the ancients, it is not enough to be a law, and it has become a serious disease. The ancients acted like a fool, but now people act like a fool, so why settle down? The connecting parts are especially the leading lines. If you try to examine the calligraphy, you will find that the stipples are all heavy, and the non-stippling places are occasionally leading lines. The brush strokes are all light. Although there are many changes, they do not mess with the rules. Zhang Dian and Huai Su went wild and relaxed without losing this method. In modern times, the old people in the valley claim to have attained Changsha Samadhi, and the method of cursive writing has naturally changed again. To this day, it cannot be viewed again.
  Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said: The movement is like a spring earthworm lingering, and every word is like an autumn snake. Evil has no bones. Generally speaking, the writing strokes are slow and urgent, with or without sharp edges. Some of them carry over the upper text, and some lead the lower characters. Sometimes they are slow and fast, and sometimes they are closed back and forth. Slowness is used to imitate the ancients, hurry is used to create surprises, if there is a sharp edge, it shines with its spirit, if there is no sharp edge, it contains its scent, horizontal, oblique, curved and straight, hooks and loops are coiled, all based on momentum. However, if you don't want to be together, it will be close to vulgarity. Don't make horizontal strokes too long, otherwise the transition will be delayed. Do not want to be too heavy when painting straight, as too heavy will lead to delusion. Use Na instead of Y, use Fa instead of Zhi (i.e. Zhi), Zhi is also replaced by Na, but Y is used occasionally. When the intention is exhausted, use the hanging needle. When the intention is exhausted, you must regenerate the brushwork. It is better to use the hanging needle to expose the ear.
  Avoid clear horizontal and vertical lines in cursive writing. If there are too many horizontal and straight lines, it will be like piles of reeds with accumulated fuel, without a loose and scattered atmosphere. It’s better to come out every now and then.
  Cai Xizong said: When starting to write, you must hide your front and turn your wrist, slow in front and quick in back. The shape of the font is like an insect connected with a snake, and the intention is not to be broken. Simplicity must still be the best, not expensive and complicated. To the extent that the edge rises and falls, and is established according to the situation, the general meaning is that the circle rule is the most wonderful. If it is made by mistake, it cannot be repeated, for fear of losing its power, like a stone falling from a high peak, falling from the sky. The meaning of the pen is like shooting an arrow, and the arrow will not be delayed.

Volume 3 Brushwork

  The book is a trace of the heart, so it has everything in it and forms everything outside. It is obtained from the heart and corresponds to the hand. However, to achieve the wonders of luck, one must have spiritual enlightenment, and the key to mastering it is a top priority.
  Mrs. Wei said: To learn to write, you must first learn to write. For real books, one inch and two points should be removed from the writing end, while for cursive writing, three inches and one point should be removed from the writing end. The ink drops, the waves bend, all must be sent with all one's strength.
  There are seven types of writing: there are those who are impatient but write slowly; there are those who are slow but are anxious when writing; if the pen is close but cannot be tightened, the mind and hand are not aligned, and the former will fail when writing behind; if the pen is far away but urgent, the latter will win if the pen is written ahead. .
  Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said: If the wrist is straight, the front is straight, and if the front is straight, the front is full on all sides. The second actual pointer, the actual pointer means the force is even. The next time the palm is empty, it will be easier to use if the palm is empty.
  Yu Shinan said: The length of the pen is no more than six inches. One is true, the other two is linear, and the third is rough. The fingers are real and the palm is weak.
  Han Fang Mingyun: If you use two fingers to hold it, you should also hold it with five fingers. It is necessary to use the real finger and the empty palm, hook and criticize to send, which is also called reaching and sending. If you wrap it with a single finger, you will have insufficient strength and no spirit. The pinching method is to pinch the end of the tube with five fingers, and it can be written in cursive.
  Zhang Jingxuanyun: The beauty of regular script lies in the palm of your hand. The wrist movement should not be too tight, otherwise the wrist will not turn and the thickness of the font will be uneven up and down. It cannot be cantilevered, and its strength is limited. His strokes must hang from his wrist, and his strokes are infinite.
  Lu Jinshi's method of using the pen is to extend the big finger, pinch the middle finger, and close the second finger to touch the ring finger, making the palm of the hand as empty as holding a bullet. This is the summary. The pen is placed outside the big knuckle so that it can rotate freely. The ring finger touches the middle finger and the little finger touches the ring finger. This is the key point.
  Zhang Huaiguan said: If you hold the pen shallowly and firmly, and press the paper three inches at a time, you will have more power; if you hold the pen deeply and tightly, and you will touch the paper three inches at a time, your power will be exhausted. What's the reason? If the pen is at the fingertips, the palm will be empty, and the movement will be comfortable, jumping and tumbling, and business will be absent. If the pen is halfway up, the palm will be solid. If the pivot does not turn, how can it be free? It turns and turns to form edges and corners. Since the pen is dead, why would you rather make the characters vivid?
  Li Huayun: I have a two-character formula, which is the most divine way, and it is called interception and pulling. Use empty palms but real fingers, slow down the bleeding but rush forward.
  Huang Luzhi said: It is necessary to double hook back the wrist and touch the pen with the ring finger, which will make it powerful.
  Jiang Yao Zhang said: Be light on your writing, be firm on your grip, be real on your fingers, and empty on your palms. The real book is small and secret, it should be held close to the head. The running script should be wide and vertical, and the grip should be slightly farther. The cursive script is flowing and elegant, but the persistence should be further away. The stippling from a distance is long and easy to distribute evenly.
  Wei Rongzong said: If the pen is scratched, the paper will be broken, and the sharp edge will form a solid body. Basically, if you want to hold on tightly and if you want to move vigorously, you can't use your fingers to move the pen, but use your wrist to move the pen. If it is held in the hand, the hand does not control the movement; if the movement is carried in the wrist, the wrist does not know how to hold it. Therefore , the Sun family has a method of changing the use of envoys. Hold on to say shallow, deep, long and short, use it to say vertical and horizontal restraints, turn to say hooks and loops to twist, use dots to draw to the back.
  good luck
  Li Siyun: Use the pen to return quickly first, then to move down quickly, like an eagle watching a peng pass by. Believe it to be natural and cannot change it again. When you send your feet, you are like a fish swimming in water, and when you dance, your pen is like the clouds in the scenery.
  Xiao Heyun: Fu's calligraphy technique is like standing in a battle formation, flexible and in front of the wrist, civil and military skills are left in the pen, there must be leaning when going in and out, and opening and closing are borrowed from Yin and Yang. Whenever you want to write words, you can compare it to the following camp. Only after you think carefully and carefully can you use the pen. The author's heart is the author's hand, the ink is the hand, and the calligraphy is the intention. This is how it is achieved.
  Cai Yong went to Songshan to study calligraphy, and found plain calligraphy in a stone chamber with octagonal awnings, which resembled seal script. He wrote Shi Zhou, Li Si, etc. using the same style of writing. When Yong got it, he didn't 't eat for three days, but shouted for joy, as if he were speaking to a thousand people. Yong Sui studied for three years, mastered its principles wonderfully, and used unique writing skills. Then he wrote an essay and said: The writer is loose. If you want to write, you should first loose your arms. If you want to write freely, you can write freely. If you are forced to do something, even if you are as good as a rabbit in the mountain, you will not be able to do well. Hushu first sits in silence and meditates, doing as he pleases, no words are spoken, no breath is taken, and the expression is dense, just like treating the Supreme Being, then there is nothing wrong with it. For the body of a book, one must enter its shape, whether sitting or walking, flying or moving, coming or going, lying down or getting up, worried or sad, like insects eating wood leaves, like a sharp sword and long sword, like a strong bow and a hard bow. The arrows are like water and fire, like clouds and mist, like the sun and the moon, and there are images vertically and horizontally, which can be called writing.
  When Zhong Yao saw Cai Bo's calligraphy skills at Wei Dan's, he beat his chest until all his blood was gone. Because he vomited blood, Wei Taizu used Wuling Dan to survive. When he was born and died, Yao had his tomb stolen and obtained . Therefore, we know that those who are strong and have strong muscles are holy, and those who are weak and have no muscles are sick. It is better to use them one by one according to their information. Yao said: The handwriting is the world; the beauty is the human being, which is beyond ordinary knowledge. See all kinds of things like it, the dots are like fallen mountains, the picking is like rain lines, as thin as a thread, and as light as clouds and mist . Those who go are like a singing phoenix wandering in the clouds, and those who come are like a wandering girl entering the flower forest. They are bright and clear, reflecting in the distance. That's it.
  Mrs. Wei said: There are six kinds of brushes: the structure is round and ready like seal script, flying and falling like grass, dangerous and scary like eight points, graceful and graceful like flying white, upright and straight like crane head, and vertical and horizontal like ancient official script. However, there are grievances in the heart, and each word has its own shape.
  Wang Youjun said: It is better to review left and right when writing, so as not to expose the program alone. Zangfeng stipples, traces of entry and exit, if you want to move left first, go right first, and the same will happen when you return to the left. The Zangfeng hanging pen belongs to the paper, so that the center of the pen can always move in the dot painting. Protect the tail and point the momentum, and try your best to close it. The disease lies in the pecking, and also in the vertical pen and the tight waist. The brush strokes lie in the sharp edge, which is used in sharp strokes. The astringent force lies in the tight strokes, which are used in battle.
  Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty said: If the pen is held at an angle, there will be no angle, and if the pen is held wide, the writing will be slow and weak. A short button will make it bloated, a long button will make it bloated.